MEGAGLEST by Titus Tscharntke and Mark Vejvoda ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Build Instructions for Windows ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Architecture ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Developed on Windows with Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015, little endian CPU. Compiling using the mingw32 toolset is experimental, which also allows for cross compiling. On Debian GNU/Linux systems please find license information in: /usr/share/common-licenses Also see Build Instructions for Linux ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Building and Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --- 2.1 Prerequesites --- To build the game, the following tools and libraries must be present: - Pick 1: * Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015 (Experimental Microsoft Visual C++ Express 2012 projects also exist in the vc2012 folder) * mingw32 - Pick 1: * MegaGlest dependencies for building with VC++, which which will be downloaded automatically in 'Option A' (see below) * MegaGlest Windows 32 bit dependencies for building with mingw: - These include: * Xerces-C * wxWidgets * And many more. For a more verbose list, please inspect the archive contents and refer to the Linux build instructions. --- 2.2 Building --- To build and install the game proceed as follows: *** Option A ~ (recommended) Automated build on the command line: 1. Open a command prompt and navigate to the root folder where you have acquired the source code. 2. cd mk\windoze 3. build-mg-2015.bat (or build-mg32bit-2015.bat for 32 bit build) 4. megaglest.exe --version 5. megaglest.exe *** Option B ~ Using VC++ IDE: 1. Download the dependencies archive (which one and from where you can find out in the "code" of build-...bat script from 'Option A' approach, some line with "wget.exe") and decompress its contents into the 'source' directory. This should create a subdirectory called "windows_deps..." with many files and subdirectories in it. 2. Start the Visual C++ 2015 IDE and open the solution file: \mk\windoze\Glest_vc2015.sln 3. Right Click on the top level 'Glest' node in Solution Explorer and select 'Rebuild All' (choose release mode or release with debug info). Note: If you had no errors all binaries will be created. Before running MegaGlest you must run CopyWindowsRuntimeDlls_2015.bat. You should now be able to just run megaglest.exe. --- 2.3 Installation --- We provide NSIS based installation packages. By default, these will create a system-wide installation below %ProgramFiles% and setup Desktop icons for simplified access. User specific configuration will be stored within the directory tree the %AppData% environment variable points to. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Troubleshooting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --- General --- * Make sure that the hardware and software of your system match the requirements * If you cannot find what you are looking for on here please check the FAQs ( before contacting. --- Compiling --- * If configure fails make sure you have read the Building section above --- Sound/Audio errors when starting --- * If the game doesn't start because of audio/sound errors: Make sure no other application is using your soundcard. * If this doesn't solve your sound problems try to get an updated OpenAL from * Sound is played through OpenAL - you might need to take a look at your configuration: --- The game complains that OpenGL 1.3: is not available, is missing OpenGL extensions, or works very slowly --- * Try to get updated graphics drivers. -- The game crashes --- * Check the forums at * Please report any other crashes and freezes that are not yet described on the forums, preferably with a backtrace from a debugging enabled build ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. More information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Website * Wiki * Forums ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. Contact + Credits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * MegaGlest is developed by: Titus Tscharntke ( Mark Vejvoda ( - * General contact: * MegaGlest is a fork of Glest: * Linux port by: Matthias Braun with help from Karl Robillard *** Please also refer to the copyright file. ***