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2010-04-25 05:01:17 +02:00
* MojoSetup; a portable, flexible installation application.
* Please see the file LICENSE.txt in the source's root directory.
* This file written by Ryan C. Gordon.
// Include this file from provides basic type sanity, etc.
// Include the Holy Trinity...
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// and some others...
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h> // !!! FIXME: maybe use this in platform layer?
// Windows system headers conflict with MojoSetup typedefs, so chop out
// all the massive and unnecessary dependencies that windows.h pulls in...
#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1
#if _MSC_VER
#include <malloc.h> // need this to get alloca() in MSVC.
// !!! FIXME: temporary solution.
#define snprintf _snprintf
#define strcasecmp(x,y) _stricmp(x,y)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// !!! FIXME: bad.
typedef char int8;
typedef unsigned char uint8;
typedef short int16;
typedef unsigned short uint16;
typedef int int32;
typedef unsigned int uint32;
typedef long long int64;
typedef unsigned long long uint64;
// These are likely to get stolen by some overzealous library header...
#ifdef boolean
#error Something is defining boolean. Resolve this before including universal.h.
#ifdef true
#error Something is defining true. Resolve this before including universal.h.
#ifdef false
#error Something is defining false. Resolve this before including universal.h.
typedef int boolean;
#define true 1
#define false 0
// MSVC doesn't support the "inline" keyword for normal C sources, just C++.
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(inline)
#define inline __inline
// Compiler-enforced printf() safety helper.
// This is appended to function declarations that use printf-style semantics,
// and will make sure your passed the right params to "..." for the
// format you specified, so gcc can catch programmer bugs at compile time.
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define ISPRINTF(x,y) __attribute__((format (printf, x, y)))
#define ISPRINTF(x,y)
// Compiler-enforced sentinel safety helper.
// This is appended to function declarations that use sentinel-style semantics,
// and will make sure your passed the right params to "..." where a NULL
// is needed at the end of the list.
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define ISSENTINEL __attribute__((sentinel))
// Command line access outside of main().
extern int GArgc;
extern const char **GArgv;
// Build-specific details.
extern const char *GBuildVer;
// Static, non-stack memory for scratch work...not thread safe!
extern uint8 scratchbuf_128k[128 * 1024];
// !!! FIXME: document me!
uint32 utf8codepoint(const char **str);
// !!! FIXME: document me!
int utf8len(const char *str);
// !!! FIXME: document me!
char **splitText(const char *text, int scrw, int *_count, int *_w);
// Format a string, sort of (but not exactly!) like sprintf().
// The only formatters accepted are %0 through %9 (and %%), which do not
// have to appear in order in the string, but match the varargs passed to the
// function. Only strings are accepted for varargs. This function allocates
// memory as necessary, so you need to free() the result, but don't need to
// preallocate a buffer and be concerned about overflowing it.
// This does not use scratchbuf_128k.
char *format(const char *fmt, ...);
// Convert an int to a string. This uses incremental pieces of
// scratchbuf_128k for a buffer to store the results, and
// will overwrite itself after some number of calls when the memory
// is all used, but note that other things use scratchbuf_128k too,
// so this is only good for printf() things:
// fmtfunc("mission took %0 seconds, %1 points", numstr(secs), numstr(pts));
const char *numstr(int val);
// Call this for fatal errors that require immediate app termination.
// Does not clean up, or translate the error string. Try to avoid this.
// These are for crucial lowlevel issues that preclude any meaningful
// recovery (GUI didn't initialize, etc)
// Doesn't return, but if it did, you can assume it returns zero, so you can
// do: 'return panic("out of memory");' or whatnot.
int panic(const char *err);
// Call this for a fatal problem that attempts an orderly shutdown (system
// is fully working, but config file is hosed, etc).
// This makes an attempt to clean up any files already created by the
// current installer (successfully run Setup.Install blocks in the config
// file are not cleaned up).
// If there's no GUI or Lua isn't initialized, this calls panic(). That's bad.
