- added md5 code to project (but not actively used, only compiled)

This commit is contained in:
Mark Vejvoda 2011-10-18 04:32:02 +00:00
parent b30fdea0d0
commit a2ae980986
20 changed files with 9871 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
// ==============================================================
// This file is part of MegaGlest (www.glest.org)
// ArbProgram.h -- Copyright (c) 2007 David Henry
// changed for use with MegaGlest: Copyright (C) 2011- by Mark Vejvoda
// This code is licenced under the MIT license.
// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
// warranties. You may freely copy and compile this source into
// applications you distribute provided that the copyright text
// below is included in the resulting source code.
// Definitions of ARB program related classes.
#ifndef __ARB_PROGRAM_H__
#define __ARB_PROGRAM_H__
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#endif // _WIN32
#include <GL/glew.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
namespace Shared { namespace Graphics { namespace md5 {
using std::string;
// ARB Program class diagram:
// +---------- (abs)
// | ArbProgram |
// +--------------+
// ^
// |
// +-------------+-------------+
// | |
// +------------------+ +--------------------+
// | ArbVertexProgram | | ArbFragmentProgram |
// +------------------+ +--------------------+
// Global functions for initializing ARB program extensions and query for
// vertex and fragment program support on the host.
GLboolean hasArbVertexProgramSupport();
GLboolean hasArbFragmentProgramSupport();
void initArbProgramHandling();
// class ArbProgram -- ARB Program abstract object. Can be a vertex program
// or a fragment program.
class ArbProgram
// Constructor
ArbProgram (const string &filename);
// Destructor
virtual ~ArbProgram ();
// Accessors
const string &name () const { return _name; }
const string &code () const { return _code; }
GLuint handle () const { return _handle; }
bool fail () const { return _fail; }
virtual GLenum programType () const = 0;
// Public interface
void use () const;
void unuse () const;
// Internal functions
void printProgramString (int errPos);
void load ()
throw (std::runtime_error);
void loadProgramFile (const string &filename)
throw (std::runtime_error);
// Member variables
string _name;
string _code;
GLuint _handle;
GLboolean _fail;
// class ArbVertexProgram -- ARB vertex program object.
class ArbVertexProgram : public ArbProgram
// Constructor
ArbVertexProgram (const string &filename);
// Return the program enum type
virtual GLenum programType () const {
// class ArbFragmentProgram -- ARB fragment program object.
class ArbFragmentProgram : public ArbProgram
// Constructor
ArbFragmentProgram (const string &filename);
// Return the program enum type
virtual GLenum programType () const {
}}} //end namespace
#endif // __ARB_PROGRAM_H__

View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
// ==============================================================
// This file is part of MegaGlest (www.glest.org)
// DataManager.h -- Copyright (c) 2006 David Henry
// changed for use with MegaGlest: Copyright (C) 2011- by Mark Vejvoda
// This code is licenced under the MIT license.
// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
// warranties. You may freely copy and compile this source into
// applications you distribute provided that the copyright text
// below is included in the resulting source code.
// Definitions of a data manager class.
#ifndef __DATAMANAGER_H__
#define __DATAMANAGER_H__
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <map>
using std::string;
using std::map;
namespace Shared { namespace Graphics { namespace md5 {
// class DataManagerException - Exception class for DataManager classes.
// This acts like a standard runtime_error exception but
// know the name of the resource which caused the exception.
class DataManagerException : public std::runtime_error {
// Constructors
DataManagerException (const string &error)
: std::runtime_error (error) { }
DataManagerException (const string &error, const string &name)
: std::runtime_error (error), _which (name) { }
virtual ~DataManagerException () throw () { }
// Public interface
virtual const char *which () const throw () {
return _which.c_str ();
// Member variables
string _which;
// class DataManager -- a data manager which can register/unregister
// generic objects. Destroy all registred objects at death.
// The data manager is a singleton.
template <typename T, typename C>
class DataManager {
// Constructor/destructor
DataManager ();
virtual ~DataManager ();
// Public interface
T *request (const string &name);
void registerObject (const string &name, T *object)
throw (DataManagerException);
void unregisterObject (const string &name, bool deleteObject = false);
void purge ();
// Member variables
typedef map<string, T*> DataMap;
DataMap _registry;
// Singleton related functions
static C *getInstance ();
static void kill ();
// The unique instance of this class
static C *_singleton;
// Include inline function definitions
#include "DataManager.inl"
}}} //end namespace
#endif // __DATAMANAGER_H__

View File

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
// ==============================================================
// This file is part of MegaGlest (www.glest.org)
// DataManager.inl -- Copyright (c) 2006 David Henry
// changed for use with MegaGlest: Copyright (C) 2011- by Mark Vejvoda
// This code is licenced under the MIT license.
// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
// warranties. You may freely copy and compile this source into
// applications you distribute provided that the copyright text
// below is included in the resulting source code.
// Implementation of the data manager.
#include "DataManager.h"
// class DataManager implementation.
// Singleton initialization. At first, there is no object created.
template <typename T, typename C>
C *DataManager<T, C>::_singleton = NULL;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DataManager::DataManager
// Constructor.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename T, typename C>
DataManager<T, C>::DataManager () {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DataManager::~DataManager
// Destructor. Purge all registred objects.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename T, typename C>
DataManager<T, C>::~DataManager () {
purge ();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DataManager::request
// Retrieve an object from the registry. Return NULL if there if the
// requested object has not been found in the registry.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename T, typename C>
inline T *
DataManager<T, C>::request (const string &name) {
typename DataMap::iterator itor;
itor = _registry.find (name);
if (itor != _registry.end ())
// The object has been found
return itor->second;
return NULL;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DataManager::registerObject
// Register an object. If kOverWrite is set, then it will overwrite
// the already existing object. If kOverWrite is combined
// with kDelete, then it will also delete the previous object from memory.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename T, typename C>
inline void
DataManager<T, C>::registerObject (const string &name, T *object)
throw (DataManagerException) {
std::pair<typename DataMap::iterator, bool> res;
// Register the object as a new entry
res = _registry.insert (typename DataMap::value_type (name, object));
// Throw an exception if the insertion failed
if (!res.second)
throw DataManagerException ("Name collision", name);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DataManager::unregisterObject
// Unregister an object given its name. If deleteObject is true,
// then it delete the object, otherwise it just remove the object
// from the registry whitout freeing it from memory.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename T, typename C>
inline void
DataManager<T, C>::unregisterObject (const string &name, bool deleteObject) {
typename DataMap::iterator itor;
itor = _registry.find (name);
if (itor != _registry.end ())
if (deleteObject)
delete itor->second;
_registry.erase (itor);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DataManager::purge
// Destroy all registred objects and clear the registry.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename T, typename C>
inline void
DataManager<T, C>::purge () {
// Not exception safe!
for (typename DataMap::iterator itor = _registry.begin ();
itor != _registry.end (); ++itor)
// Destroy object
delete itor->second;
_registry.clear ();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DataManager::getInstance
// Return a pointer of the unique instance of this class. If there is no
// object build yet, create it.
// NOTE: This is the only way to get access to the data manager since
// constructor is private.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename T, typename C>
inline C *
DataManager<T, C>::getInstance () {
if (_singleton == NULL)
_singleton = new C;
return _singleton;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DataManager::kill
// Destroy the data manager, i.e. delete the unique instance of
// this class.
// NOTE: this function must be called before exiting in order to
// properly destroy all registred objects.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename T, typename C>
inline void
DataManager<T, C>::kill () {
delete _singleton;
_singleton = NULL;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
// ==============================================================
// This file is part of MegaGlest (www.glest.org)
// GlErrors.h -- Copyright (c) 2006-2007 David Henry
// changed for use with MegaGlest: Copyright (C) 2011- by Mark Vejvoda
// This code is licenced under the MIT license.
// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
// warranties. You may freely copy and compile this source into
// applications you distribute provided that the copyright text
// below is included in the resulting source code.
// OpenGL error management.
#ifndef __GLERRORS_H__
#define __GLERRORS_H__
namespace Shared { namespace Graphics { namespace md5 {
GLenum checkOpenGLErrors (const char *file, int line);
}}} //end namespace
#endif // __GLERRORS_H__

