attempt to implement will's mesh merging for better render performance

This commit is contained in:
Mark Vejvoda 2013-06-20 07:24:09 +00:00
parent 00eb9a9561
commit dde601e416
3 changed files with 364 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -92,6 +92,8 @@ public:
void init();
void end();
void copyInto(Mesh *dest, bool ignoreInterpolationData, bool destinationOwnsTextures);
const Texture2D *getTexture(int i) const {return textures[i];}
@ -116,6 +118,11 @@ public:
const Vec3f *getTangents() const {return tangents;}
const uint32 *getIndices() const {return indices;}
void setVertices(Vec3f *data, uint32 count);
void setNormals(Vec3f *data, uint32 count);
void setTexCoords(Vec2f *data, uint32 count);
void setIndices(uint32 *data, uint32 count);
const Vec3f &getDiffuseColor() const {return diffuseColor;}
const Vec3f &getSpecularColor() const {return specularColor;}
@ -127,11 +134,15 @@ public:
bool getCustomTexture() const {return customColor;}
bool getNoSelect() const {return noSelect;}
uint32 getTextureFlags() const { return textureFlags; }
//external data
const InterpolationData *getInterpolationData() const {return interpolationData;}
void buildInterpolationData();
void cleanupInterpolationData();
void updateInterpolationData(float t, bool cycle);
void updateInterpolationVertices(float t, bool cycle);
@ -225,6 +236,7 @@ public:
void buildInterpolationData() const;
void autoJoinMeshFrames();
class PixelBufferWrapper {

View File

@ -237,6 +237,8 @@ void ModelRendererGl::renderMesh(Mesh *mesh,int renderMode) {
//tex coords
if(renderTextures && mesh->getTexture(mtDiffuse) != NULL ) {
if(duplicateTexCoords) {
@ -279,6 +281,8 @@ void ModelRendererGl::renderMesh(Mesh *mesh,int renderMode) {
//tex coords
if(renderTextures && mesh->getTexture(mtDiffuse)!=NULL ) {
if(duplicateTexCoords) {
@ -302,15 +306,21 @@ void ModelRendererGl::renderMesh(Mesh *mesh,int renderMode) {
if(getVBOSupported() == true && mesh->getFrameCount() == 1) {
glBindBufferARB( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, mesh->getVBOIndexes() );
glDrawRangeElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, vertexCount-1, indexCount, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, (char *)NULL);
glBindBufferARB( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, 0 );
//glDrawRangeElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, vertexCount-1, indexCount, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, mesh->getIndices());
else {
//draw model
glDrawRangeElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, vertexCount-1, indexCount, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, mesh->getIndices());