// Doesn't return, but if it did, you can assume it returns zero, so you can
// do: 'return fatal("missing config file");' or whatnot.
// THIS DOES NOT USE PRINTF-STYLE FORMAT CODES. Please see the comments for
// format() for details.
int fatal(const char *fmt, ...);
// The platform layer should set up signal/exception handlers before calling
// MojoSetup_main(), that will call these functions. "crashed" for bug
// signals (SIGSEGV, GPF, etc), and "terminated" for external forces that
// destroy the process (SIGKILL, SIGINT, etc). These functions do not return.
void MojoSetup_crashed(void);
void MojoSetup_terminated(void);
// Malloc replacements that blow up on allocation failure.
// Please note that xmalloc() will zero the newly-allocated memory buffer,
// like calloc() would, but xrealloc() makes no such promise!
void *xmalloc(size_t bytes);
void *xrealloc(void *ptr, size_t bytes);
char *xstrdup(const char *str);
// strncpy() that promises to null-terminate the string, even on overflow.
char *xstrncpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t len);
#ifdef malloc
#undef malloc
#ifdef calloc
#undef calloc
#ifdef realloc
#undef realloc
#ifdef strdup
#undef strdup
#ifdef strncpy
#undef strncpy
#if 0 // !!! FIXME: write me.
#ifdef strcasecmp
#undef strcasecmp
#if 0 // !!! FIXME: write me.
#ifdef stricmp
#undef stricmp
#if 0 // !!! FIXME: write me.
#ifdef strcmpi
#undef strcmpi
// Localization support.
const char *translate(const char *str);
#ifdef _
#undef _
#define _(x) translate(x)
// Call this with what you are profiling and the start time to log it:
// uint32 start = MojoPlatform_ticks();
// something...
// profile("Something I did", start);
uint32 profile(const char *what, uint32 start_time);
// This tries to decode a graphic file in memory into an RGBA framebuffer,
// first with platform-specific facilities, if any, and then any built-in
// decoders, if that fails.
// (data) points to the compressed data, (size) is the number of bytes
// of compressed data. (*w) and (*h) will contain the images dimensions on
// return.
// Returns NULL on failure (unsupported, etc) and a pointer to the
// uncompressed data on success. Caller must free() the returned pointer!
uint8 *decodeImage(const uint8 *data, uint32 size, uint32 *w, uint32 *h);
// See if a given string is in a valid product key format.
// (fmt) points to a string that would be a Setup.ProductKey.format.
// (key) is the key as it currently stands. It might be partially entered.
// Returns true if the key is valid for the format, false otherwise.
boolean isValidProductKey(const char *fmt, const char *key);
// See if a given flag was on the command line
// cmdline("nosound") will return true if "-nosound", "--nosound",
// etc was on the command line. The option must start with a '-' on the
// command line to be noticed by this function.
// \param arg the command line flag to find
// \return true if arg was on the command line, false otherwise.
boolean cmdline(const char *arg);
// Get robust command line options, with optional default for missing ones.
// If the command line was ./myapp --a=b -c=d ----e f
// - cmdlinestr("a") will return "b"
// - cmdlinestr("c") will return "d"
// - cmdlinestr("e") will return "f"
// - cmdlinestr("g") will return the default string.
// Like cmdline(), the option must start with a '-'.
// \param arg The command line option to find.
// \param envr optional environment var to check if command line wasn't found.
// \param deflt The return value if (arg) isn't on the command line.
// \return The command line option, or (deflt) if the command line wasn't
// found. This return value is READ ONLY. Do not free it, either.
const char *cmdlinestr(const char *arg, const char *envr, const char *deflt);
// Returns true if (str) matches (pattern), false otherwise.
// This is NOT a regexp! It only understands '?' and '*', similar to how
// wildcards worked in MS-DOS command lines. '?' matches one char, and
// '*' matches until the end of string or the next char in the pattern
// is seen. Case matters!
boolean wildcardMatch(const char *str, const char *pattern);
// Logging functions.
typedef enum
} MojoSetupLogLevel;
extern MojoSetupLogLevel MojoLog_logLevel;
void MojoLog_initLogging(void);
void MojoLog_deinitLogging(void);
// Logging facilities.
