# Libre Gaming meeting minutes #2 ## Attending artchad, Cesar, DeathByDenim, emorrp1, Felix, Livio, poVoq, SeanCJ, sm2n, ThinkSome, vvbudh, franzo, OptimusDU, spongy, Rampoina, freem, infrared ## Agenda * about libre games and libregaming.org * organisation formation * assets, CC, engine, NC, opengameart.org * round of introductions * General review of last 6 months, what is/isn’t working for libregaming.org? * subdomains (manual dynamic dns) * website - have content, server, need CMS / SSG * spongy working on "design language" documentation * sm2n interested in doing the SSG * co-ordination channel? - #libregaming-workshop * port forwarding/relay solution? * TCP solved - send emorrp1 your ssh-ed25519 key * UDP difficult, yggdrasil, miredo, [ipv6 vlan], [spring relayhost] * Not aware of any UDP solution that only needs the host to manage the setup * Chat channels: privacy, moderation, working groups, on-topic * Organisational space? * Bridging #chamber to IRC? Or another channel for high volume website chat? * Official Mumble server with [mumble-web] interface (and maybe [Discord voice bridge])? * idea to have game-specific contacts to cross communities * Service (de)centralisation * FreeGamedev.net can host stuff, but the bus factor is currently more or less 1 * provide a place and encouragement for devs to interact (freegamedev.net?) * A more open social media forum (Lemmy?) could be good for devs to create communities easily? * general goals and level of ambition, as well as how “growth” oriented/cohesive * Keep it small intentionally? * Community building! Promoting niche games? * Organized "mobs" to promote libregaming (with devs?), similar to Gaming on Linux? * Long term goal: some sort of Steam like launcher & integrated game ratings + community? * collaborative focus day with a shared todo list * Writing on tutorials? Outreach to specific communties to "commission" contributions? * hackathon kind of thing? What kind of topics? * cross-cutting concerns: matchmaking, netdev, community management, servers, ratings [ipv6 vlan]: https://leagueh.xyz/en/cafe-babe.html [spring relayhost]: https://github.com/spring/relayhost [mumble-web]: https://github.com/Johni0702/mumble-web [Discord voice bridge]: https://github.com/Stieneee/mumble-discord-bridge ## Any Other Business * play 0ad, themanaworld, mindustry * try to organize the next meeting before end of March. Maybe make this a monthly or at least quarterly thing? * we did *not* discuss moderation in the end ## Actions * emorrp1 to fix dangling rooms and bridge discussion for website * hribhrib to grant some git access * poVoq to arrange next meeting unless someone else does it first * sm2n to work on website