View File

@ -0,0 +1,539 @@
// ==============================================================
// This file is part of MegaGlest (www.glest.org)
// Image.h -- Copyright (c) 2006 David Henry
// changed for use with MegaGlest: Copyright (C) 2011- by Mark Vejvoda
// This code is licenced under the MIT license.
// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
// warranties. You may freely copy and compile this source into
// applications you distribute provided that the copyright text
// below is included in the resulting source code.
// Declaration of DDS, TGA, PCX, JPEG and PNG image loader classes.
#ifndef __IMAGE_H__
#define __IMAGE_H__
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#endif // _WIN32
#include <GL/glew.h>
//#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <tr1/memory>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <png.h>
extern "C" {
#include <jpeglib.h>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::string;
namespace Shared { namespace Graphics { namespace md5 {
//using boost::shared_ptr;
using std::tr1::shared_ptr;
// Image class diagram:
// +------- (abs) +---------------+
// | Image | | runtime_error |
// +---------+ +---------------+
// ^ ^
// | +------------+ |
// +---| ImageDDS | +----------------+
// | +------------+ | ImageException |
// | +----------------+
// | +------------+
// +---| ImageTGA |
// | +------------+
// | +---------------+
// | +------------+ | ImageBuffer |
// +---| ImagePCX | +---------------+
// | +------------+
// |
// | +------------+
// +---| ImageJPEG | +----------------+
// | +------------+ | ImageFactory |
// | +----------------+
// | +------------+
// +---| ImagePNG |
// +------------+
// class ImageException - Exception class for ImageBuffer and Image
// loaders. This acts like a standard runtime_error exception but
// know which file has failed to be loaded.
class ImageException : public std::runtime_error {
// Constructors
ImageException (const string &error)
: std::runtime_error (error) { }
ImageException (const string &error, const string &filename)
: std::runtime_error (error), _which (filename) { }
virtual ~ImageException () throw () { }
// Public interface
virtual const char *which () const throw () {
return _which.c_str ();
// Member variables
string _which;
// class ImageBuffer - An image file loader class. Load a whole file
// into a memory buffer.
class ImageBuffer {
// Constructors/destructor
ImageBuffer (const string &filename);
ImageBuffer (const ImageBuffer &that)
: _filename (that._filename), _data (NULL), _length (that._length)
_data = new GLubyte[_length];
memcpy (_data, that._data, _length);
~ImageBuffer ();
// Disable default constructor
ImageBuffer ();
// Accessors
const string &filename () const { return _filename; }
const GLubyte *data () const { return _data; }
size_t length () const { return _length; }
ImageBuffer &operator= (const ImageBuffer &rhs)
this->~ImageBuffer ();
new (this) ImageBuffer (rhs);
return *this;
// Member variables
string _filename;
GLubyte *_data;
size_t _length;
// class Image - A generic image loader class for creating OpenGL
// textures from. All other specific image loader are derived from it.
class Image {
// Default constructor
Image ()
: _width (0), _height (0), _numMipmaps (0),
_format (0), _components (0), _pixels (NULL),
_standardCoordSystem (true) { }
// Disable copy constructor.
Image (const Image &img);
// Constructors/destructor
Image (const string &name, GLsizei w, GLsizei h, GLint numMipMaps,
GLenum format, GLint components, const GLubyte *pixels,
bool stdCoordSystem);
virtual ~Image();
// Return true if we're working with S3
// compressed textures (DDS files)
bool isCompressed () const;
bool isPowerOfTwo () const;
// Accessors
GLsizei width () const { return _width; }
GLsizei height () const { return _height; }
GLint numMipmaps () const { return _numMipmaps; }
GLenum format () const { return _format; }
GLint components () const { return _components; }
const GLubyte *pixels () const { return _pixels; }
const string &name () const { return _name; }
bool stdCoordSystem () const { return _standardCoordSystem; }
// Member variables
GLsizei _width;
GLsizei _height;
GLint _numMipmaps;
// OpenGL texture format and internal
// format (components)
GLenum _format;
GLint _components;
// Image data
GLubyte *_pixels;
string _name;
// Is the picture in standard OpenGL 2D coordinate
// system? (starts lower-left corner)
bool _standardCoordSystem;
// Definition of type aliases
typedef shared_ptr<Image> ImagePtr;
// class ImageDDS - A DirectDraw Surface (DDS) image loader class.
// Support only DXT1, DXT3 and DXT5 formats, since OpenGL doesn't
// support others. GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc must be supported.
// NOTE: Because DirectX uses the upper left corner as origin of the
// picture when OpenGL uses the lower left corner, the texture generated
// from it will be rendered upside-down.
class ImageDDS : public Image {
// Constructor
ImageDDS (const ImageBuffer &ibuff);
// Internal data structures and
// member variables
struct DDPixelFormat
GLuint size;
GLuint flags;
GLuint fourCC;
GLuint bpp;
GLuint redMask;
GLuint greenMask;
GLuint blueMask;
GLuint alphaMask;
struct DDSCaps
GLuint caps;
GLuint caps2;
GLuint caps3;
GLuint caps4;
struct DDColorKey
GLuint lowVal;
GLuint highVal;
struct DDSurfaceDesc
GLuint size;
GLuint flags;
GLuint height;
GLuint width;
GLuint pitch;
GLuint depth;
GLuint mipMapLevels;
GLuint alphaBitDepth;
GLuint reserved;
GLuint surface;
DDColorKey ckDestOverlay;
DDColorKey ckDestBlt;
DDColorKey ckSrcOverlay;
DDColorKey ckSrcBlt;
DDPixelFormat format;
DDSCaps caps;
GLuint textureStage;
const DDSurfaceDesc *_ddsd;
// class glImageTGA - A TrueVision TARGA (TGA) image loader class.
// Support 24-32 bits BGR files; 16 bits RGB; 8 bits indexed (BGR
// palette); 8 and 16 bits grayscale; all compressed and uncompressed.
// Compressed TGA images use RLE algorithm.
class ImageTGA : public Image {
// Constructor
ImageTGA (const ImageBuffer &ibuff);
// Internal functions
void getTextureInfo ();
void readTGA8bits (const GLubyte *data, const GLubyte *colormap);
void readTGA16bits (const GLubyte *data);
void readTGA24bits (const GLubyte *data);
void readTGA32bits (const GLubyte *data);
void readTGAgray8bits (const GLubyte *data);
void readTGAgray16bits (const GLubyte *data);
void readTGA8bitsRLE (const GLubyte *data, const GLubyte *colormap);
void readTGA16bitsRLE (const GLubyte *data);
void readTGA24bitsRLE (const GLubyte *data);
void readTGA32bitsRLE (const GLubyte *data);
void readTGAgray8bitsRLE (const GLubyte *data);
void readTGAgray16bitsRLE (const GLubyte *data);
// Member variables
#pragma pack(push, 1)
// tga header
struct TGA_Header
GLubyte id_lenght; // size of image id
GLubyte colormap_type; // 1 is has a colormap
GLubyte image_type; // compression type
short cm_first_entry; // colormap origin
short cm_length; // colormap length
GLubyte cm_size; // colormap size
short x_origin; // bottom left x coord origin
short y_origin; // bottom left y coord origin
short width; // picture width (in pixels)
short height; // picture height (in pixels)
GLubyte pixel_depth; // bits per pixel: 8, 16, 24 or 32
GLubyte image_descriptor; // 24 bits = 0x00; 32 bits = 0x80
#pragma pack(pop)
const TGA_Header *_header;
// NOTE:
// 16 bits images are stored in RGB
// 8-24-32 images are stored in BGR(A)
// RGBA/BGRA component table access -- usefull for
// switching from bgra to rgba at load time.
static int rgbaTable[4]; // bgra to rgba: 2, 1, 0, 3
static int bgraTable[4]; // bgra to bgra: 0, 1, 2, 3
// class ImagePCX - A Zsoft PCX image loader class.
class ImagePCX : public Image {
// Constructor
ImagePCX (const ImageBuffer &ibuff);
// Internal functions
void readPCX1bit (const GLubyte *data);
void readPCX4bits (const GLubyte *data);
void readPCX8bits (const GLubyte *data,
const GLubyte *palette);
void readPCX24bits (const GLubyte *data);
#pragma pack(push, 1)
// pcx header
struct PCX_Header
GLubyte manufacturer;
GLubyte version;
GLubyte encoding;
GLubyte bitsPerPixel;
GLushort xmin, ymin;
GLushort xmax, ymax;
GLushort horzRes, vertRes;
GLubyte palette[48];
GLubyte reserved;
GLubyte numColorPlanes;
GLushort bytesPerScanLine;
GLushort paletteType;
GLushort horzSize, vertSize;
GLubyte padding[54];
#pragma pack(pop)
const PCX_Header *_header;
// RGBA/BGRA component table access -- usefull for
// switching from bgra to rgba at load time.
static int rgbTable[3]; // bgra to rgba: 0, 1, 2
static int bgrTable[3]; // bgra to bgra: 2, 1, 0
// class ImageJPEG - A JPEG image loader class using libjpeg.
class ImageJPEG : public Image {
// Constructor
ImageJPEG (const ImageBuffer &ibuff);
// Error manager, using C's setjmp/longjmp
struct my_error_mgr
jpeg_error_mgr pub; // "public" fields
jmp_buf setjmp_buffer; // for return to caller
string errorMsg; // last error message
typedef my_error_mgr *my_error_ptr;
// libjpeg's callback functions for reading data
static void initSource_callback (j_decompress_ptr cinfo);
static boolean fillInputBuffer_callback (j_decompress_ptr cinfo);
static void skipInputData_callback (j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
long num_bytes);
static void termSource_callback (j_decompress_ptr cinfo);
// libjpeg's callback functions for error handling
static void errorExit_callback (j_common_ptr cinfo);
static void outputMessage_callback (j_common_ptr cinfo);
// class ImagePNG - A Portable Network Graphic (PNG) image loader
// class using libpng and zlib.
class ImagePNG : public Image {
// Constructor
ImagePNG (const ImageBuffer &ibuff);
// Internal functions
void getTextureInfo (int color_type);
// libpng's callback functions for reading data
// and error handling
static void read_callback (png_structp png_ptr,
png_bytep data, png_size_t length);
static void error_callback (png_structp png_ptr,
png_const_charp error_msg);
static void warning_callback (png_structp png_ptr,
png_const_charp warning_msg);
// Data source manager. Contains an image buffer and
// an offset position into file's data
struct my_source_mgr
// Constructors
my_source_mgr ()
: pibuff (NULL), offset (0) { }
my_source_mgr (const ImageBuffer &ibuff)
: pibuff (&ibuff), offset (0) { }
// Public member variables
const ImageBuffer *pibuff;
size_t offset;
typedef my_source_mgr *my_source_ptr;
// Member variables
string errorMsg;
// class ImageFactory - An Image Factory Class.
class ImageFactory {
// Public interface
static Image *createImage (const ImageBuffer &ibuff)
string ext;
Image *result;
// Extract file extension
const string &filename = ibuff.filename ();
ext.assign (filename, filename.find_last_of ('.') + 1, string::npos);
if (ext.compare ("dds") == 0)
result = new ImageDDS (ibuff);
else if (ext.compare ("tga") == 0)
result = new ImageTGA (ibuff);
else if (ext.compare ("pcx") == 0)
result = new ImagePCX (ibuff);
else if (ext.compare ("jpg") == 0)
result = new ImageJPEG (ibuff);
else if (ext.compare ("png") == 0)
result = new ImagePNG (ibuff);
throw ImageException ("Unhandled image file format", filename);
return result;
}}} //end namespace
#endif // __IMAGE_H__

