#!/bin/bash ### Deploy script for a game server running multiple open-source game servers ### This script is intended for Debian 11, but may work on other apt-based ### systems too set -e export stk_version="1.3" export bzflag_version="2.4" export mindustry_version="135" export openhv_version="20220102" export teeworlds_version="0.7.5" export unvanquished_version="0.52.1" export xonotic_version="0.8.2" export systemuser="onfoss" # Install what we need apt update -y && apt full-upgrade -y apt install --assume-yes \ git tmux unzip curl vim openjdk-11-jdk xz-utils python3-venv python3-pip \ python3-dev apt virtualenv python3-virtualenv libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev \ fuse hedgewars g++ gcc curl firewalld automake autoconf libtool \ libcurl3-dev libc-ares-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses-dev make python3-aiohttp \ nginx-core certbot python3-certbot-nginx sudo # Create the user for running the game servers if ! getent passwd ${systemuser}; then useradd ${systemuser} --system --create-home --shell=/bin/false fi export systemuserhome="$( getent passwd "${systemuser}" | cut -d: -f6 )" # Install the web interface for servers that require interactive shells if [ -d console2web ]; then cd console2web git pull cd - else git clone https://github.com/DeathByDenim/console2web.git fi cp console2web/console2web.py /usr/bin/console2web # Deploy the game servers "$(dirname "$0")"/scripts/deploy_supertuxkart.sh "$(dirname "$0")"/scripts/deploy_bzflag.sh "$(dirname "$0")"/scripts/deploy_hedgewars.sh "$(dirname "$0")"/scripts/deploy_mindustry.sh "$(dirname "$0")"/scripts/deploy_openhv.sh "$(dirname "$0")"/scripts/deploy_openspades.sh "$(dirname "$0")"/scripts/deploy_teeworlds.sh "$(dirname "$0")"/scripts/deploy_unvanguished.sh "$(dirname "$0")"/scripts/deploy_xonotic.sh # Web dashboard systemctl enable --now nginx firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=http --permanent firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=https --permanent firewall-cmd --reload certbot -n --nginx -d ${LINODE_ID} -d www.${LINODE_ID} --agree-tos -m jarno@jarno.ca cp -r "$(dirname "$0")"/website/* /var/www/html