View File

@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
#include "opengl.h"
#include "platform_util.h"
#include <memory>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "leak_dumper.h"
using namespace Shared::Platform;
@ -287,8 +289,7 @@ void Mesh::end() {
delete [] indices;
delete interpolationData;
if(textureManager != NULL) {
for(int i = 0; i < meshTextureCount; ++i) {
@ -311,6 +312,11 @@ void Mesh::buildInterpolationData(){
interpolationData= new InterpolationData(this);
void Mesh::cleanupInterpolationData() {
delete interpolationData;
void Mesh::updateInterpolationData(float t, bool cycle) {
if(interpolationData != NULL) {
interpolationData->update(t, cycle);
@ -1292,6 +1298,8 @@ void Model::loadG3d(const string &path, bool deletePixMapAfterLoad,
catch(megaglest_runtime_error& ex) {
//printf("1111111 ex.wantStackTrace() = %d\n",ex.wantStackTrace());
@ -1369,6 +1377,338 @@ void Model::deletePixels() {
class MeshContainer {
int indexValue;
std::vector<Mesh *> meshes;
MeshContainer() {
this->indexValue = -1;
void add(int index, Mesh *mesh) {
if(this->indexValue < 0) {
this->indexValue = index;
int index() {
return indexValue;
int size() {
return meshes.size();
std::vector<Mesh *> get() {
return meshes;
void Mesh::setVertices(Vec3f *data, uint32 count) {
delete [] this->vertices;
this->vertices = data;
this->vertexCount = count;
void Mesh::setNormals(Vec3f *data, uint32 count) {
delete [] this->normals;
this->normals = data;
this->vertexCount = count;
void Mesh::setTexCoords(Vec2f *data, uint32 count) {
delete [] this->texCoords;
this->texCoords = data;
this->vertexCount = count;
void Mesh::setIndices(uint32 *data, uint32 count) {
delete [] this->indices;
this->indices = data;
this->indexCount = count;
void Mesh::copyInto(Mesh *dest, bool ignoreInterpolationData,
bool destinationOwnsTextures) {
for(int index = 0; index < meshTextureCount; ++index){
dest->textures[index] = this->textures[index];
dest->texturesOwned[index] = this->texturesOwned[index];
dest->texturePaths[index] = this->texturePaths[index];
if(destinationOwnsTextures == true) {
this->texturesOwned[index] = false;
dest->name = this->name;
//vertex data counts
dest->frameCount = this->frameCount;
dest->vertexCount = this->vertexCount;
dest->indexCount = this->indexCount;
dest->texCoordFrameCount = this->texCoordFrameCount;
//vertex data
if(dest->vertices != NULL) {
delete [] dest->vertices;
dest->vertices = NULL;
if(this->vertices != NULL) {
dest->vertices = new Vec3f[this->frameCount * this->vertexCount];
memcpy(&dest->vertices[0],&this->vertices[0],this->frameCount * this->vertexCount * sizeof(Vec3f));
if(dest->normals != NULL) {
delete [] dest->normals;
dest->normals = NULL;
if(this->normals != NULL) {
dest->normals = new Vec3f[this->frameCount * this->vertexCount];
memcpy(&dest->normals[0],&this->normals[0],this->frameCount * this->vertexCount * sizeof(Vec3f));
if(dest->texCoords != NULL) {
delete [] dest->texCoords;
dest->texCoords = NULL;
if(this->texCoords != NULL) {
dest->texCoords = new Vec2f[this->vertexCount];
memcpy(&dest->texCoords[0],&this->texCoords[0],this->vertexCount * sizeof(Vec2f));
if(dest->tangents != NULL) {
delete [] dest->tangents;
dest->tangents = NULL;
if(this->tangents != NULL) {
dest->tangents = new Vec3f[this->vertexCount];
memcpy(&dest->tangents[0],&this->tangents[0],this->vertexCount * sizeof(Vec3f));
if(dest->indices != NULL) {
delete [] dest->indices;
dest->indices = NULL;
if(this->indices != NULL) {
dest->indices = new uint32[this->indexCount];
memcpy(&dest->indices[0],&this->indices[0],this->indexCount * sizeof(uint32));
//material data
dest->diffuseColor = this->diffuseColor;
dest->specularColor = this->specularColor;
dest->specularPower = this->specularPower;
dest->opacity = this->opacity;
dest->twoSided = this->twoSided;
dest->customColor = this->customColor;
dest->noSelect = this->noSelect;
dest->textureFlags = this->textureFlags;
if(ignoreInterpolationData == false) {
dest->interpolationData = this->interpolationData;
dest->textureManager = this->textureManager;
// Vertex Buffer Object Names
dest->hasBuiltVBOs = this->hasBuiltVBOs;
dest->m_nVBOVertices = this-> m_nVBOVertices;
dest->m_nVBOTexCoords = this->m_nVBOTexCoords;
dest->m_nVBONormals = this->m_nVBONormals;
dest->m_nVBOIndexes = this->m_nVBOIndexes;
void Model::autoJoinMeshFrames() {
print "auto-joining compatible meshes..."
meshes = {}
for mesh in self.meshes:
key = (mesh.texture,mesh.frame_count,mesh.twoSided|mesh.customColour)
if key in meshes:
meshes[key] = [mesh]
for joinable in meshes.values():
if len(joinable) < 2: continue
base = joinable[0]
print "\tjoining to",base
for mesh in joinable[1:]:
if base.index_count+mesh.index_count > 0xffff:
base = mesh
print "\tjoining to",base
print "\t\t",mesh
for a,b in zip(base.frames,mesh.frames):
if base.texture:
base.indices.extend(index+base.vertex_count for index in mesh.indices)
base.vertex_count += mesh.vertex_count
base.index_count += mesh.index_count
bool haveJoinedMeshes = false;
// First looks for meshes with same texture in the same frame
std::map<std::string,MeshContainer> joinedMeshes;
for(uint32 index = 0; index < meshCount; ++index) {
Mesh &mesh = meshes[index];
// Duplicate mesh vertices are considered to be those with the same
// 1. texture 2. framecount 3. twosided flag value 4. same custom texture color
string mesh_key = (mesh.getTextureFlags() & 1 ? mesh.getTexture(0)->getPath() : "none");
mesh_key += string("_") + intToStr(mesh.getFrameCount()) +
string("_") + intToStr(mesh.getTwoSided()) +
string("_") + intToStr(mesh.getCustomTexture());
if(haveJoinedMeshes == false && joinedMeshes[mesh_key].size() > 1) {
haveJoinedMeshes = true;
if(haveJoinedMeshes == true) {
//printf("*** Detected Joined meshes for model [%s]\n",fileName.c_str());
// We have mesh data to join we now create a list in the same order
// as the original meshes but each index will have 1 or more meshes
// This is done to maintain original mesh ordering
std::map<int, std::vector<Mesh *> > orderedMeshes;
for(std::map<std::string,MeshContainer >::iterator iterMap = joinedMeshes.begin();
iterMap != joinedMeshes.end(); ++iterMap) {
orderedMeshes[iterMap->second.index()] = iterMap->second.get();
//if(iterMap->second.size() > 1) {
// printf("Key [%s] joined meshes: %d\n",iterMap->first.c_str(),iterMap->second.size());
// Now the real work of creating a new list of joined mesh data
Mesh *joinedMeshList = new Mesh[joinedMeshes.size()];
int index = 0;
for(std::map<int, std::vector<Mesh *> >::iterator iterMap = orderedMeshes.begin();
iterMap != orderedMeshes.end(); ++iterMap) {
//printf("Join index: %d joincount: %d\n",index,iterMap->second.size());
Mesh *base = &joinedMeshList[index];
// Deep copy mesh data
iterMap->second[0]->copyInto(base, true, true);
if(iterMap->second.size() > 1) {
// Time to join mesh data for this mesh
for(int joinIndex = 1;
joinIndex < iterMap->second.size(); ++joinIndex) {
Mesh *mesh = iterMap->second[joinIndex];
if(base->getIndexCount() + mesh->getIndexCount() > 0xffff) {
printf("Not exactly sure what this IF statement is for?\n");
mesh->copyInto(base, true, true);
else {
// Need to add verticies for each from from mesh to base
uint32 originalBaseVertexCount = base->getVertexCount();
uint32 newVertexCount =
base->getVertexCount() + mesh->getVertexCount();
uint32 newVertexFrameCount =
(base->getFrameCount() * newVertexCount);
Vec3f *joined_vertices = new Vec3f[newVertexFrameCount];
Vec3f *joined_normals = new Vec3f[newVertexFrameCount];
uint32 join_index = 0;
// Join mesh vertices and normals
for(int frameIndex = 0;
frameIndex < base->getFrameCount(); ++frameIndex) {
uint32 baseIndex = frameIndex * originalBaseVertexCount;
uint32 meshIndex = frameIndex * mesh->getVertexCount();
//uint32 appendBaseJoinIndex = frameIndex * newVertexCount;
// first original mesh values get copied
originalBaseVertexCount * sizeof(Vec3f));
originalBaseVertexCount * sizeof(Vec3f));
join_index += originalBaseVertexCount;
// second joined mesh values get copied
mesh->getVertexCount() * sizeof(Vec3f));
mesh->getVertexCount() * sizeof(Vec3f));
join_index += mesh->getVertexCount();
// update vertex and normal buffers with joined mesh data
base->setVertices(joined_vertices, newVertexCount);
base->setNormals(joined_normals, newVertexCount);
// If we have texture coords join them
if(base->getTextureFlags() & 1) {
Vec2f *joined_texCoords = new Vec2f[newVertexCount];
// update texture coord buffers with joined mesh data
originalBaseVertexCount * sizeof(Vec2f));
mesh->getVertexCount() * sizeof(Vec2f));
base->setTexCoords(joined_texCoords, newVertexCount);
// update index buffers with joined mesh data
uint32 newindexCount = base->getIndexCount() + mesh->getIndexCount();
uint32 *joined_indexes = new uint32[newindexCount];
uint32 join_index_index = 0;
base->getIndexCount() * sizeof(uint32));
join_index_index += base->getIndexCount();
for(int meshIndex = 0;
meshIndex < mesh->getIndexCount(); ++meshIndex) {
uint32 index_value = mesh->getIndices()[meshIndex];
// join index values
joined_indexes[join_index_index] = index_value + originalBaseVertexCount;
base->setIndices(joined_indexes, newindexCount);
delete [] meshes;
meshes = joinedMeshList;
meshCount = joinedMeshes.size();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool PixelBufferWrapper::isPBOEnabled = false;
int PixelBufferWrapper::index = 0;
vector<unsigned int> PixelBufferWrapper::pboIds;