View File

@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
// ==============================================================
// This file is part of MegaGlest (www.glest.org)
// Mathlib.h -- Copyright (c) 2005-2006 David Henry
// changed for use with MegaGlest: Copyright (C) 2011- by Mark Vejvoda
// This code is licenced under the MIT license.
// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
// warranties. You may freely copy and compile this source into
// applications you distribute provided that the copyright text
// below is included in the resulting source code.
// Declarations for 3D maths object and functions to use with OpenGL.
// Provide vector, matrix and quaternion operations.
#ifndef __MATHLIB_H__
#define __MATHLIB_H__
#include <cmath>
namespace Shared { namespace Graphics { namespace md5 {
// Forward declarations
template <typename Real> class Vector3;
template <typename Real> class Matrix4x4;
template <typename Real> class Quaternion;
// Type definitions
enum Axis {
kXaxis, kYaxis, kZaxis
// Declare a global constant for pi and a few multiples.
const float kPi = 3.14159265358979323846f;
const float k2Pi = kPi * 2.0f;
const float kPiOver2 = kPi / 2.0f;
const float k1OverPi = 1.0f / kPi;
const float k1Over2Pi = 1.0f / k2Pi;
const float kPiOver180 = kPi / 180.0f;
const float k180OverPi = 180.0f / kPi;
// "Wrap" an angle in range -pi...pi by adding the correct multiple
// of 2 pi
template <typename Real>
Real wrapPi (Real theta);
// "Safe" inverse trig functions
template <typename Real>
Real safeAcos (Real x);
// Set the Euler angle triple to its "canonical" value
template <typename Real>
void canonizeEulerAngles (Real &roll, Real &pitch, Real &yaw);
// Convert between degrees and radians
template <typename Real>
inline Real degToRad (Real deg) { return deg * kPiOver180; }
template <typename Real>
inline Real radToDeg (Real rad) { return rad * k180OverPi; }
// Convert between "field of view" and "zoom".
// The FOV angle is specified in radians.
template <typename Real>
inline Real fovToZoom (Real fov) { return 1.0f / std::tan (fov * 0.5f); }
template <typename Real>
inline Real zoomToFov (Real zoom) { return 2.0f * std::atan (1.0f / zoom); }
// class Vector3<Real> - A simple 3D vector class.
template <typename Real>
class Vector3
// Constructors
Vector3 () { }
Vector3 (Real x, Real y, Real z)
: _x (x), _y (y), _z (z) { }
// Vector comparison
bool operator== (const Vector3<Real> &v) const;
bool operator!= (const Vector3<Real> &v) const;
// Vector negation
Vector3<Real> operator- () const;
// Vector operations
Vector3<Real> operator+ (const Vector3<Real> &v) const;
Vector3<Real> operator- (const Vector3<Real> &v) const;
Vector3<Real> operator* (Real s) const;
Vector3<Real> operator/ (Real s) const;
// Combined assignment operators to conform to
// C notation convention
Vector3<Real> &operator+= (const Vector3<Real> &v);
Vector3<Real> &operator-= (const Vector3<Real> &v);
Vector3<Real> &operator*= (Real s);
Vector3<Real> &operator/= (Real s);
// Accessor. This allows to use the vector object
// like an array of Real. For example:
// Vector3<float> v (...);
// float f = v[1]; // access to _y
operator const Real *() { return _v; }
// Other vector operations
bool isZero ();
void normalize ();
// Member variables
Real _x, _y, _z;
Real _v[3];
// Predefined Vector3 types
typedef Vector3<float> Vector3f;
typedef Vector3<double> Vector3d;
// We provide a global constant zero vector
static const Vector3f kZeroVectorf (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
static const Vector3d kZeroVectord (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// Nonmember Vector3 functions
template <typename Real>
Vector3<Real> operator* (Real k, Vector3<Real> v);
template <typename Real>
Real VectorMag (const Vector3<Real> &v);
template <typename Real>
Real DotProduct (const Vector3<Real> &a, const Vector3<Real> &b);
template <typename Real>
Vector3<Real> CrossProduct (const Vector3<Real> &a, const Vector3<Real> &b);
template <typename Real>
Vector3<Real> ComputeNormal (const Vector3<Real> &p1,
const Vector3<Real> &p2, const Vector3<Real> &p3);
template <typename Real>
Real Distance (const Vector3<Real> &a, const Vector3<Real> &b);
template <typename Real>
Real DistanceSquared (const Vector3<Real> &a, const Vector3<Real> &b);
// class Matrix4x4<Real> - Implement a 4x4 Matrix class that can represent
// any 3D affine transformation.
template <typename Real>
class Matrix4x4
// Constructor - Initialize the last (never used) row of the matrix
// so that we can do any operation on matrices on the 3x4 portion
// and forget that line which will (and should) never change.
Matrix4x4 ()
: _h14 (0.0f), _h24 (0.0f), _h34 (0.0f), _tw (1.0f) { }
// Note that we don't define the copy constructor and let the compiler
// doing it itself because such initialization is not necessary
// since the source matrix has its last row already initialized...
// Public interface
void identity ();
void transpose ();
void invert ();
void setTranslation (const Vector3<Real> &v);
void transform (Vector3<Real> &v) const;
void rotate (Vector3<Real> &v) const;
void inverseRotate (Vector3<Real> &v) const;
void inverseTranslate (Vector3<Real> &v) const;
void fromQuaternion (const Quaternion<Real> &q);
// Matrix <-> Euler conversions; XYZ rotation order; angles in radians
void fromEulerAngles (Real x, Real y, Real z);
void toEulerAngles (Real &x, Real &y, Real &z) const;
// Return a base vector from the matrix
Vector3<Real> rightVector () const;
Vector3<Real> upVector () const;
Vector3<Real> forwardVector () const;
Vector3<Real> translationVector () const;
// Accessor. This allows to use the matrix object
// like an array of Real. For example:
// Matrix4x4<float> mat;
// float f = mat[4]; // access to _m21
operator const Real *() { return _m; }
// Member variables
// The values of the matrix. Basically the upper 3x3 portion
// contains a linear transformation, and the last column is the
// translation portion. Here data is transposed, see the Mathlib.inl
// for more details.
Real _m11, _m12, _m13, _h14;
Real _m21, _m22, _m23, _h24;
Real _m31, _m32, _m33, _h34;
Real _tx, _ty, _tz, _tw;
// Access to raw packed matrix data (usefull for
// glLoadMatrixf () and glMultMatrixf ())
Real _m[16];
// Predefined Matrix4x4 types
typedef Matrix4x4<float> Matrix4x4f;
typedef Matrix4x4<double> Matrix4x4d;
// Nonmember Matrix4x4 functions
// Matrix concatenation
template <typename Real>
Matrix4x4<Real> operator* (const Matrix4x4<Real> &a, const Matrix4x4<Real> &b);
template <typename Real>
Matrix4x4<Real> &operator*= (Matrix4x4<Real> &a, const Matrix4x4<Real> &b);
// Vector transformation
template <typename Real>
Vector3<Real> operator* (const Matrix4x4<Real> &m, const Vector3<Real> &p);
// Transpose matrix
template <typename Real>
Matrix4x4<Real> Transpose (const Matrix4x4<Real> &m);
// Invert matrix
template <typename Real>
Matrix4x4<Real> Invert (const Matrix4x4<Real> &m);
// Matrix-builder functions
template <typename Real> Matrix4x4<Real> RotationMatrix (Axis axis, Real theta);
template <typename Real> Matrix4x4<Real> RotationMatrix (const Vector3<Real> &axis, Real theta);
template <typename Real> Matrix4x4<Real> TranslationMatrix (Real x, Real y, Real z);
template <typename Real> Matrix4x4<Real> TranslationMatrix (const Vector3<Real> &v);
template <typename Real> Matrix4x4<Real> ScaleMatrix (const Vector3<Real> &s);
template <typename Real> Matrix4x4<Real> ScaleAlongAxisMatrix (const Vector3<Real> &axis, Real k);
template <typename Real> Matrix4x4<Real> ShearMatrix (Axis axis, Real s, Real t);
template <typename Real> Matrix4x4<Real> ProjectionMatrix (const Vector3<Real> &n);
template <typename Real> Matrix4x4<Real> ReflectionMatrix (Axis axis, Real k);
template <typename Real> Matrix4x4<Real> AxisReflectionMatrix (const Vector3<Real> &n);
template <typename Real>
Matrix4x4<Real> LookAtMatrix (const Vector3<Real> &camPos,
const Vector3<Real> &target, const Vector3<Real> &camUp);
template <typename Real>
Matrix4x4<Real> FrustumMatrix (Real l, Real r, Real b, Real t, Real n, Real f);
template <typename Real>
Matrix4x4<Real> PerspectiveMatrix (Real fovY, Real aspect, Real n, Real f);
template <typename Real>
Matrix4x4<Real> OrthoMatrix (Real l, Real r, Real b, Real t, Real n, Real f);
template <typename Real>
Matrix4x4<Real> OrthoNormalMatrix (const Vector3<Real> &xdir,
const Vector3<Real> &ydir, const Vector3<Real> &zdir);
// class Quaternion<Real> - Implement a quaternion, for purposes of
// representing an angular displacement (orientation) in 3D.
template <typename Real>
class Quaternion
// Constructors
Quaternion () { }
Quaternion (Real w, Real x, Real y, Real z)
: _w (w), _x (x), _y (y), _z (z) { }
// Public interface
void identity ();
void normalize ();
void computeW ();
void rotate (Vector3<Real> &v) const;
void fromMatrix (const Matrix4x4<Real> &m);
// Quaternion <-> Euler conversions; XYZ rotation order; angles in radians
void fromEulerAngles (Real x, Real y, Real z);
void toEulerAngles (Real &x, Real &y, Real &z) const;
Real rotationAngle () const;
Vector3<Real> rotationAxis () const;
// Quaternion operations
Quaternion<Real> operator+ (const Quaternion<Real> &q) const;
Quaternion<Real> &operator+= (const Quaternion<Real> &q);
Quaternion<Real> operator- (const Quaternion<Real> &q) const;
Quaternion<Real> &operator-= (const Quaternion<Real> &q);
Quaternion<Real> operator* (const Quaternion<Real> &q) const;
Quaternion<Real> &operator*= (const Quaternion<Real> &q);
Quaternion<Real> operator* (Real k) const;
Quaternion<Real> &operator*= (Real k);
Quaternion<Real> operator* (const Vector3<Real> &v) const;
Quaternion<Real> &operator*= (const Vector3<Real> &v);
Quaternion<Real> operator/ (Real k) const;
Quaternion<Real> &operator/= (Real k);
Quaternion<Real> operator~ () const; // Quaternion conjugate
Quaternion<Real> operator- () const; // Quaternion negation
// Member variables
// The 4 values of the quaternion. Normally, it will not
// be necessary to manipulate these directly. However,
// we leave them public, since prohibiting direct access
// makes some operations, such as file I/O, unnecessarily
// complicated.
Real _w, _x, _y, _z;
Real _q[4];
// Predefined Quaternion types
typedef Quaternion<float> Quaternionf;
typedef Quaternion<double> Quaterniond;
// A global "identity" quaternion constant
static const Quaternionf kQuaternionIdentityf (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
static const Quaterniond kQuaternionIdentityd (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
// Nonmember Matrix4x functions
template <typename Real>
Quaternion<Real> operator* (Real k, const Quaternion<Real> &q);
template <typename Real>
Real DotProduct (const Quaternion<Real> &a, const Quaternion<Real> &b);
template <typename Real>
Quaternion<Real> Conjugate (const Quaternion<Real> &q);
template <typename Real>
Quaternion<Real> Inverse (const Quaternion<Real> &q);
template <typename Real>
Quaternion<Real> RotationQuaternion (Axis axis, Real theta);
template <typename Real>
Quaternion<Real> RotationQuaternion (const Vector3<Real> &axis, Real theta);
template <typename Real>
Quaternion<Real> Log (const Quaternion<Real> &q);
template <typename Real>
Quaternion<Real> Exp (const Quaternion<Real> &q);
template <typename Real>
Quaternion<Real> Pow (const Quaternion<Real> &q, Real exponent);
template <typename Real>
Quaternion<Real> Slerp (const Quaternion<Real> &q0, const Quaternion<Real> &q1, Real t);
template <typename Real>
Quaternion<Real> Squad (const Quaternion<Real> &q0, const Quaternion<Real> &qa,
const Quaternion<Real> &qb, const Quaternion<Real> &q1, Real t);
template <typename Real>
inline void Intermediate (const Quaternion<Real> &qprev, const Quaternion<Real> &qcurr,
const Quaternion<Real> &qnext, Quaternion<Real> &qa,
Quaternion<Real> &qb);
// Include inline function definitions
#include "Mathlib.inl"
}}} //end namespace
#endif // __MATHLIB_H__

