#!/bin/env python3 import asyncio from irctokens import build, Line from ircrobots import Bot as BaseBot from ircrobots import Server as BaseServer from ircrobots import ConnectionParams SERVERS = (dict([("freenode", "irc.freenode.net"), ("tildeverse", "irc.tilde.chat")])) # match_players = set() match_players = {"freenode": set(), "tildeverse": set()} botnick = "matchmaking-bot" def update_file(name): file = open(f"playerlist-{name}.txt", "w") file.seek(0) file.truncate() for player in match_players[name]: file.write(player + '\n') def read_file(): for name in SERVERS: file = open(f"playerlist-{name}.txt", "r") for player in file: match_players[name].add(player[:-1]) #Remove newline file.close() class Server(BaseServer): async def line_read(self, line: Line): print(f"{self.name} < {line.format()}") if "PRIVMSG" in line.command and self.params.autojoin[0] in line.params[0]: chan = self.channels[line.params[0]].name if line.params[1].startswith(".matchmake"): channel = self.channels[line.params[0]] ping = "" for player in match_players[self.name]: pfold = self.casefold(player) if pfold in channel.users: ping += f"{channel.users[pfold].nickname} " await self.send(build("PRIVMSG", [chan, f"Pinging users: {ping}"])) elif line.params[1].startswith(".matchadd"): user = line.source.split('!')[0] if user in match_players[self.name]: await self.send(build("PRIVMSG", [chan, "ERROR: player already in list."])) else: match_players[self.name].add(user) update_file(self.name) await self.send(build("PRIVMSG", [chan, "Added to the match list."])) elif line.params[1].startswith(".matchdel"): user = line.source.split('!')[0] if user not in match_players[self.name]: await self.send(build("PRIVMSG", [chan, "ERROR: player isn't in list."])) else: match_players[self.name].remove(user) update_file(self.name) await self.send(build("PRIVMSG", [chan, "Removed from match list."])) elif line.params[1].startswith(".help"): await self.send(build("PRIVMSG", [chan, "Matchmaking bot commands:"])) await self.send(build("PRIVMSG", [chan, " .matchadd: Add yourself to the match list"])) await self.send(build("PRIVMSG", [chan, " .matchdel: Remove yourself from the match list"])) await self.send(build("PRIVMSG", [chan, " .matchmake: Ping everyone on match list"])) await self.send(build("PRIVMSG", [chan, " .help: Display this message"])) async def line_send(self, line: Line): print(f"{self.name} > {line.format()}") class Bot(BaseBot): def create_server(self, name: str): return Server(self, name) async def main(): read_file() bot = Bot() for name, host in SERVERS.items(): params = ConnectionParams(botnick, host, 6697, True) if name == "freenode": params.autojoin = ["#among-sus"] elif name == "tildeverse": params.autojoin = ["#sus"] await bot.add_server(name, params) await bot.run() if __name__ == "__main__": asyncio.run(main())