Update chat-with-us organization, remove scattered bridging info, add libera webclient, fix fgd webclient url and update matrix urls

This commit is contained in:
Skyflare 2023-10-14 02:33:01 +04:00
parent 48a871058f
commit 9ec792e8fe
1 changed files with 37 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -6,93 +6,98 @@ title = "Chat with us!"
[About us](@/_index.md). (<abbr title="Work in Progress">WiP</abbr>)
# Chat with us!
You can access LibreGaming chatrooms/server(s) from any of Matrix, XMPP, Libera.chat or FreeGameDev irc
We try our best to let people use their favorite chat client to join us.
Currently, we use native [Matrix] rooms which are also accessible via [Jabber/XMPP] and [IRC].
For pre-existing projects, their official chatrooms are bridged where possible, even if they're on the non-libre [Discord] platform.
New projects should take advantage of [FreeGameDev]'s cross-platform integration.
Fun fact: All rooms are bridged via [FreeGameDev IRC] using its [Matrix Gateway], [XMPP Gateway] and IRC bridge [(matterbridge)] for libera-chat.<br>
Official Libreagaming rooms won't be connected to discord for [numerous reasons].
[Matrix]: https://matrix.org/
[Jabber/XMPP]: https://joinjabber.org/
[IRC]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat
[Discord]: https://drewdevault.com/2021/12/28/Dont-use-Discord-for-FOSS.html
[FreeGameDev]: https://freegamedev.net/d/153-what-can-the-freegamedev-chat-do-for-me
## Official chatrooms
[Matrix Gateway]:https://wiki.f-hub.org/books/chat-network/page/gateways-for-xmpp-and-matrix#bkmrk-how-to-connect-from--1
[XMPP Gateway]: https://wiki.f-hub.org/books/chat-network/page/gateways-for-xmpp-and-matrix#bkmrk-how-to-connect-from-
[(matterbridge)]: https://wiki.f-hub.org/books/chat-network/page/bridges-to-other-chat-systems#bkmrk-matterbridge-bot-bri
[FreeGameDev IRC]: https://irc.freegamedev.net/
[numerous reasons]: https://drewdevault.com/2021/12/28/Dont-use-Discord-for-FOSS.html
[FreeGameDev]: https://freegamedev.net/
Official chatrooms summary:
- *general*: chat about libre games, their development and philosophy
- *matchmaking*: matchmaking service/bot to find people to play with
- *offtopic*: for discussions with Libre Gaming folks about everything except libregaming
- *organization*: meta channel for discussing the LibreGaming.org project itself
To join one such room called `ROOM`, configure your client according to the instructions below.
*Check the bottom of the page for more related communities such as [FreeGameDev] for FLOSS game development.*
### Matrix
- [Create an account here](https://tchncs.de/matrix) or on any other Matrix server (if you want, you can [Install an App](https://matrix.org/ecosystem/clients/) to use instead of the website)
- Join the [Libre Gaming Community](https://matrix.to/#/#libregaming-community:freedombox.emorrp1.name)
- You can also check [Libre Gaming Space](/space.html) for other related Matrix spaces and rooms
<details><summary> if you don't want to use Matrix Spaces you can join each room individually </summary>
## Matrix:
- [Create an account here](https://tchncs.de/matrix) or on any other Matrix server (if you want, [Install an App](https://matrix.org/ecosystem/clients/) to use instead of the website).