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
// ==============================================================
// This file is part of MegaGlest (www.glest.org)
// Md5Model.h -- Copyright (c) 2006 David Henry
// changed for use with MegaGlest: Copyright (C) 2011- by Mark Vejvoda
// This code is licenced under the MIT license.
// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
// warranties. You may freely copy and compile this source into
// applications you distribute provided that the copyright text
// below is included in the resulting source code.
// Declarations for MD5 Model Classes (object, mesh, animation and
// skeleton).
#ifndef __MD5_H__
#define __MD5_H__
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#endif // _WIN32
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdexcept>
//#include <tr1/memory>
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include "Mathlib.h"
#include "Texture.h"
namespace Shared { namespace Graphics { namespace md5 {
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using std::map;
//using std::shared_ptr;
// Forward declarations
class Md5Skeleton;
class Md5Mesh;
class Md5Model;
class Md5Animation;
class Md5Object;
class ShaderProgram;
class ArbVertexProgram;
class ArbFragmentProgram;;
// MD5 Constants
extern const int kMd5Version;
// We can use a specific render path, depending on
// which shader/program we want to use...
enum render_path_e
// Tangent uniform's location
//extern GLint tangentLoc;
// ARB program's tangent location
#define TANGENT_LOC 6
// OpenGL vector types
typedef GLfloat vec2_t[2];
typedef GLfloat vec3_t[3];
typedef GLfloat vec4_t[4];
struct Md5Joint_t
string name;
int parent;
Vector3f pos;
Quaternionf orient;
struct Md5Vertex_t
float st[2]; // Texture coordinates
int startWeight; // Start index weights
int countWeight; // Number of weights
struct Md5Triangle_t
int index[3]; // Vertex indices
struct Md5Weight_t
int joint; // Joint index
float bias;
Vector3f pos;
Vector3f norm;
Vector3f tan;
struct BoundingBox_t
Vector3f min;
Vector3f max;
struct OBBox_t
Matrix4x4f world;
Vector3f center;
Vector3f extent;
// class Md5Exception - Exception class for MD5 loader classes.
// This acts like a standard runtime_error exception but
// know which file or mesh has failed to be loaded.
class Md5Exception : public std::runtime_error
// Constructors
Md5Exception (const string &error)
: std::runtime_error (error) { }
Md5Exception (const string &error, const string &name)
: std::runtime_error (error), _which (name) { }
virtual ~Md5Exception () throw () { }
// Public interface
virtual const char *which () const throw () {
return _which.c_str ();
// Member variables
string _which;
// class Md5Skeleton - Skeleton model data class.
class Md5Skeleton
// Constructors/Destructor
Md5Skeleton () { }
Md5Skeleton (std::ifstream &file, int numJoints)
throw (Md5Exception);
~Md5Skeleton ();
// Internal types
typedef shared_ptr<Md5Joint_t> Md5JointPtr;
// Public interface
void draw (const Matrix4x4f &modelView, bool labelJoints);
void setNumJoints (int numJoints);
void addJoint (Md5Joint_t *thisJoint);
Md5Skeleton *clone () const;
// Accessors
int numJoints () const { return _joints.size (); }
Md5Joint_t *joint (int index) const { return _joints[index].get (); }
// Member variables
vector<Md5JointPtr> _joints;
// class Md5Mesh - Mesh data class.
class Md5Mesh
// Public internal types
kHide, // Skip mesh
kNoDraw, // Don't draw but prepare vertices
kShow, // Draw mesh
typedef shared_ptr<Md5Vertex_t> Md5VertexPtr;
typedef shared_ptr<Md5Triangle_t> Md5TrianglePtr;
typedef shared_ptr<Md5Weight_t> Md5WeightPtr;
// Constructor/Destructor
Md5Mesh (std::ifstream &ifs)
throw (Md5Exception);
~Md5Mesh ();
// Public interface
void setupVertexArrays (Md5Skeleton *skel);
void computeWeightNormals (Md5Skeleton *skel);
void computeWeightTangents (Md5Skeleton *skel);
void computeBoundingBox (Md5Skeleton *skel);
void renderVertexArrays () const;
void drawNormals () const;
// Hide/NoDraw/Show state
void setState (int state) { _renderState = state; }
// Texture setters
void setDecalMap (const Texture2D *tex) { _decal = tex; }
void setSpecularMap (const Texture2D *tex) { _specMap = tex; }
void setNormalMap (const Texture2D *tex) { _normalMap = tex; }
void setHeightMap (const Texture2D *tex) { _heightMap = tex; }
// Accessors
const string &name () const { return _name; }
const BoundingBox_t &boundingBox () const { return _boundingBox; }
// Mesh render state
bool hiden () const { return (_renderState == kHide); }
bool noDraw () const { return (_renderState == kNoDraw); }
bool show () const { return (_renderState == kShow); }
// Internal functions
void preRenderVertexArrays () const;
void postRenderVertexArrays () const;
void allocVertexArrays ();
void setupTexCoordArray ();
void setupTexture (const Texture2D *tex, GLenum texUnit) const;
void resetReversedTexture(const Texture2D *tex, GLenum texUnit) const;
// Member variables
string _name;
string _shader;
int _renderState;
BoundingBox_t _boundingBox;
int _numVerts;
int _numTris;
int _numWeights;
// Original mesh data
vector<Md5VertexPtr> _verts;
vector<Md5TrianglePtr> _tris;
vector<Md5WeightPtr> _weights;
// Final mesh data; vertex arrays for fast rendering
vector<GLfloat> _vertexArray;
vector<GLfloat> _normalArray;
vector<GLfloat> _tangentArray;
vector<GLfloat> _texCoordArray;
vector<GLuint> _vertIndices;
// Textures
const Texture2D *_decal;
const Texture2D *_specMap;
const Texture2D *_normalMap;
const Texture2D *_heightMap;
// class Md5Model - MD5 Mesh Model class.
class Md5Model
// Constructor/Destructor
Md5Model (const string &filename)
throw (Md5Exception);
~Md5Model ();
// Internal type definitions
typedef shared_ptr<Md5Skeleton> Md5SkeletonPtr;
typedef shared_ptr<Md5Mesh> Md5MeshPtr;
typedef shared_ptr<Md5Animation> Md5AnimationPtr;
typedef map<string, Md5AnimationPtr> AnimMap;
// Public interface
void prepare (Md5Skeleton *skel);
void drawModel () const;
bool addAnim (const string &filename);
// Setters
void setMeshRenderState (const string &name, int state);
void setMeshDecalMap (const string &name, const Texture2D *tex);
void setMeshSpecularMap (const string &name, const Texture2D *tex);
void setMeshNormalMap (const string &name, const Texture2D *tex);
void setMeshHeightMap (const string &name, const Texture2D *tex);
// Accessors
const Md5Animation *anim (const string &name) const;
int numJoints () const { return _numJoints; }
const Md5Skeleton *baseSkeleton () const { return _baseSkeleton.get (); }
const AnimMap &anims () const { return _animList; }
const BoundingBox_t &bindPoseBoundingBox () const { return _bindPoseBox; }
static render_path_e renderPath;
static ShaderProgram *shader;
static ArbVertexProgram *vp;
static ArbFragmentProgram *fp;
static GLint tangentLoc;
static bool bDrawNormals;
// Internal functions
void computeBindPoseBoundingBox ();
// Check if an animation is valid for this model,
// i.e. anim's skeleton matches with model's skeleton
bool validityCheck (Md5Animation *anim) const;
// Access to a mesh, given its name
Md5Mesh *getMeshByName (const string &name) const;
// Member variables
int _numJoints;
int _numMeshes;
Md5SkeletonPtr _baseSkeleton;
vector<Md5MeshPtr> _meshes;
AnimMap _animList;
BoundingBox_t _bindPoseBox;
// class Md5Animation - MD5 model animation class.
class Md5Animation
// Constructor/Destructor
Md5Animation (const string &filename)
throw (Md5Exception);
~Md5Animation ();
// Internal type
struct JointInfo
string name;
int parent;
// NOTE: this structure is stored in
// little-endian format
union JointFlags
short value;
bool tx: 1;
bool ty: 1;
bool tz: 1;
bool qx: 1;
bool qy: 1;
bool qz: 1;
} flags;
int startIndex;
struct BaseFrameJoint
Vector3f pos;
Quaternionf orient;
typedef shared_ptr<Md5Skeleton> Md5SkeletonPtr;
typedef shared_ptr<BoundingBox_t> BoundingBoxPtr;
// Public interface
void interpolate (int frameA, int frameB,
float interp, Md5Skeleton *out) const;
// Accessors
int maxFrame () const { return _numFrames - 1; }
int frameRate () const { return _frameRate; }
const string &name () const { return _name; }
Md5Skeleton *frame (int frame) const {
return _skelframes[frame].get ();
const BoundingBox_t *frameBounds (int frame) const {
return _bboxes[frame].get ();
// Internal functions
void buildFrameSkeleton (vector<JointInfo> &jointInfos,
vector<BaseFrameJoint> &baseFrame,
vector<float> &animFrameData);
// Member variables
int _numFrames;
int _frameRate;
string _name;
// Store each frame as a skeleton
vector<Md5SkeletonPtr> _skelframes;
// Bounding boxes for each frame
vector<BoundingBoxPtr> _bboxes;
// class Md5Object - MD5 object class.
class Md5Object
// Public internal types/enums
kDrawModel = 1,
kDrawSkeleton = 2,
kDrawJointLabels = 4,
// Contructor/Destructor
Md5Object (Md5Model *model);
virtual ~Md5Object ();
// Public interface
void animate (double dt);
void computeBoundingBox ();
void prepare (bool softwareTransformation);
void render () const;
// Setters
void setMd5Model (Md5Model *model);
void setAnim (const string &name);
void setModelViewMatrix (const Matrix4x4f &mat) { _modelView = mat; }
void setRenderFlags (int flags) { _renderFlags = flags; }
// Accessors
int renderFlags () const { return _renderFlags; }
const Md5Model *getModelPtr () const { return _model; }
const string currAnimName () const { return _currAnimName; }
const OBBox_t &boundingBox () const { return _bbox; }
// Member variables;
Md5Model *_model;
Md5Skeleton *_animatedSkeleton;
Matrix4x4f _modelView;
bool _softwareTransformation;
const Md5Animation *_currAnim;
string _currAnimName;
unsigned int _currFrame;
unsigned int _nextFrame;
double _last_time;
double _max_time;
int _renderFlags;
OBBox_t _bbox;
}}} //end namespace
#endif // __MD5_H__

View File

@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
// ==============================================================
// This file is part of MegaGlest (www.glest.org)
// Shader.h -- Copyright (c) 2006 David Henry
// changed for use with MegaGlest: Copyright (C) 2011- by Mark Vejvoda
// This code is licenced under the MIT license.
// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
// warranties. You may freely copy and compile this source into
// applications you distribute provided that the copyright text
// below is included in the resulting source code.
// Definitions of GLSL shader related classes.
#ifndef __SHADER_H__
#define __SHADER_H__
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#endif // _WIN32
#include <GL/glew.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
namespace Shared { namespace Graphics { namespace md5 {
using std::string;
// Shader class diagram:
// +-------- (abs) +---------------+
// | Shader | | ShaderProgram |
// +----------+ +---------------+
// ^
// |
// +----------+----------+
// | |
// +--------------+ +----------------+
// | VertexShader | | FragmentShader |
// +--------------+ +----------------+
// Global functions for initializing GLSL extensions and query for
// shader support on the host.
GLboolean hasShaderSupport();
void initShaderHandling();
// class Shader -- GLSL abstract shader object. Can be a vertex shader
// or a fragment shader.
class Shader {
// Constructor
Shader (const string &filename);
// Destructor
virtual ~Shader ();
// Accessors
const string &name () const { return _name; }
const string &code () const { return _code; }
GLuint handle () const { return _handle; }
bool fail () const { return (_compiled == GL_FALSE); }
virtual GLenum shaderType () const = 0;
// Public interface
void printInfoLog () const;
// Internal functions
void compile ()
throw (std::runtime_error);
void loadShaderFile (const string &filename)
throw (std::runtime_error);
// Member variables
string _name;
string _code;
GLuint _handle;
GLint _compiled;
// class VertexShader -- GLSL vertex shader object.
class VertexShader : public Shader {
// Constructor
VertexShader (const string &filename);
// Return the shader enum type
virtual GLenum shaderType () const {
// class FragmentShader -- GLSL fragment shader object.
class FragmentShader : public Shader {
// Constructor
FragmentShader (const string &filename);
// Return the shader enum type
virtual GLenum shaderType () const {
// class ShaderProgram -- GLSL shader program object.
class ShaderProgram {
// Constructor/destructor
ShaderProgram (const string &name,
const VertexShader &vertexShader,
const FragmentShader &fragmentShader);
~ShaderProgram ();
// Public interface
void use () const;
void unuse () const;
void printInfoLog () const;
// Accessors
const string &name () const { return _name; }
GLuint handle () const { return _handle; }
bool fail () const { return (_linked == GL_FALSE); }
// Member variables
string _name;
GLuint _handle;
GLint _linked;
}}} //end namespace
#endif // __SHADER_H__