// THESE DO NOT USE PRINTF-STYLE FORMAT CODES. Please see the comments for
// format() for details.
void logWarning(const char *fmt, ...);
void logError(const char *fmt, ...);
void logInfo(const char *fmt, ...);
void logDebug(const char *fmt, ...);
// Checksums.
typedef uint32 MojoCrc32;
void MojoCrc32_init(MojoCrc32 *context);
void MojoCrc32_append(MojoCrc32 *context, const uint8 *buf, uint32 len);
void MojoCrc32_finish(MojoCrc32 *context, uint32 *digest);
typedef struct MojoMd5
uint32 count[2];
uint32 abcd[4];
uint8 buf[64];
} MojoMd5;
void MojoMd5_init(MojoMd5 *pms);
void MojoMd5_append(MojoMd5 *pms, const uint8 *data, int nbytes);
void MojoMd5_finish(MojoMd5 *pms, uint8 digest[16]);
typedef struct
uint32 state[5];
uint32 count[2];
uint8 buffer[64];
} MojoSha1;
void MojoSha1_init(MojoSha1 *context);
void MojoSha1_append(MojoSha1 *context, const uint8 *data, uint32 len);
void MojoSha1_finish(MojoSha1 *context, uint8 digest[20]);
typedef struct MojoChecksumContext
MojoCrc32 crc32;
MojoMd5 md5;
MojoSha1 sha1;
} MojoChecksumContext;
typedef struct MojoChecksums
uint32 crc32;
uint8 md5[16];
uint8 sha1[20];
} MojoChecksums;
void MojoChecksum_init(MojoChecksumContext *ctx);
void MojoChecksum_append(MojoChecksumContext *c, const uint8 *data, uint32 ln);
void MojoChecksum_finish(MojoChecksumContext *c, MojoChecksums *sums);
// A pointer to this struct is passed to plugins, so they can access
// functionality in the base application. (Add to this as you need to.)
typedef struct MojoSetupEntryPoints
void *(*xmalloc)(size_t bytes);
void *(*xrealloc)(void *ptr, size_t bytes);
char *(*xstrdup)(const char *str);
char *(*xstrncpy)(char *dst, const char *src, size_t len);
const char *(*translate)(const char *str);
void (*logWarning)(const char *fmt, ...);
void (*logError)(const char *fmt, ...);
void (*logInfo)(const char *fmt, ...);
void (*logDebug)(const char *fmt, ...);
char *(*format)(const char *fmt, ...);
const char *(*numstr)(int val);
uint32 (*ticks)(void);
uint32 (*utf8codepoint)(const char **_str);
int (*utf8len)(const char *str);
char **(*splitText)(const char *text, int scrw, int *_count, int *_w);
boolean (*isValidProductKey)(const char *f, const char *k);
} MojoSetupEntryPoints;
extern MojoSetupEntryPoints GEntryPoints;
#if ((defined _MSC_VER) || (PLATFORM_BEOS))
#define __EXPORT__ __declspec(dllexport)
#elif (defined SUNPRO_C)
#define __EXPORT__ __global
#elif (__GNUC__ >= 3)
#define __EXPORT__ __attribute__((visibility("default")))
#define __EXPORT__
#define DEFINE_TO_STR2(x) #x
#define STUBBED2(prelog, x) \
do { \
static boolean seen_this = false; \
if (!seen_this) \
{ \
seen_this = true; \
prelog logDebug("STUBBED: %0 at %1 (%2:%3)\n", x, __FUNCTION__, \
} \
} while (false)
#define STUBBED(x) STUBBED2(,x)
#define STATICARRAYLEN(x) ( (sizeof ((x))) / (sizeof ((x)[0])) )
#ifdef __cplusplus
// end of universal.h ...