Shattered Paradise

Real-time strategy game where you mine resources and build units to attack and defend.

Screenshot of Shattered Paradise

Getting the game

You will have to expand "Assets" to see the download links.


  • The menu on the right lets you build buildings and units. The first things you need to build are a Power Plant (gives you power), a Infantry building (builds units) and Storage (harvests resources).
  • When you build your Storage, there will be a Miner that comes with it. Use this to harvest resources. Resources will look like a forest. You can build more harvester from the vehicle building.


To set your in-game name, click on "Settings". You'll be able to set your name under "Player Name".

From the main menu, click on "Multiplayer" and then click on "Direct IP". Fill in and set the port at 12340. The standard port is 1234, but is already taken. Then click on "Join"

The join screen in Shattered Paradise

You will be placed in the lobby with the other players

Live stats