- updated commandline param to allow validation on filtered techtrees and factions

This commit is contained in:
Mark Vejvoda 2010-08-21 02:13:50 +00:00
parent 25a7097066
commit 5537a37b35

View File

@ -436,11 +436,16 @@ int glestMain(int argc, char** argv){
printf("\n--help\t\t\t\tdisplays this help text.");
printf("\n--version\t\t\tdisplays the version string of this program.");
printf("\n--opengl-info\t\t\tdisplays your video driver's OpenGL information.");
printf("\n--validate-techtrees\t\tdisplays a report detailing any known problems related");
printf("\n \t\tto your game techtree data.");
printf("\n--validate-techtrees=x\t\tdisplays a report detailing any known problems related");
printf("\n \t\tto your selected techtrees game data.");
printf("\n \t\tWhere x is a comma-delimited list of techtrees to validate.");
printf("\n \t\texample: %s --validate-techtrees=megapack,vbros_pack_5",argv[0]);
printf("\n--validate-factions=x\t\tdisplays a report detailing any known problems related");
printf("\n \t\tto your selected factions game data.");
printf("\n \t\tWhere x is a comma-delimited list of factions to validate.");
printf("\n \t\t*NOTE: leaving the list empty is the same as running");
printf("\n \t\t--validate-techtrees");
printf("\n \t\texample: %s --validate-factions=tech,egypt",argv[0]);
return -1;
@ -650,6 +655,28 @@ int glestMain(int argc, char** argv){
vector<string> results;
findDirs(config.getPathListForType(ptTechs), results);
vector<string> techTreeFiles = results;
// Did the user pass a specific list of techtrees to validate?
std::vector<string> filteredTechTreeList;
if(hasCommandArgument(argc, argv,"--validate-techtrees=") == true) {
int foundParamIndIndex = -1;
hasCommandArgument(argc, argv,"--validate-techtrees=",&foundParamIndIndex);
string filterList = argv[foundParamIndIndex];
vector<string> paramPartTokens;
if(paramPartTokens.size() >= 2) {
string techtreeList = paramPartTokens[1];
if(filteredTechTreeList.size() > 0) {
printf("Filtering techtrees and only looking for the following:\n");
for(int idx = 0; idx < filteredTechTreeList.size(); ++idx) {
filteredTechTreeList[idx] = trim(filteredTechTreeList[idx]);
World world;
@ -660,64 +687,68 @@ int glestMain(int argc, char** argv){
for(int idx2 = 0; idx2 < techTreeFiles.size(); idx2++) {
string &techName = techTreeFiles[idx2];
vector<string> factionsList;
findAll(techPath + "/" + techName + "/factions/*.", factionsList, false, false);
if( filteredTechTreeList.size() == 0 ||
std::find(filteredTechTreeList.begin(),filteredTechTreeList.end(),techName) != filteredTechTreeList.end()) {
if(factionsList.size() > 0) {
Checksum checksum;
set<string> factions;
for(int j = 0; j < factionsList.size(); ++j) {
if( filteredFactionList.size() == 0 ||
std::find(filteredFactionList.begin(),filteredFactionList.end(),factionsList[j]) != filteredFactionList.end()) {
vector<string> factionsList;
findAll(techPath + "/" + techName + "/factions/*.", factionsList, false, false);
printf("\nChecking techPath [%s] techName [%s] factionsList.size() = %d\n",techPath.c_str(), techName.c_str(),factionsList.size());
for(int j = 0; j < factionsList.size(); ++j) {
if( filteredFactionList.size() == 0 ||
std::find(filteredFactionList.begin(),filteredFactionList.end(),factionsList[j]) != filteredFactionList.end()) {
printf("Found faction [%s]\n",factionsList[j].c_str());
world.loadTech(config.getPathListForType(ptTechs,""), techName, factions, &checksum);
// Validate the faction setup to ensure we don't have any bad associations
std::vector<std::string> resultErrors = world.validateFactionTypes();
if(resultErrors.size() > 0) {
// Display the validation errors
string errorText = "\nErrors were detected:\n=====================\n";
for(int i = 0; i < resultErrors.size(); ++i) {
if(i > 0) {
errorText += "\n";
if(factionsList.size() > 0) {
Checksum checksum;
set<string> factions;
for(int j = 0; j < factionsList.size(); ++j) {
if( filteredFactionList.size() == 0 ||
std::find(filteredFactionList.begin(),filteredFactionList.end(),factionsList[j]) != filteredFactionList.end()) {
errorText += resultErrors[i];
errorText += "\n=====================\n";
//throw runtime_error(errorText);
// Validate the faction resource setup to ensure we don't have any bad associations
printf("\nChecking resources, count = %d\n",world.getTechTree()->getResourceTypeCount());
for(int i = 0; i < world.getTechTree()->getResourceTypeCount(); ++i) {
printf("Found techtree resource [%s]\n",world.getTechTree()->getResourceType(i)->getName().c_str());
resultErrors = world.validateResourceTypes();
if(resultErrors.size() > 0) {
// Display the validation errors
string errorText = "\nErrors were detected:\n=====================\n";
for(int i = 0; i < resultErrors.size(); ++i) {
if(i > 0) {
errorText += "\n";
printf("\nChecking techPath [%s] techName [%s] factionsList.size() = %d\n",techPath.c_str(), techName.c_str(),factionsList.size());
for(int j = 0; j < factionsList.size(); ++j) {
if( filteredFactionList.size() == 0 ||
std::find(filteredFactionList.begin(),filteredFactionList.end(),factionsList[j]) != filteredFactionList.end()) {
printf("Found faction [%s]\n",factionsList[j].c_str());
errorText += resultErrors[i];
errorText += "\n=====================\n";
//throw runtime_error(errorText);
world.loadTech(config.getPathListForType(ptTechs,""), techName, factions, &checksum);
// Validate the faction setup to ensure we don't have any bad associations
std::vector<std::string> resultErrors = world.validateFactionTypes();
if(resultErrors.size() > 0) {
// Display the validation errors
string errorText = "\nErrors were detected:\n=====================\n";
for(int i = 0; i < resultErrors.size(); ++i) {
if(i > 0) {
errorText += "\n";
errorText += resultErrors[i];
errorText += "\n=====================\n";
//throw runtime_error(errorText);
// Validate the faction resource setup to ensure we don't have any bad associations
printf("\nChecking resources, count = %d\n",world.getTechTree()->getResourceTypeCount());
for(int i = 0; i < world.getTechTree()->getResourceTypeCount(); ++i) {
printf("Found techtree resource [%s]\n",world.getTechTree()->getResourceType(i)->getName().c_str());
resultErrors = world.validateResourceTypes();
if(resultErrors.size() > 0) {
// Display the validation errors
string errorText = "\nErrors were detected:\n=====================\n";
for(int i = 0; i < resultErrors.size(); ++i) {
if(i > 0) {
errorText += "\n";
errorText += resultErrors[i];
errorText += "\n=====================\n";
//throw runtime_error(errorText);