% ARC(6) % Rampoina % March 2023 # NAME arc - Arc, a puzzle game about directing laser beams with mirrors # SYNOPSIS **arc** [*OPTION*]... # DESCRIPTION Arc is a block moving puzzle game. The goal is to power every machine in the level by moving mirrors and diverting laser beams into them. # CONTROLS The player can be controlled with Vim style movement keys or WASD keys Default keys: * a/h: left * s/j: down * w/k: up * d/l: right * u: undo * r: restart * q: quit # OPTIONS `-h,--help` : Displays a help message `-l,--levels` *FILE* : Load levels from *FILE*. (default: a file called "levels"). `-c,--chars` *string* : Characters to display for each game object, needs to have length 15. (default: \" λ$⊕⭍#/\-|+<>^v\"). `-f,--fchars` *string* : Characters to represent each game object in the levels file, needs to have length 15. (default: \" @$o⭍#/\-|+<>^v\"). `-s,--start` *N* : Start directly at level number *N*. (default: 1). # EXAMPLES *arc.bqn --chars \' @$o⭍#/-|+<>^v\' --levels levels -s 4* : Run the game, changing the characters to draw, specifying the levels file and starting directly at level 4. # THANKS Thanks, in no particular order, to ... `f-a` : For contributing a level to my game and being a kind person. `dzaima` : Helping with BQN and implementing CBQN. `Marshall Lochbaum` : Creating BQN. # BUGS Please report any bugs at the bugtracker: https://git.libregaming.org/Rampoina/Arc/issues