View File

@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
// ==============================================================
// This file is part of MegaGlest (www.glest.org)
// Texture.h -- Copyright (c) 2006 David Henry
// changed for use with MegaGlest: Copyright (C) 2011- by Mark Vejvoda
// This code is licenced under the MIT license.
// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
// warranties. You may freely copy and compile this source into
// applications you distribute provided that the copyright text
// below is included in the resulting source code.
// Definition of an OpenGL texture classes.
#ifndef __TEXTURE_H__
#define __TEXTURE_H__
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#endif // _WIN32
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glext.h>
#include <memory>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include "Image.h"
namespace Shared { namespace Graphics { namespace md5 {
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using std::map;
using std::auto_ptr;
// Texture class diagram:
// +--------- (abs)
// | Texture |
// +-----------+
// ^
// |
// +---------------------+----------------------+
// | | |
// +-----------+ +------------------+ +----------------+
// | Texture2D | | TextureRectangle | | TextureCubeMap |
// +-----------+ +------------------+ +----------------+
// class Texture -- OpenGL texture base class. This is an abstract
// class for more specialized OpenGL texture classes.
class Texture {
// Constructor/destructor
Texture ();
virtual ~Texture ();
// Constants
enum {
//Default behaviour
kDefault = 0,
// Use texture compression
kCompress = (1 << 0),
typedef int TextureFlags;
// Public interface
void bind () const;
void bind (GLenum texUnit) const;
bool fail () const { return _fail; }
bool stdCoordSystem () const { return _standardCoordSystem; }
// Accessors
const string &name () const { return _name; }
const GLuint handle () const { return _handle; }
virtual GLenum target () const = 0;
// Copy operations are not allowed for textures, because
// when the source texture is destroyed, it releases
// its texture handle and so dest texture's handle is
// not valid anymore.
Texture (const Texture &);
Texture &operator= (const Texture &);
// Internal functions
GLubyte *loadImageFile (const string &filename);
GLint getCompressionFormat (GLint internalFormat);
GLint getInternalFormat (GLint components);
// Member variables
string _name;
GLuint _handle;
TextureFlags _flags;
bool _standardCoordSystem;
bool _fail;
// class Texture2D -- OpenGL texture 2D object.
class Texture2D : public Texture {
// Constructors
Texture2D (const string &filename, TextureFlags flags = kDefault);
Texture2D (const Image *img, TextureFlags flags = kDefault);
// Default constructor is not public
Texture2D ();
// Internal functions
virtual void create (const Image *img, TextureFlags flags);
// Accessors
virtual GLenum target () const { return GL_TEXTURE_2D; }
// class TextureRectangle -- OpenGL texture rectangle object.
class TextureRectangle : public Texture {
// Constructors
TextureRectangle (const string &filename, TextureFlags flags = kDefault);
TextureRectangle (const Image *img, TextureFlags flags = kDefault);
// Internal functions
virtual void create (const Image *img, TextureFlags flags);
// Accessors
virtual GLenum target () const { return GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB; }
GLint width () const { return _width; }
GLint height () const { return _height; }
// Member variables
GLint _width;
GLint _height;
// class TextureCubeMap -- OpenGL texture cube map object.
// The order of images to pass to constructors is:
// - positive x, negative x,
// - positive y, negative y,
// - positive z, negative z.
class TextureCubeMap : public Texture {
// Constructors
TextureCubeMap (const string &basename, const vector<string> &files,
TextureFlags flags = kDefault);
TextureCubeMap (const string &basename, const vector<ImagePtr> &faces,
TextureFlags flags = kDefault);
// Internal function
virtual void create (const vector<ImagePtr> &faces, TextureFlags flags);
// Accessors
virtual GLenum target () const { return GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB; }
}}} //end namespace
#endif // __TEXTURE_H__

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
// ==============================================================
// This file is part of MegaGlest (www.glest.org)
// TextureManager.h -- Copyright (c) 2006 David Henry
// changed for use with MegaGlest: Copyright (C) 2011- by Mark Vejvoda
// This code is licenced under the MIT license.
// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
// warranties. You may freely copy and compile this source into
// applications you distribute provided that the copyright text
// below is included in the resulting source code.
// Definitions of a texture manager class.
#include "DataManager.h"
#include "Texture.h"
namespace Shared { namespace Graphics { namespace md5 {
// class Texture2DManager -- a texture manager which can register/unregister
// Texture2D objects. Destroy all registred textures at death.
// The texture manager is a singleton.
class Texture2DManager :
public DataManager<Texture2D, Texture2DManager> {
friend class DataManager<Texture2D, Texture2DManager>;
// Public interface
// Load and register a texture. If the texture has already been
// loaded previously, return it instead of loading it.
Texture2D *load (const string &filename)
// Look for the texture in the registry
Texture2D *tex = request (filename);
// If not found, load the texture
if (tex == NULL)
tex = new Texture2D (filename);
// If the texture creation failed, delete the
// unusable object and return NULL
if (tex->fail ())
delete tex;
tex = NULL;
// The texture has been successfully loaded,
// register it.
registerObject (tex->name (), tex);
return tex;
}}} //end namespace
#endif // __TEXTUREMANAGER_H__

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
// ==============================================================
// This file is part of MegaGlest (www.glest.org)
// Copyright (C) 2011- by Mark Vejvoda
// You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version
// ==============================================================
#ifndef __MD5Loader_H__
#define __MD5Loader_H__
//#include "Mathlib.h"
namespace Shared { namespace Graphics { namespace md5 {
class Md5Object;
class Real;
template <typename Real>
class Matrix4x4;
typedef Matrix4x4<float> Matrix4x4f;
void initMD5OpenGL(string shaderPath);
void cleanupMD5OpenGL();
Md5Object * getMD5ObjectFromLoaderScript(const string &filename);
void renderMD5Object(Md5Object *object, double anim, Matrix4x4f *modelViewMatrix=NULL);
}}} //end namespace
#endif // __MD5Loader_H__

View File

@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
// ==============================================================
// This file is part of MegaGlest (www.glest.org)
// ArbProgram.cpp -- Copyright (c) 2007 David Henry
// changed for use with MegaGlest: Copyright (C) 2011- by Mark Vejvoda
// This code is licenced under the MIT license.
// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
// warranties. You may freely copy and compile this source into
// applications you distribute provided that the copyright text
// below is included in the resulting source code.
// Implementation of ARB program related classes.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "ArbProgram.h"
namespace Shared { namespace Graphics { namespace md5 {
using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
// Global ARB program related functions.
static GLboolean ArbVpCapable = GL_FALSE;
static GLboolean ArbFpCapable = GL_FALSE;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// hasArbVertexProgramSupport
// hasArbFragmentProgramSupport
// Return true if the host has ARB program support (vertex or fragment).
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
GLboolean hasArbVertexProgramSupport () {
return ArbVpCapable;
GLboolean hasArbFragmentProgramSupport () {
return ArbFpCapable;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// initArbProgramHandling
// Initialize variables and extensions needed for using ARB Programs.
// This function should be called before any shader usage (at application
// initialization for example).
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void initArbProgramHandling () {
// Check for extensions needed for ARB program support on host
ArbVpCapable = glewIsSupported ("GL_ARB_vertex_program");
ArbFpCapable = glewIsSupported ("GL_ARB_fragment_program");
if (!hasArbVertexProgramSupport ())
cerr << "* missing GL_ARB_vertex_program extension" << endl;
if (!hasArbFragmentProgramSupport ())
cerr << "* missing GL_ARB_fragment_program extension" << endl;
// class ArbProgram implementation.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ArbProgram::ArbProgram
// Constructor.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ArbProgram::ArbProgram (const string &filename)
: _name (filename), _handle (0), _fail (true) {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ArbProgram::~ArbProgram
// Destructor. Destroy the program handle.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ArbProgram::~ArbProgram () {
if (glIsProgramARB (_handle))
glDeleteProgramsARB (1, &_handle);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ArbProgram::use
// ArbProgram::unuse
// Bind/unbind the program.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ArbProgram::use () const {
const GLenum target = programType ();
glEnable (target);
glBindProgramARB (target, _handle);
void ArbProgram::unuse () const {
const GLenum target = programType ();
glBindProgramARB (target, 0);
glDisable (target);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ArbProgram::printProgramString
// Print the ARB program string until a given position. This is
// usefull for printing code until error position.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ArbProgram::printProgramString (int errPos) {
int i = 0;
cerr << endl << " > ";
for (i = 0; i < (errPos + 1) && _code[i]; i++) {
cerr.put (_code[i]);
if (_code[i] == '\n')
cerr << " > ";
cerr << " <---" << endl << endl;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ArbProgram::load
// Create and load the program.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ArbProgram::load () throw (std::runtime_error) {
const GLchar *code = _code.c_str ();
const GLenum target = programType ();
// Generate a program object handle
glGenProgramsARB (1, &_handle);
// Make the "current" program object progid
glBindProgramARB (target, _handle);
// Specify the program for the current object
glProgramStringARB (target, GL_PROGRAM_FORMAT_ASCII_ARB,
_code.size (), code);
// Check for errors and warnings...
if (GL_INVALID_OPERATION == glGetError ()) {
const GLubyte *errString;
GLint errPos;
// Find the error position
// Print implementation-dependent program
// errors and warnings string
errString = glGetString (GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB);
cerr << "Error in " << ((GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB == target) ?
"vertex" : "fragment");
cerr << " program at position: " << errPos << endl << errString;
printProgramString (errPos);
_fail = true;
throw std::runtime_error ("Compilation failed");
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ArbProgram::loadProgramFile
// Load program's code from file. The code is stored into the
// _code string member variable.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ArbProgram::loadProgramFile (const string &filename) throw (std::runtime_error) {
// Open the file
std::ifstream ifs (filename.c_str (), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
if (ifs.fail ())
throw std::runtime_error ("Couldn't open prog file: " + filename);
// Read whole file into string
_code.assign (std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(ifs),
// Close file
ifs.close ();
// class ArbVertexProgram implementation.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ArbVertexProgram::ArbVertexProgram
// Constructor. Read vertex program code from file and load it.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ArbVertexProgram::ArbVertexProgram (const string &filename) : ArbProgram (filename) {
try {
// Load program code from file
loadProgramFile (filename);
// load the program from code buffer
load ();
cout << "* Vertex program \"" << _name << "\" loaded" << endl;
catch (std::runtime_error &err) {
cerr << "Error: Faild to create vertex program from " << _name;
cerr << endl << "Reason: " << err.what () << endl;
// class ArbFragmentProgram implementation.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ArbFragmentProgram::ArbFragmentProgram
// Constructor. Read fragment program code from file and load it.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ArbFragmentProgram::ArbFragmentProgram (const string &filename) : ArbProgram (filename) {
try {
// Load program code from file
loadProgramFile (filename);
// load the program from code buffer
load ();
cout << "* Fragment program \"" << _name << "\" loaded" << endl;
catch (std::runtime_error &err) {
cerr << "Error: Faild to create fragment program from " << _name;
cerr << endl << "Reason: " << err.what () << endl;
}}} //end namespace