- Join the [Libre Gaming Community](https://matrix.to/#/#libregaming-community:tchncs.de) or join these rooms individually if you want to avoid Matrix Spaces:
- [General](https://matrix.to/#/#libregaming-general:tchncs.de) (`#libregaming-general:tchncs.de`)
- [Matchmaking](https://matrix.to/#/#libregaming-matchmaking:tchncs.de) (`#libregaming-matchmaking:tchncs.de`)
- [Offtopic](https://matrix.to/#/#libregaming-offtopic:tchncs.de) (`#libregaming-offtopic:tchncs.de`)
- [Organization](https://matrix.to/#/#libregaming-organization:tchncs.de) (`#libregaming-organization:tchncs.de`)
- *You can also check the [Libre Gaming Space](/space.html) for other related Matrix spaces and rooms*
### Jabber/XMPP:
## Jabber/XMPP:
- [Get started with XMPP](https://joinjabber.org/docs/)
- XMPP rooms are bridged with the rest [f-hub.org XMPP gateway](https://wiki.f-hub.org/books/chat-network/page/gateways-for-xmpp-and-matrix)
- Rooms:
- [General](https://xmpp.f-hub.org/#%23libregaming@irc.f-hub.org?join) (`#libregaming@irc.f-hub.org`)
- [Matchmaking](https://xmpp.f-hub.org/#%23matchmaking@irc.f-hub.org?join) (`#matchmaking@irc.f-hub.org`)
- [Offtopic](https://xmpp.f-hub.org/#%23offtopic@irc.f-hub.org?join) (`#offtopic@irc.f-hub.org`)
- [Organization](https://xmpp.f-hub.org/#%23libregaming-org@irc.f-hub.org?join) (`#libregaming-org@irc.f-hub.org`)
### libera.chat IRC
## libera.chat IRC:
Note: various features are not supported by the IRC protocol: for a better experience, consider using a Matrix or Jabber/XMPP instead
- [Create an account](https://libera.chat/guides/registration), or connect as a guest user, then [Choose a client](https://libera.chat/guides/clients)
- [Open Libera.chats's webclient](https://web.libera.chat/?channel=#libregamenight) or [Download another client](https://libera.chat/guides/clients) *and optionally [Register an account](https://libera.chat/guides/registration) after joining*.
- Join the channels:
- [General](ircs://irc.libera.chat/#libregamenight) (`#libregamenight`)
- [Matchmaking](ircs://irc.libera.chat/#libregaming-matchmaking) (`#libregaming-matchmaking`)
- [Offtopic](ircs://irc.libera.chat/#libregaming-offtopic) (`#libregaming-offtopic`)
- [Organization](ircs://irc.libera.chat/#libregaming-organization) (`#libregaming-organization`)
- Bridged using matterbridge
### FreeGameDev (FGD) IRC
Note: Although FGD supports more features than libera.chat, various features are still not supported: for a better experience, consider using a Matrix or Jabber/XMPP instead
FGD is currently the center of all the bridges mentioned here
- [Use FGD's webclient](irc.f-hub.org) or your favorite IRC client and configure it to (address: irc.freegamedev.net, port: 6697 (TLS only))
## FreeGameDev (FGD) IRC:
Note: Although FGD supports more features than libera.chat, various features are still not supported: for a better experience, consider using a Matrix or Jabber/XMPP instead.
- [Open FGD's webclient](https://irc.freegamedev.net/kiwiirc/#libregaming) or use your favorite IRC client and configure it to (address: irc.freegamedev.net, port: 6697 (TLS only))
- Join the channels:
- [General](ircs://irc.freegamedev.net/#libregaming) (`#libregaming`)
- [Matchmaking](ircs://irc.freegamedev.net/#matchmaking) (`#matchmaking`)
- [Offtopic](ircs://irc.freegamedev.net/#offtopic) (`#offtopic`)
- [Organization](ircs://irc.freegamedev.net/#libregaming-org) (`#libregaming-org`)
Bridged to Matrix using [appservice-irc](https://matrix-org.github.io/matrix-appservice-irc/latest/usage.html)
<details><summary>Matrix rooms have their state configured with the following custom event (you don't need to do it yourself)</summary>
Event Type: `org.matrix.appservice-irc.config`; State Key: ``;
Content: `{ "lineLimit": 9, "allowUnconnectedMatrixUsers": true }`
## Other communities and chatrooms