client slowdown/catchup reenabled again

This commit is contained in:
Titus Tscharntke 2013-05-25 22:30:31 +00:00
parent aa69a5818b
commit 60a7ea172d

View File

@ -1746,130 +1746,130 @@ void Game::update() {
bool enableServerControlledAI = this->gameSettings.getEnableServerControlledAI();
bool isNetworkGame = this->gameSettings.isNetworkGame();
NetworkRole role = networkManager.getNetworkRole();
// all client speedup commented out ...
// if(role == nrClient && updateLoops == 1 && world.getFrameCount() >= (gameSettings.getNetworkFramePeriod() * 2) ) {
// ClientInterface *clientInterface = dynamic_cast<ClientInterface *>(networkManager.getClientInterface());
// if(clientInterface != NULL) {
// uint64 lastNetworkFrameFromServer = clientInterface->getCachedLastPendingFrameCount();
////// if(lastNetworkFrameFromServer > 0 && lastNetworkFrameFromServer > (world.getFrameCount() + gameSettings.getNetworkFramePeriod())+1) {
////// //if(lastNetworkFrameFromServer > 0 && lastNetworkFrameFromServer > world.getFrameCount()) {
////// int frameDifference = ((lastNetworkFrameFromServer - world.getFrameCount()) / gameSettings.getNetworkFramePeriod()) * gameSettings.getNetworkFramePeriod();
////// //int frameDifference = lastNetworkFrameFromServer - world.getFrameCount();
//// if(framesToCatchUpAsClient==0){
//// if(lastNetworkFrameFromServer > 0 && lastNetworkFrameFromServer > (world.getFrameCount() + gameSettings.getNetworkFramePeriod()/4)) {
//// //if(lastNetworkFrameFromServer > 0 && lastNetworkFrameFromServer > world.getFrameCount()) {
//// int frameDifference = lastNetworkFrameFromServer - world.getFrameCount();
//// printf("Client will speed up: %d frames lastNetworkFrameFromServer: %lld world.getFrameCount() = %d updateLoops = %d\n",frameDifference,(long long int)lastNetworkFrameFromServer,world.getFrameCount(),updateLoops);
//// framesToCatchUpAsClient=frameDifference;
//// // done below now: updateLoops += frameDifference;
//// }
//// }
////// //If client is ahead maybe this fixes it ( by titi ):
//// if(updateLoops!=0 && lastNetworkFrameFromServer > 0 && world.getFrameCount() > lastNetworkFrameFromServer && (world.getFrameCount()%GameConstants::updateFps)>38 ){
//// printf("Client will slow down because no message has arrived yet. currentFrame=%d \n",world.getFrameCount());
//// updateLoops = 0;
//// }
// /////////////////////////////////
// // TTTT new attempt to make things smoother:
// ///////////////
// ////////////////////////////////////////////
// //get stats of received/waiting for packages
// ////////////////////////////////////////////
// // calculate current receive Index slot:
// int index = ((world.getFrameCount()
// - (world.getFrameCount()
// % gameSettings.getNetworkFramePeriod()))
// / gameSettings.getNetworkFramePeriod())
// % GameConstants::networkSmoothInterval;
// // clean the next frame slot
// receivedTooEarlyInFrames[(index+1)%GameConstants::networkSmoothInterval]=-1;
// framesNeededToWaitForServerMessage[(index+1)%GameConstants::networkSmoothInterval]=-1;
// if(receivedTooEarlyInFrames[index]==-1){
// // we need to check if we already received something for next frame
// if(lastNetworkFrameFromServer > 0 && lastNetworkFrameFromServer > world.getFrameCount()) {
// receivedTooEarlyInFrames[index]= lastNetworkFrameFromServer-world.getFrameCount();
if(role == nrClient && updateLoops == 1 && world.getFrameCount() >= (gameSettings.getNetworkFramePeriod() * 2) ) {
ClientInterface *clientInterface = dynamic_cast<ClientInterface *>(networkManager.getClientInterface());
if(clientInterface != NULL) {
uint64 lastNetworkFrameFromServer = clientInterface->getCachedLastPendingFrameCount();
//// if(lastNetworkFrameFromServer > 0 && lastNetworkFrameFromServer > (world.getFrameCount() + gameSettings.getNetworkFramePeriod())+1) {
//// //if(lastNetworkFrameFromServer > 0 && lastNetworkFrameFromServer > world.getFrameCount()) {
//// int frameDifference = ((lastNetworkFrameFromServer - world.getFrameCount()) / gameSettings.getNetworkFramePeriod()) * gameSettings.getNetworkFramePeriod();