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
// ==============================================================
// This file is part of MegaGlest (www.glest.org)
// GlErrors.cpp -- Copyright (c) 2006-2007 David Henry
// changed for use with MegaGlest: Copyright (C) 2011- by Mark Vejvoda
// This code is licenced under the MIT license.
// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
// warranties. You may freely copy and compile this source into
// applications you distribute provided that the copyright text
// below is included in the resulting source code.
// OpenGL error management.
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#endif // _WIN32
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "GlErrors.h"
namespace Shared { namespace Graphics { namespace md5 {
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// checkOpenGLErrors
// Print the last OpenGL error code. @file is the filename where the
// function has been called, @line is the line number. You should use
// this function like this:
// checkOpenGLErrors (__FILE__, __LINE__);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
GLenum checkOpenGLErrors (const char *file, int line) {
GLenum errCode = glGetError ();
if (errCode != GL_NO_ERROR)
cerr << "(GL) " << file << " (" << line << "): "
<< gluErrorString (errCode) << endl;
return errCode;
}}} //end namespace

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
// ==============================================================
// This file is part of MegaGlest (www.glest.org)
// Shader.cpp -- Copyright (c) 2006-2007 David Henry
// changed for use with MegaGlest: Copyright (C) 2011- by Mark Vejvoda
// This code is licenced under the MIT license.
// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
// warranties. You may freely copy and compile this source into
// applications you distribute provided that the copyright text
// below is included in the resulting source code.
// Implementation of GLSL shader related classes.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "Shader.h"
#include "GlErrors.h"
namespace Shared { namespace Graphics { namespace md5 {
using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
// Global shader related functions.
static GLboolean GLSLCapable = GL_FALSE;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// hasShaderSupport
// Return true if the host has GLSL, so that we can use shaders.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
GLboolean hasShaderSupport () {
return GLSLCapable;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// checkExtensionPresence
// Check if an extension is present on the host OpenGL implementation.
// Increment @missing if the extension is missing.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void checkExtensionPresence (const string &name, int &missing) {
if (!glewIsSupported (name.c_str ()))
cerr << "* missing " << name << " extension" << endl;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// initShaderHandling
// Initialize variables and extensions needed for using GLSL. This
// function should be called before any shader usage (at application
// initialization for example).
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void initShaderHandling () {
int missing = 0;
// Check for extensions needed for GLSL support on host
checkExtensionPresence ("GL_ARB_shader_objects", missing);
checkExtensionPresence ("GL_ARB_shading_language_100", missing);
checkExtensionPresence ("GL_ARB_vertex_shader", missing);
checkExtensionPresence ("GL_ARB_fragment_shader", missing);
// Disable GLSL if one extension is missing
if (missing > 0)
GLSLCapable = GL_TRUE;
// class Shader implementation.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Shader::Shader
// Constructor.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shader::Shader (const string &filename)
: _name (filename), _handle (0), _compiled (0) {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Shader::~Shader
// Destructor. Destroy the shader handle.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shader::~Shader () {
if (glIsShader (_handle))
glDeleteShader (_handle);
GLint type;
glGetObjectParameterivARB (_handle, GL_OBJECT_TYPE_ARB, &type);
glDeleteObjectARB (_handle);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Shader::printInfoLog
// Print log info about a vertex or a fragment shader.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Shader::printInfoLog () const {
GLint infologLength = 0;
// First check for previous OpenGL errors...
checkOpenGLErrors (__FILE__, __LINE__);
// Get log's length
glGetShaderiv (_handle, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infologLength);
glGetObjectParameterivARB (_handle, GL_OBJECT_INFO_LOG_LENGTH_ARB,
// If log is empty, quit
if (infologLength <= 1)
GLchar *infoLog = new GLchar[infologLength];
// Get the log...
glGetShaderInfoLog (_handle, infologLength, NULL, infoLog);
glGetInfoLogARB (_handle, infologLength, NULL, infoLog);
// ...and print it to standard output
cout << "Shader \"" << _name << "\" InfoLog ("
<< infologLength << "):" << endl << infoLog << endl;
delete [] infoLog;
catch (std::bad_alloc &err)
cerr << "Error: memory allocation failed for shader info log"
<< endl << " Reason: " << err.what () << endl;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Shader::compile
// Create and compile the shader.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Shader::compile ()
throw (std::runtime_error) {
const GLchar *code = _code.c_str ();
// Create a shader object
_handle = glCreateShader (shaderType ());
// Upload shader code to OpenGL
glShaderSource (_handle, 1, &code, NULL);
// Compile shader
glCompileShader (_handle);
glGetShaderiv (_handle, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &_compiled);
printInfoLog ();
// Check for success
if (GL_FALSE == _compiled)
throw std::runtime_error ("Compilation failed");
// Create a shader object
_handle = glCreateShaderObjectARB (shaderType ());
// Upload shader code to OpenGL
glShaderSourceARB (_handle, 1, &code, NULL);
// Compile shader
glCompileShaderARB (_handle);
glGetObjectParameterivARB (_handle, GL_OBJECT_COMPILE_STATUS_ARB, &_compiled);
printInfoLog ();
// Check for success
if (GL_FALSE == _compiled)
throw std::runtime_error ("Compilation failed");
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Shader::loadShaderFile
// Load shader's GLSL code from file. The code is stored into the
// _code string member variable.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Shader::loadShaderFile (const string &filename) throw (std::runtime_error) {
// Open the file
std::ifstream ifs (filename.c_str (), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
if (ifs.fail ())
throw std::runtime_error ("Couldn't open shader file: " + filename);
// Read whole file into string
_code.assign (std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(ifs),
// Close file
ifs.close ();
// class VertexShader implementation.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// VertexShader::VertexShader
// Constructor. Read vertex shader code from file and compile it.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
VertexShader::VertexShader (const string &filename)
: Shader (filename) {
// Load shader code from file
loadShaderFile (filename);
// Compile the shader
compile ();
cout << "* Vertex shader \"" << _name << "\" compiled" << endl;
catch (std::runtime_error &err)
cerr << "Error: Faild to create vertex shader from " << _name << endl;
cerr << "Reason: " << err.what () << endl;
// class FragmentShader implementation.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FragmentShader::FragmentShader
// Constructor. Read fragment shader code from file and compile it.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
FragmentShader::FragmentShader (const string &filename)
: Shader (filename) {
// Load shader code from file
loadShaderFile (filename);
// Compile the shader
compile ();
cout << "* Fragment shader \"" << _name << "\" compiled" << endl;
catch (std::runtime_error &err)
cerr << "Error: Faild to create fragment shader from " << _name << endl;
cerr << "Reason: " << err.what () << endl;
// class ShaderProgram implementation.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ShaderProgram::ShaderProgram
// Constructor. Link vertex and fragment shader. If the vertex shader
// or the fragment shader is invalid (has failed to compile), the
// shader program creation is aborted.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ShaderProgram::ShaderProgram (const string &filename,
const VertexShader &vertexShader,
const FragmentShader &fragmentShader)
: _name (filename), _handle (0), _linked (0) {
try {
if (vertexShader.fail ())
throw std::runtime_error ("Invalid vertex shader");
if (fragmentShader.fail ())
throw std::runtime_error ("Invalid fragment shader");
// Create program and attach vertex and fragment shaders
_handle = glCreateProgram ();
glAttachShader (_handle, vertexShader.handle ());
glAttachShader (_handle, fragmentShader.handle ());
// Perform link stage
glLinkProgram (_handle);
glGetProgramiv (_handle, GL_LINK_STATUS, &_linked);
// Validate program
glValidateProgram (_handle);
printInfoLog ();
// Check for success
if (GL_FALSE == _linked)
throw std::runtime_error ("Link stage failed");
// Create program and attach vertex and fragment shaders
_handle = glCreateProgramObjectARB ();
glAttachObjectARB (_handle, vertexShader.handle ());
glAttachObjectARB (_handle, fragmentShader.handle ());
// Perform link stage
glLinkProgramARB (_handle);
glGetObjectParameterivARB (_handle, GL_OBJECT_LINK_STATUS_ARB, &_linked);
// Validate program
glValidateProgramARB (_handle);
printInfoLog ();
// Check for success
if (GL_FALSE == _linked)
throw std::runtime_error ("Link stage failed");
cout << "* Shader \"" << _name << "\" successfully linked" << endl;
catch (std::runtime_error &err)
cerr << "Error: Faild to create shader " << _name << endl;
cerr << "Reason: " << err.what () << endl;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ShaderProgram::~ShaderProgram
// Destructor. Destroy the shader program handle.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ShaderProgram::~ShaderProgram () {
if (glIsProgram (_handle))
glDeleteProgram (_handle);
GLint type;
glGetObjectParameterivARB (_handle, GL_OBJECT_TYPE_ARB, &type);
glDeleteObjectARB (_handle);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ShaderProgram::use
// ShaderProgram::unuse
// Bind/unbind the shader.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ShaderProgram::use () const {
glUseProgram (_handle);
glUseProgramObjectARB (_handle);
void ShaderProgram::unuse () const {
glUseProgram (0);
glUseProgramObjectARB (0);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ShaderProgram::printInfoLog
// Print log info about a shader program.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ShaderProgram::printInfoLog () const {
GLint infologLength = 0;
// First check for previous OpenGL errors...
checkOpenGLErrors (__FILE__, __LINE__);
// Get log's length
glGetProgramiv (_handle, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infologLength);
glGetObjectParameterivARB (_handle, GL_OBJECT_INFO_LOG_LENGTH_ARB,
// If log is empty, quit
if (infologLength <= 1)
GLchar *infoLog = new GLchar[infologLength];
// Get the log...
glGetProgramInfoLog (_handle, infologLength, NULL, infoLog);
glGetInfoLogARB (_handle, infologLength, NULL, infoLog);
// ...and print it to standard output
cout << "Program \"" << _name << "\" InfoLog ("
<< infologLength << "):" << endl << infoLog << endl;
delete [] infoLog;
catch (std::bad_alloc &err)
cerr << "Error: memory allocation failed for shader program "
<< "info log" << endl << " Reason: " << err.what () << endl;
}}} //end namespace

