+++ title = "Libre Gaming Community" +++ # LibreGaming community - Introduction We are a community dedicated to playing and developing libre games, that is videogames and board games with free/libre software and algorithms, and free/libre artistic assets (models, musics). We believe [software] and [culture] should be free as part of a global struggle for freedom and equality online and offline. We aim to become a meta-community that can bring closer smaller communities. We don't want to become a big central organization, but rather a network of organic initiatives scattered throughout cyberspace. For example, we'd like to bring players alongside game developers and designers, as well as contributors to libre games launchers like [Athenaeum] and [GameHub]. We believe this approach can enrich and empower the entire libre gaming ecosystem. We are just getting started. Feel free to contribute new ideas and feedback by [contacting us]. Check out [the preliminary notes] to our first meeting, as well as the [first] and [second] meeting's minutes. [software]: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/shouldbefree.html [culture]: https://artlibre.org/faq_eng/ [Athenaeum]: https://gitlab.com/librebob/athenaeum [GameHub]: https://github.com/tkashkin/GameHub [contacting us]: @/chat-with-us.md [the preliminary notes]: https://hribhrib.at:5443/upload/5035aee454f8553c88bd1f7623218485341099ed/dZSQFC3lP1lMmTQFyfLKQFBBDIC4tOrQ41Js4nzn/firstthoughts.txt [first]: @/2021-08-07.md [second]: @/2022-01-30.md # Communication - **Domain name:** following a [public poll], we went with `libregaming.org`, see also [previous name poll] - **Privacy:** While we defend privacy online, our chatrooms are public spaces and may be logged accordingly - **Moderation:** We defend free speech, which means we believe no government can tell you how to think/feel, but [doesn't mean you can engage in abusive behavior]; nazis, harassers, and other abusers are not welcome in our community - **Color scheme:** We use **Orange** (#FF8F23) and **Blue** (#4FBAD5) If you would like to take part in the community, please see [contacting us]. [public poll]: https://webapp.oulu.fi/framadate/adminstuds.php?poll=Vmv6hF1oJ9ain1SIusvq7qk8 [previous name poll]: https://poll.disroot.org/LZwvudXCHyBvDY2d [doesn't mean you can engage in abusive behavior]: https://xkcd.com/1357/ # Community In this section, you will find more information about what we are and what we aren't as a collective. The following information may evolve over time. **We are:** - a loose collective rather than a formal organization - feel free to invite new people and share permissions with people you know - don’t ask permission to improve things, just go ahead and see where it goes, then let it be known so that others can review what you did - supportive of [accessibility]: everyone should be able to play games, no matter their physical or hardware/network capabilities - encouraging existing libre games communities to join us and help improve the overall ecosystem **We are not:** - morally-superior purists: we want to develop a libre ecosystem, but will not judge or insult people who take part in other ecosystems - a community where nazis and harassers are welcome - a space to discuss non-free games and ecosystem, see Gaming Space or Linux Gaming (**TODO:** links) instead [accessibility]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accessibility # Contact moved to [contacting us] # Services For now, we do not provide any services as LibreGaming collectives. Below you will find a list of services we would be interested to maintain. ## Internal use - A URL shortener - an audio/video conferencing server? (video requires a lot of resources) ## Public use - A website with information about libre games (maybe cooperate with [LibreGameWiki]), and links to various related communities, as well as tutorials to selfhost your own libre game servers - A matchmaking service/bot to find people to play with - A chat bridging service (eg. [matterbridge]) for existing communities, to open oneself to new protocols/ecosystems - Tooling/scripts to make it easier to selfhost libre game servers - Subdomains on libregaming.org for new projects to get started; only for libregaming projects, because we don't want external projects to technically depend on libregaming.org? [LibreGameWiki]: https://libregamewiki.org/Main_Page [matterbridge]: https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge # Resources - [Our logos] (SVG) - [Our first attempt at a website] (ZIP), based on [play-libre-games.md] - [LibreGaming space screenshot on matrix] (PNG) [Our logos]: https://freedombox.emorrp1.name/_matrix/media/r0/download/freedombox.emorrp1.name/IwuxGwOfjbdjcaSLFgjqXGqa [Our first attempt at a website]: https://matrix-client.matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/hmdmKGDlmwrCKuWnJLxGPRgJ [play-libre-games.md]: @/play-libre-games.md [LibreGaming space screenshot on matrix]: https://freedombox.emorrp1.name/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/TqNyUvWqIgJqxIfCzaYbQGyq # External resources - Organizing a meeting - [planning a timezone-aware event] (alternative to framadate, **TODO:** can we selfhost it?) - [sharing a specific time across timezones] (**TODO:** can we selfhost it?) - taking notes together: [Hedgedoc] (roflcopter.fr), [Etherpad] (lqdn.fr), [Cryptpad] (cryptpad.fr) - audio conferencing: [Mumble] server on hribhrib.at (**TODO:** can we setup [mumble-web] client and [mumble-web-proxy] WebRTC server?) - Other related collectives - [FreeGameDev.net] has a modern IRC server (with a public Jabber/XMPP gateway and a matchmaking bot) and a forum for libre gamedev - [LibreGameWiki] a wiki with detailed information about libre games [planning a timezone-aware event]: https://www.when2meet.com/ [sharing a specific time across timezones]: https://time.is/compare [Hedgedoc]: https://md.roflcopter.fr/ [Etherpad]: https://pad.lqdn.fr/ [Cryptpad]: https://cryptpad.fr/ [Mumble]: https://mumble.org/ [mumble-web]: https://github.com/Johni0702/mumble-web [mumble-web-proxy]: https://github.com/johni0702/mumble-web-proxy [FreeGameDev.net]: https://freegamedev.net **TODO:** below are leftovers from the previous pad, what are they for? do they work? - https://remixicon.com/ finding Apache-2.0 svg avatars (94% scale for rooms) - https://storm.debian.net/ Sandstorm ad-hoc hosting ----- # Below hasn't been updated yet **TODO:** maybe move to the meeting minutes this last part? * Bridging: XMPP, irc (limited rooms?), discord? * pro-actively bridge to IRC but be clear that it's a degraded user experience and try to limit the sheer number of rooms to match user expectations * The bifrost matrix bridge to XMPP is not great, perhaps can host a public XMPP gateway to matrix instead? * matrix-bifrost is the only xmpp-matrix bridge in both ways * it's also not good on xmpp->matrix side, at least when using the official matrix.org gateway * [Discussion (long) about Discord] * object to Discord on principle of non-libre, centralised, compromising ideals, so shouldn't pro-actively bridge channels from here to there * aware that some libre games have their official communities on Discord, and sadly they may not see anything wrong with that, e.g. strong network effects * popularity isn't everything, it's ok to be a small cohesive community, but advertising libre stuff on non-libre platforms is ok for outreach * not everyone agrees with the statements above :p [Discussion (long) about Discord]: https://matrix.to/#/!qLhNfILESSCaasbRWB:freedombox.emorrp1.name/$pES_yrnhm4kjonxfnrPmqV2dv3CmAyWBH2eadKgZ4wM?via=freedombox.emorrp1.name&via=matrix.org&via=nordgedanken.dev