//// //int frameDifference = lastNetworkFrameFromServer - world.getFrameCount();
// if(framesToCatchUpAsClient==0){
// if(lastNetworkFrameFromServer > 0 && lastNetworkFrameFromServer > (world.getFrameCount() + gameSettings.getNetworkFramePeriod()/4)) {
// //if(lastNetworkFrameFromServer > 0 && lastNetworkFrameFromServer > world.getFrameCount()) {
// int frameDifference = lastNetworkFrameFromServer - world.getFrameCount();
// printf("Client will speed up: %d frames lastNetworkFrameFromServer: %lld world.getFrameCount() = %d updateLoops = %d\n",frameDifference,(long long int)lastNetworkFrameFromServer,world.getFrameCount(),updateLoops);
// framesToCatchUpAsClient=frameDifference;
// // done below now: updateLoops += frameDifference;
// }
// }
// if(framesNeededToWaitForServerMessage[index]==-1){
// // calc time waiting for message in milliseconds to frames
// int64 timeClientWaitedForLastMessage=clientInterface->getTimeClientWaitedForLastMessage();
// if(timeClientWaitedForLastMessage>0){
// printf("world.getFrameCount():%d index %d Client waited:%d ms\n",world.getFrameCount(),index,(int)timeClientWaitedForLastMessage);
// framesNeededToWaitForServerMessage[index]=timeClientWaitedForLastMessage*GameConstants::updateFps/1000;
// printf("ClienttimeClientWaitedForLastMessage:%d ms which is %d frames \n",(int)timeClientWaitedForLastMessage,framesNeededToWaitForServerMessage[index]);
// }
// else {
// framesNeededToWaitForServerMessage[index]=0;
// }
//// //If client is ahead maybe this fixes it ( by titi ):
// if(updateLoops!=0 && lastNetworkFrameFromServer > 0 && world.getFrameCount() > lastNetworkFrameFromServer && (world.getFrameCount()%GameConstants::updateFps)>38 ){
// printf("Client will slow down because no message has arrived yet. currentFrame=%d \n",world.getFrameCount());
// updateLoops = 0;
// }
// ////////////////////////////////////////////
// //use the recorded stats of received/waiting for packages
// ////////////////////////////////////////////
// //lets see if the client is in front and had to wait for messages ...
// //lets see if all last recorded frames where received too early
// int minimum=0;
// int allowedMaxFallback=5;
// int countOfMessagesReceivedTooEarly=0;
// int countOfMessagesReceivedTooLate=0;
// int sumOfTooLateFrames=0;
// bool cleanupStats=false;
// for( int i=0;i<GameConstants::networkSmoothInterval;i++){
// if(receivedTooEarlyInFrames[i]>allowedMaxFallback){
// countOfMessagesReceivedTooEarly++;
// if ( minimum == 0 || minimum > receivedTooEarlyInFrames[i] ){
// minimum=receivedTooEarlyInFrames[i];
// }
// }
// if(framesNeededToWaitForServerMessage[i]>0){
// countOfMessagesReceivedTooLate++;
// sumOfTooLateFrames+=framesNeededToWaitForServerMessage[i];
// }
// }
// if( countOfMessagesReceivedTooEarly==GameConstants::networkSmoothInterval-1 ) // -1 because slot for next frame is already initialized
// {// all packages where too early
// // we catch up the minimum-catchupInterval of what we recorded
// framesToCatchUpAsClient=minimum-allowedMaxFallback;
// framesToSlowDownAsClient=0;
// cleanupStats=true;
// printf("Worldframe %d : Client will speed up: %d frames\n",world.getFrameCount(),framesToCatchUpAsClient);
// }
// else if(countOfMessagesReceivedTooLate>3){
// framesToSlowDownAsClient=sumOfTooLateFrames/countOfMessagesReceivedTooLate;
// framesToCatchUpAsClient=0;
// cleanupStats=true;
// printf("Worldframe %d : Client will slow down: %d frames\n",world.getFrameCount(),framesToSlowDownAsClient);
// }
// if(cleanupStats==true) {
// // Once we decided to use the stats to do some correction, we reset/cleanup our recorded stats
// for( int i=0;i<GameConstants::networkSmoothInterval;i++){
// receivedTooEarlyInFrames[i]=-1;
// framesNeededToWaitForServerMessage[i]=-1;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// // we catch up a bit smoother with updateLoops = 2
// if(framesToCatchUpAsClient>0)
// {
// updateLoops = 2;
// framesToCatchUpAsClient=framesToCatchUpAsClient-1;
// }
// if(framesToSlowDownAsClient>0)
// {// slowdown still the hard way.