View File

@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
// ==============================================================
// This file is part of MegaGlest (www.glest.org)
// Texture.cpp -- Copyright (c) 2006 David Henry
// changed for use with MegaGlest: Copyright (C) 2011- by Mark Vejvoda
// This code is licenced under the MIT license.
// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
// warranties. You may freely copy and compile this source into
// applications you distribute provided that the copyright text
// below is included in the resulting source code.
// Implementation of an OpenGL texture classes.
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#endif // _WIN32
#include <GL/glew.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "GlErrors.h"
#include "Texture.h"
#include "Image.h"
namespace Shared { namespace Graphics { namespace md5 {
using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
// class Texture implementation.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Texture::Texture
// Constructor.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Texture::Texture ()
: _handle (0), _flags (kDefault),
_standardCoordSystem (true), _fail (true) {
// Inhibit possible previous OpenGL error
checkOpenGLErrors (__FILE__, __LINE__);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Texture::~Texture
// Destructor. Delete texture object.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Texture::~Texture () {
// Delete texture object
if (glIsTexture(_handle))
glDeleteTextures (1, &_handle);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Texture::bind
// Bind texture to the active texture unit.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Texture::bind () const {
glBindTexture (target (), _handle);
void Texture::bind (GLenum texUnit) const {
glActiveTexture (texUnit);
glBindTexture (target (), _handle);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Texture::getCompressionFormat
// Return the corresponding format for a compressed image given
// image's internal format (pixel components).
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
GLint Texture::getCompressionFormat (GLint internalFormat) {
if (!GLEW_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc ||
// No compression possible on this target machine
return internalFormat;
switch (internalFormat)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
// Error!
throw std::invalid_argument ("Texture::getCompressionFormat: "
"Bad internal format");
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Texture::getInternalFormat
// Return texture's internal format depending to whether compression
// is used or not.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
GLint Texture::getInternalFormat (GLint components) {
if (_flags & kCompress)
return getCompressionFormat (components);
return components;
// class Texture2D implementation.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Texture2D::Texture2D
// Constructors. Try to load a texture 2D. Don't throw any exception
// if it fails to create the texture; the program can still run whithout
// textures.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Texture2D::Texture2D () : Texture () {
Texture2D::Texture2D (const string &filename, TextureFlags flags) {
// Load image file into a buffer
ImageBuffer ibuff (filename);
auto_ptr<Image> img (ImageFactory::createImage (ibuff));
// Create texture from image buffer
create (img.get (), flags);
catch (std::exception &err)
cerr << "Error: Couldn't create texture 2D from " << filename
<< endl << "Reason: " << err.what () << endl;
Texture2D::Texture2D (const Image *img, TextureFlags flags)
// Create texture from image buffer
create (img, flags);
catch (std::exception &err)
cerr << "Error: Couldn't create texture 2D from " << img->name ()
<< endl << "Reason: " << err.what () << endl;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Texture2D::create
// Create a texture 2D from an image.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Texture2D::create (const Image *img, TextureFlags flags)
if (!img->pixels ())
throw std::runtime_error ("Invalid image data");
// Fill texture's vars
_name = img->name ();
_flags = flags;
_standardCoordSystem = img->stdCoordSystem ();
// Generate a texture name
glGenTextures (1, &_handle);
glBindTexture (target (), _handle);
// Setup texture filters
if (img->isCompressed ())
// Image use S3 compression. Only S3TC DXT1, DXT3
// and DXT5 formats are supported.
GLsizei mipWidth = img->width ();
GLsizei mipHeight = img->height ();
int offset = 0;
int blockSize = (img->format () == GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT) ? 8 : 16;
// Upload mipmaps to video memory
for (GLint mipLevel = 0; mipLevel < img->numMipmaps (); ++mipLevel)
GLsizei mipSize = ((mipWidth + 3) / 4) * ((mipHeight + 3) / 4) * blockSize;
glCompressedTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, mipLevel, img->format (),
mipWidth, mipHeight, 0, mipSize,
img->pixels () + offset);
mipWidth = std::max (mipWidth >> 1, 1);
mipHeight = std::max (mipHeight >> 1, 1);
offset += mipSize;
// Build the texture and generate mipmaps
if (GLEW_SGIS_generate_mipmap && img->isPowerOfTwo ())
// Hardware mipmap generation
glTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, getInternalFormat (img->components ()),
img->width (), img->height (), 0, img->format (),
GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, img->pixels ());
// No hardware mipmap generation support, fall back to the
// good old gluBuild2DMipmaps function
gluBuild2DMipmaps (GL_TEXTURE_2D, getInternalFormat (img->components ()),
img->width (), img->height (), img->format (),
GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, img->pixels ());
// Does texture creation succeeded?
if (GL_NO_ERROR == checkOpenGLErrors (__FILE__, __LINE__))
_fail = false;
// class TextureRectangle implementation.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TextureRectangle::TextureRectangle
// Constructors. Try to load a texture rectangle. Don't throw any
// exception if it fails to create the texture; the program can still
// run whithout textures.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
TextureRectangle::TextureRectangle (const string &filename, TextureFlags flags)
: _width (0), _height (0)
// Check if is not a DDS image
if (filename.find (".dds") != string::npos)
throw ImageException ("Compressed textures are not supported for"
" texture rectangles!", filename);
// Load image file into a buffer
ImageBuffer ibuff (filename);
auto_ptr<Image> img (ImageFactory::createImage (ibuff));
// Create texture from image buffer
create (img.get (), flags);
catch (std::exception &err)
cerr << "Error: Couldn't create texture rectangle from "
<< filename << endl << "Reason: " << err.what () << endl;
TextureRectangle::TextureRectangle (const Image *img, TextureFlags flags)
: _width (0), _height (0)
// Check if is not a compressed DDS image
if (img->isCompressed ())
throw ImageException ("Compressed textures are not supported for"
" texture rectangles!", img->name ());
// Create texture from image buffer
create (img, flags);
catch (std::exception &err)
cerr << "Error: Couldn't create texture rectangle from "
<< img->name () << endl << "Reason: " << err.what () << endl;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TextureRectangle::create
// Create a texture rectangle from an image. No mipmap
// filtering is permitted for texture rectangles.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
TextureRectangle::create (const Image *img, TextureFlags flags)
if (!img->pixels ())
throw std::runtime_error ("Invalid image data");
// Get image info
_standardCoordSystem = img->stdCoordSystem ();
_width = img->width ();
_height = img->height ();
_name = img->name ();
_flags = flags;
// Generate a texture name
glGenTextures (1, &_handle);
glBindTexture (target (), _handle);
// Setup texture filters
// Create texture from image
getInternalFormat (img->components ()),
img->width (), img->height (), 0, img->format (),
GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, img->pixels ());
// Does texture creation succeeded?
if (GL_NO_ERROR == checkOpenGLErrors (__FILE__, __LINE__))
_fail = false;
// class TextureCubeMap implementation.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TextureCubeMap::TextureCubeMap
// Constructors. Try to load a texture cube map. Don't throw any
// exception if it fails to create the texture; the program can still
// run whithout textures.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
TextureCubeMap::TextureCubeMap (const string &basename, const vector<string> &files,
TextureFlags flags)
_name = basename;
vector<ImagePtr> faces;
// Load images
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
ImageBuffer ibuff (files[i]);
faces.push_back (ImagePtr (ImageFactory::createImage (ibuff)));
// Create texture from faces
create (faces, flags);
catch (ImageException &err)
cerr << "Error: Couldn't create texture cube map from " << basename << endl;
cerr << "Reason: " << err.what () << " (" << err.which () << ")" << endl;
catch (std::exception &err)
cerr << "Error: Couldn't create texture cube map from " << basename << endl;
cerr << "Reason: " << err.what () << endl;
TextureCubeMap::TextureCubeMap (const string &basename, const vector<ImagePtr> &faces,
TextureFlags flags)
_name = basename;
// Create texture from image buffer
create (faces, flags);
catch (ImageException &err)
cerr << "Error: Couldn't create texture cube map from " << basename << endl;
cerr << "Reason: " << err.what () << " (" << err.which () << ")" << endl;
catch (std::exception &err)
cerr << "Error: Couldn't create texture cube map from " << basename << endl;
cerr << "Reason: " << err.what () << endl;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TextureCubeMap::create
// Create a cube map texture from images.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
TextureCubeMap::create (const vector<ImagePtr> &faces, TextureFlags flags)
// Create a list of image buffers and associate a target
// for each one
typedef map<const Image*, GLenum> TexTarget;
typedef TexTarget::value_type TexPair;
TexTarget texImages;
texImages.insert (TexPair (faces[0].get(), GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X_ARB));
texImages.insert (TexPair (faces[1].get(), GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X_ARB));
texImages.insert (TexPair (faces[2].get(), GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y_ARB));
texImages.insert (TexPair (faces[3].get(), GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y_ARB));
texImages.insert (TexPair (faces[4].get(), GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z_ARB));
texImages.insert (TexPair (faces[5].get(), GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z_ARB));
_standardCoordSystem = faces[0]->stdCoordSystem ();
_flags = flags;
// Generate a texture name
glGenTextures (1, &_handle);
glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB, _handle);
// Setup texture filters
// Load each side of the cube
for (TexTarget::iterator itor = texImages.begin ();
itor != texImages.end (); ++itor)
// Get image data
const Image *img = itor->first;
if (!img->pixels ())
throw std::runtime_error ("Invalid image data");
if (img->isCompressed ())
// Image use S3 compression
GLsizei mipWidth = img->width ();
GLsizei mipHeight = img->height ();
int offset = 0;
int blockSize =
(img->format () == GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT) ? 8 : 16;
// Upload mipmaps to video memory
for (GLint mipLevel = 0; mipLevel < img->numMipmaps (); ++mipLevel)
GLsizei mipSize = ((mipWidth + 3) / 4) *
((mipHeight + 3) / 4) * blockSize;
glCompressedTexImage2D (itor->second, mipLevel, img->format (),
mipWidth, mipHeight, 0, mipSize,
img->pixels () + offset);
mipWidth = std::max (mipWidth >> 1, 1);
mipHeight = std::max (mipHeight >> 1, 1);
offset += mipSize;
// No hardware mipmap generation support for texture cube
// maps, use gluBuild2DMipmaps function instead
gluBuild2DMipmaps (itor->second, getInternalFormat (img->components ()),
img->width (), img->height (), img->format (),
GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, img->pixels ());
// Does texture creation succeeded?
if (GL_NO_ERROR == checkOpenGLErrors (__FILE__, __LINE__))
_fail = false;
}}} //end namespace

