{% extends "todo/todo_base.html" %} {% block title %} Topics to be Added {% endblock %} {% block content %}
Sort by date Sort by name Sort by views
{% if current_user.rank.atLeast(current_user.rank.APPROVER) %} {% if n >= 10000 %} Paginated list {% else %} Unlimited list {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if not show_discarded %} Show {% else %} Hide {% endif %} discarded topics

Topics to be Added

{% if topic_count > 0 %}

{{ total - topic_count }} / {{ total }} topics have been added as packages to CDB. {{ topic_count }} remaining.

{% set perc = 100 * (total - topic_count) / total %}
{% else %}

The forum topic crawler needs to run at least once for this section to work.

{% endif %}
{% from "macros/topics.html" import render_topics_table %} {{ render_topics_table(topics, show_discard=True, current_user=current_user) }} {% endblock %} {% block scriptextra %} {% endblock %}