// updateLoops = 0;
// framesToSlowDownAsClient=framesToSlowDownAsClient-1;
// }
// TTTT new attempt to make things smoother:
//get stats of received/waiting for packages
// calculate current receive Index slot:
int index = ((world.getFrameCount()
- (world.getFrameCount()
% gameSettings.getNetworkFramePeriod()))
/ gameSettings.getNetworkFramePeriod())
% GameConstants::networkSmoothInterval;
// clean the next frame slot
// we need to check if we already received something for next frame
if(lastNetworkFrameFromServer > 0 && lastNetworkFrameFromServer > world.getFrameCount()) {
receivedTooEarlyInFrames[index]= lastNetworkFrameFromServer-world.getFrameCount();
// calc time waiting for message in milliseconds to frames
int64 timeClientWaitedForLastMessage=clientInterface->getTimeClientWaitedForLastMessage();
printf("world.getFrameCount():%d index %d Client waited:%d ms\n",world.getFrameCount(),index,(int)timeClientWaitedForLastMessage);
printf("ClienttimeClientWaitedForLastMessage:%d ms which is %d frames \n",(int)timeClientWaitedForLastMessage,framesNeededToWaitForServerMessage[index]);
else {
//use the recorded stats of received/waiting for packages
//lets see if the client is in front and had to wait for messages ...
//lets see if all last recorded frames where received too early
int minimum=0;
int allowedMaxFallback=5;
int countOfMessagesReceivedTooEarly=0;
int countOfMessagesReceivedTooLate=0;
int sumOfTooLateFrames=0;
bool cleanupStats=false;
for( int i=0;i<GameConstants::networkSmoothInterval;i++){
if ( minimum == 0 || minimum > receivedTooEarlyInFrames[i] ){
if( countOfMessagesReceivedTooEarly==GameConstants::networkSmoothInterval-1 ) // -1 because slot for next frame is already initialized
{// all packages where too early
// we catch up the minimum-catchupInterval of what we recorded
printf("Worldframe %d : Client will speed up: %d frames\n",world.getFrameCount(),framesToCatchUpAsClient);
else if(countOfMessagesReceivedTooLate>3){
printf("Worldframe %d : Client will slow down: %d frames\n",world.getFrameCount(),framesToSlowDownAsClient);
if(cleanupStats==true) {
// Once we decided to use the stats to do some correction, we reset/cleanup our recorded stats
for( int i=0;i<GameConstants::networkSmoothInterval;i++){
// we catch up a bit smoother with updateLoops = 2
updateLoops = 2;
{// slowdown still the hard way.
updateLoops = 0;
if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugPerformance).enabled && chrono.getMillis() > 0) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugPerformance,"In [%s::%s] Line: %d took msecs: %lld\n",extractFileFromDirectoryPath(__FILE__).c_str(),__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,chrono.getMillis());
if(showPerfStats) {