View File

@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
// ==============================================================
// This file is part of MegaGlest (www.glest.org)
// Copyright (C) 2011- by Mark Vejvoda
// You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version
// ==============================================================
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <GL/glew.h>
#include "GlErrors.h"
#include "Mathlib.h"
#include "Md5Model.h"
#include "TextureManager.h"
#include "ArbProgram.h"
#include "Shader.h"
#include "md5util.h"
namespace Shared { namespace Graphics { namespace md5 {
using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
// All vertex and fragment programs
ArbVertexProgram *vp_bump = NULL;
ArbVertexProgram *vp_bump_parallax = NULL;
ArbFragmentProgram *fp_diffuse = NULL;
ArbFragmentProgram *fp_diffuse_specular = NULL;
ArbFragmentProgram *fp_ds_parallax = NULL;
// Tangent uniform's location
GLint tangentLoc = -1;
int renderFlags = Md5Object::kDrawModel;
bool bAnimate = true;
bool bTextured = true;
bool bCullFace = true;
bool bBounds = false;
bool bParallax = false;
bool bLight = true;
bool bSmooth = true;
bool bWireframe = false;
bool bDrawNormals = false;
vector<string> animations;
// Camera
Vector3f rot, eye;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// cleanupMD5OpenGL
// Application cleanup.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cleanupMD5OpenGL() {
//delete model;
//delete object;
//delete font;
//delete shader;
delete Md5Model::shader;
delete vp_bump;
delete vp_bump_parallax;
delete fp_diffuse;
delete fp_diffuse_specular;
delete fp_ds_parallax;
Texture2DManager::kill ();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// initShader
// Shader's uniform variables initialization.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void initShader () {
if (NULL == Md5Model::shader)
if (GLEW_VERSION_2_0) {
GLuint prog = Md5Model::shader->handle ();
// Set uniform parameters
glUniform1i (glGetUniformLocation (prog, "decalMap"), 0);
glUniform1i (glGetUniformLocation (prog, "glossMap"), 1);
glUniform1i (glGetUniformLocation (prog, "normalMap"), 2);
glUniform1i (glGetUniformLocation (prog, "heightMap"), 3);
glUniform1i (glGetUniformLocation (prog, "parallaxMapping"), bParallax);
// Get attribute location
Md5Model::tangentLoc = glGetAttribLocation (prog, "tangent");
else {
GLhandleARB prog = Md5Model::shader->handle();
// Set uniform parameters
glUniform1iARB (glGetUniformLocationARB (prog, "decalMap"), 0);
glUniform1iARB (glGetUniformLocationARB (prog, "glossMap"), 1);
glUniform1iARB (glGetUniformLocationARB (prog, "normalMap"), 2);
glUniform1iARB (glGetUniformLocationARB (prog, "heightMap"), 3);
glUniform1iARB (glGetUniformLocationARB (prog, "parallaxMapping"), bParallax);
// Get attribute location
Md5Model::tangentLoc = glGetAttribLocationARB (prog, "tangent");
// Warn ff we fail to get tangent location... We'll can still use
// the shader, but without tangents
if(Md5Model::tangentLoc == -1)
cerr << "Warning! No \"tangent\" uniform found in shader!" << endl;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// announceRenderPath
// Print info about a render path.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void announceRenderPath (render_path_e path) {
cout << "Render path: ";
switch (path)
case R_normal:
cout << "no bump mapping (fixed pipeline)" << endl;
case R_ARBfp_diffuse:
cout << "bump mapping, diffuse only "
<< "(ARB vp & fp)" << endl;
case R_ARBfp_diffuse_specular:
cout << "bump mapping, diffuse and specular "
<< "(ARB vp & fp)" << endl;
case R_ARBfp_ds_parallax:
cout << "bump mapping with parallax "
<< "(ARB fp & fp)" << endl;
case R_shader:
cout << "bump mapping with parallax "
<< "(GLSL)" << endl;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// initMD5OpenGL
// OpenGL initialization.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void initMD5OpenGL(string shaderPath) {
//glClearColor (0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
//glShadeModel (GL_SMOOTH);
//glCullFace (GL_BACK);
//glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);
// Initialize GLEW
GLenum err = glewInit ();
if(GLEW_OK != err) {
// Problem: glewInit failed, something is seriously wrong.
cerr << "Error: " << glewGetErrorString (err) << endl;
// Print some infos about user's OpenGL implementation
cout << "OpenGL Version String: " << glGetString (GL_VERSION) << endl;
cout << "GLU Version String: " << gluGetString (GLU_VERSION) << endl;
cout << "GLEW Version String: " << glewGetString (GLEW_VERSION) << endl;
// Initialize ARB vertex/fragment program support
// Initialize GLSL shader support
if(hasArbVertexProgramSupport () &&
hasArbFragmentProgramSupport ()) {
// Load ARB programs
vp_bump = new ArbVertexProgram(shaderPath + "bump.vp");
vp_bump_parallax = new ArbVertexProgram(shaderPath + "bumpparallax.vp");
fp_diffuse = new ArbFragmentProgram(shaderPath + "bumpd.fp");
fp_diffuse_specular = new ArbFragmentProgram(shaderPath + "bumpds.fp");
fp_ds_parallax = new ArbFragmentProgram(shaderPath + "bumpdsp.fp");
// Current ARB programs will be bump mapping with diffuse
// and specular components
Md5Model::vp = vp_bump;
Md5Model::fp = fp_diffuse_specular;
if(hasShaderSupport ()) {
// Load shader
VertexShader vs(shaderPath + "bump.vert");
FragmentShader fs(shaderPath + "bump.frag");
Md5Model::shader = new ShaderProgram(shaderPath + "bump mapping", vs, fs);
// Initialize shader's uniforms
// Announce avalaible render paths, select the best
cout << endl << "Available render paths:" << endl;
cout << " [F3] - No bump mapping (fixed pipeline)" << endl;
Md5Model::renderPath = R_normal;
if (vp_bump && fp_diffuse) {
cout << " [F4] - Bump mapping, diffuse only "
<< "(ARB vp & fp)" << endl;
Md5Model::renderPath = R_ARBfp_diffuse;
if (vp_bump && fp_diffuse_specular) {
cout << " [F5] - Bump mapping, diffuse and specular "
<< "(ARB vp & fp)" << endl;
Md5Model::renderPath = R_ARBfp_diffuse_specular;
if (vp_bump_parallax && fp_ds_parallax) {
cout << " [F6] - Bump mapping with parallax "
<< "(ARB vp & fp)" << endl;
if (Md5Model::shader) {
cout << " [F7] - Bump mapping with parallax "
<< "(GLSL)" << endl;
Md5Model::renderPath = R_shader;
// Announce which path has been chosen by default
cout << endl;
checkOpenGLErrors (__FILE__, __LINE__);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// extractFromQuotes
// Extract a string from quotes.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline const string extractFromQuotes (const string &str) {
string::size_type start = str.find_first_of ('\"') + 1;
string::size_type end = str.find_first_of ('\"', start) - 2;
return str.substr (start, end);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// getMD5ObjectFromLoaderScript
// Parse a script file for loading md5mesh and animations.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Md5Object * getMD5ObjectFromLoaderScript(const string &filename) {
// Open the file to parse
std::ifstream file (filename.c_str(), std::ios::in);
if (file.fail ()) {
cerr << "Couldn't open " << filename << endl;
// Get texture manager
Texture2DManager *texMgr = Texture2DManager::getInstance();
Md5Model *model = NULL;
Md5Object *object = NULL;
while (!file.eof ()) {
string token, buffer;
string meshFile, animFile, textureFile;
string meshName, animName;
// Peek next token
file >> token;
if (token == "model") {
std::getline (file, buffer);
meshFile = extractFromQuotes (buffer);
// Delete previous model and object if existing
delete model;
delete object;
// Load mesh model
model = new Md5Model(meshFile);
object = new Md5Object(model);
else if (token == "anim") {
std::getline (file, buffer);
animFile = extractFromQuotes (buffer);
try {
// Load animation
if (model) {
catch (Md5Exception &err) {
cerr << "Failed to load animation "
<< animFile << endl;
cerr << "Reason: " << err.what ()
<< " (" << err.which () << ")" << endl;
else if (token == "hide") {
std::getline (file, buffer);
meshName = extractFromQuotes (buffer);
// Set mesh's render state
if (model) {
model->setMeshRenderState (meshName, Md5Mesh::kHide);
else if ((token == "decalMap") ||
(token == "specularMap") ||
(token == "normalMap") ||
(token == "heightMap")) {
// Get the next token and extract the mesh name
file >> buffer;
long start = buffer.find_first_of ('\"') + 1;
long end = buffer.find_first_of ('\"', start) - 1;
meshName = buffer.substr (start, end);
// Get the rest of line and extract texture's filename
std::getline (file, buffer);
textureFile = extractFromQuotes (buffer);
// If the model has been loaded, setup
// the texture to the desired mesh
if (model) {
Texture2D *tex = texMgr->load (textureFile);
if (tex->fail ())
cerr << "failed to load " << textureFile << endl;
if (token == "decalMap")
model->setMeshDecalMap (meshName, tex);
else if (token == "specularMap")
model->setMeshSpecularMap (meshName, tex);
else if (token == "normalMap")
model->setMeshNormalMap (meshName, tex);
else if (token == "heightMap")
model->setMeshHeightMap (meshName, tex);
else if (token == "setAnim") {
std::getline (file, buffer);
animName = extractFromQuotes (buffer);
// Set object's default animation
object->setAnim (animName);
file.close ();
if (!model || !object)
throw Md5Exception ("No mesh found!", filename);
return object;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// setupLight
// Setup light position and enable light0.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void setupLight(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) {
GLfloat lightPos[4];
lightPos[0] = x;
lightPos[1] = y;
lightPos[2] = z;
lightPos[3] = 1.0f;
glDisable (GL_LIGHTING);
glDisable (GL_LIGHT0);
if (bLight)
glPushMatrix ();
glLoadIdentity ();
glLightfv (GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, lightPos);
glPopMatrix ();
glEnable (GL_LIGHTING);
glEnable (GL_LIGHT0);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// drawObb
// Draw an Oriented Bouding Box.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void drawObb(const OBBox_t &obb) {
Vector3f corners[8];
corners[0] = Vector3f (-obb.extent._x, -obb.extent._y, -obb.extent._z);
corners[1] = Vector3f ( obb.extent._x, -obb.extent._y, -obb.extent._z);
corners[2] = Vector3f ( obb.extent._x, obb.extent._y, -obb.extent._z);
corners[3] = Vector3f (-obb.extent._x, obb.extent._y, -obb.extent._z);
corners[4] = Vector3f (-obb.extent._x, -obb.extent._y, obb.extent._z);
corners[5] = Vector3f ( obb.extent._x, -obb.extent._y, obb.extent._z);
corners[6] = Vector3f ( obb.extent._x, obb.extent._y, obb.extent._z);
corners[7] = Vector3f (-obb.extent._x, obb.extent._y, obb.extent._z);
glPushAttrib (GL_ENABLE_BIT);
glDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D);
glDisable (GL_LIGHTING);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
corners[i] += obb.center;
obb.world.transform (corners[i]);
GLuint indices[24] =
0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 0,
4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 4,
0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7
glColor3f (1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
glEnableClientState (GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
glVertexPointer (3, GL_FLOAT, 0, corners);
glDrawElements (GL_LINES, 24, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, indices);
glDisableClientState (GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// drawAxes
// Draw the X, Y and Z axes at the center of world.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void drawAxes(const Matrix4x4f &modelView) {
// Setup world model view matrix
glLoadIdentity ();
glMultMatrixf (modelView._m);
// Draw the three axes
glBegin (GL_LINES);
// X-axis in red
glColor3f (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glVertex3fv (kZeroVectorf._v);
glVertex3fv (kZeroVectorf + Vector3f (10.0f, 0.0f, 0.0));
// Y-axis in green
glColor3f (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
glVertex3fv (kZeroVectorf._v);
glVertex3fv (kZeroVectorf + Vector3f (0.0f, 10.0f, 0.0));
// Z-axis in blue
glColor3f (0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
glVertex3fv (kZeroVectorf._v);
glVertex3fv (kZeroVectorf + Vector3f (0.0f, 0.0f, 10.0));
glEnd ();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// renderMD5Object
// Render the 3D part of the scene.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void renderMD5Object(Md5Object *object, double anim, Matrix4x4f *modelViewMatrix) {
if(!object) {
// Clear the window
glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
glLoadIdentity ();
// Camera rotation
Matrix4x4f camera;
#if 0
camera.identity ();
glTranslated (-eye._x, -eye._y, -eye._z);
glRotated (rot._x, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glRotated (rot._y, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
glRotated (rot._z, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
camera.fromEulerAngles (degToRad (rot._x),
degToRad (rot._y),
degToRad (rot._z));
camera.setTranslation (-eye);
Matrix4x4f axisRotation
= RotationMatrix (kXaxis, -kPiOver2)
* RotationMatrix (kZaxis, -kPiOver2);
Matrix4x4f final = camera * axisRotation;
//glMultMatrixf (final._m);
if(modelViewMatrix) {
final = *modelViewMatrix;
// Setup scene lighting
setupLight (0.0f, 20.0f, 100.0f);
// Enable/disable texture mapping (fixed pipeline)
if (bTextured)
glEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D);
glDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D);
// Enable/disable backface culling
if (bCullFace)
glEnable (GL_CULL_FACE);
glDisable (GL_CULL_FACE);
// Setup polygon mode and shade model
glPolygonMode (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, bWireframe ? GL_LINE : GL_FILL);
glShadeModel (bSmooth ? GL_SMOOTH : GL_FLAT);
// Draw object
object->setModelViewMatrix (final);
object->setRenderFlags (renderFlags);
//object->animate (bAnimate ? timer.deltaTime () : 0.0f);
object->animate (anim);
object->computeBoundingBox ();
object->prepare (false);
object->render ();
if (bBounds)
drawObb (object->boundingBox ());
glDisable (GL_LIGHTING);
glDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D);
drawAxes (final);
}}} //end namespace

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2005-2008, Thomas BERNARD
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
derived from this software without specific prior written permission.