# Chat with us! Discussion is still ongoing about chat systems for the long term, but right now the channels are available on Matrix, XMPP and IRC: Roomnames: organization, matchmaking, offtopic, chamber, website, translations, sysadmin Topic: LibreGaming community - general/organizational discussions. Join #libregaming-ROOM for specific working groups: website, translations, sysadmin --- Pad about organizing our community: https://ttm.sh/2xQ ## Matrix \#libregaming-roomname:freedombox.emorrp1.name * Create account at https://tchncs.de/matrix * Space https://matrix.to/#/#libregaming-space:matrix.org * Subspaces: Communities, Games, Engines, Tools, Historical (lower case as "roomnames") * Need to know the hidden room_id for read-only access (and history: Anyone) e.g. https://view.matrix.org/room/!uagwTOyQbbWrZgwyPO:freedombox.emorrp1.name/ ## XMPP xmpp:#libregaming-roomname#freedombox.emorrp1.name@matrix.org?join * Create account at https://tchncs.de/xmpp * https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-bifrost/wiki/Address-syntax ## IRC ircs://irc.libera.chat/#libregaming-roomname https://web.libera.chat/#libregaming-roomname * No account required, guest access supported * Various features unsupported by libera, so you may be missing nuance of conversation * https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-appservice-irc * `org.matrix.appservice-irc.config { "lineLimit": 9, "allowUnconnectedMatrixUsers": true }`