@echo off rem rem Upload build logs to Coverity Scan for security / code style analysis rem Requires: rem - curl.exe, built with SSL support: http://curl.haxx.se/download.html rem - wget.exe (should get installed automatically during a build) rem - 7z.exe (should get installed automatically during a build) rem - Coverity Scan Build Tool installed and its install path configured in .coverity-scan rem rem Change into the directory this batch file is located in cd /d "%~dp0" rem Project name (case sensitive) set PROJECT=MegaGlest rem read in config settings if not exist ".coverity-scan" ( echo ----------------------------------------- echo **Missing Config** To use this script please create a config file named [%CD%\.coverity-scan] echo Containing: EMAIL=x, TOKEN=x, COVERITY_ANALYSIS_ROOT=x, BITNESS=x, NUMCORES=x goto END ) setlocal disabledelayedexpansion FOR /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%i IN (.coverity-scan) DO set "prop_%%i=%%j" rem E-Mail address of registered Coverity Scan user with build submission access to this project set EMAIL=%prop_EMAIL% rem Coverity Scan project API token as listed on the Coverity Scan project page set TOKEN=%prop_TOKEN% rem Where you extracted coverity build scan tool to rem e.g. "C:\cov-analysis-win32-6.6.1" set COVERITY_ANALYSIS_ROOT=%prop_COVERITY_ANALYSIS_ROOT% rem Is this a "32" or "64" bit build of MegaGlest? set BITNESS=%prop_BITNESS% rem Description of this build (can be any string) set DESCRIPTION=Windows-%BITNESS%_%COMPUTERNAME% rem Where to store the data gathered by the Coverity Scan Build Tool rem Absolute path or relevant to the directory containing this batch file set BUILDTOOL=cov-int rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo PROJECT [%PROJECT%] echo EMAIL [%EMAIL%] echo TOKEN [%TOKEN%] echo COVERITY_ANALYSIS_ROOT [%COVERITY_ANALYSIS_ROOT%] echo BITNESS [%BITNESS%] echo DESCRIPTION [%DESCRIPTION%] echo BUILDTOOL [%BUILDTOOL%] rem pause set GITVERSION_SHA1=. set GITVERSION_REV=. set GET_GIT_SHA1="git log -1 --format=%%h" for /f "delims=" %%a in ('%GET_GIT_SHA1%') do @set GITVERSION_SHA1=%%a for /f "delims=" %%a in ('git rev-list HEAD --count') do @set GITVERSION_REV=%%a set VERSION=%GITVERSION_REV%.%GITVERSION_SHA1% set FILENAME=%PROJECT%_%DESCRIPTION%_%VERSION% rem Untested! Requires modification. rem wget.exe --no-check-certificate https://scan.coverity.com/download/win-32 --post-data "token=%TOKEN%&project=%PROJECT%" -O %TEMP%\coverity_tool.zip rem 7z.exe x %TEMP%\coverity_tool.zip rem set PATH=%PATH%;C:\build\megaglest-source\mk\windoze\cov-analysis-win32-6.6.1\bin\ if "%MG_COV_PATH_SET%." == "." set PATH=%PATH%;%COVERITY_ANALYSIS_ROOT%\bin\ set MG_COV_PATH_SET=TRUE if "%BITNESS%." == "32." GOTO BUILD32 if "%BITNESS%." == "64." GOTO BUILD64 GOTO ERROR :BUILD32 cov-build --dir %BUILDTOOL% build-mg32bit-2015.bat nopause rebuild if ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO ERROR GOTO PACKAGE :BUILD64 cov-build --dir %BUILDTOOL% build-mg-2015.bat nopause rebuild if ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO ERROR GOTO PACKAGE :PACKAGE 7z.exe a %FILENAME%.tar %BUILDTOOL%\ 7z.exe a %FILENAME%.tar.gz %FILENAME%.tar del /Q /F %FILENAME%.tar dir %FILENAME%.tar.gz echo **About to run: curl.exe --progress-bar --insecure --form "token=%TOKEN%" --form "email=%EMAIL%" --form "version=%VERSION%" --form "description=%DESCRIPTION%" --form "file=@%FILENAME%.tar.gz" "https://scan.coverity.com/builds?project=%PROJECT%" rem pause rem echo Running curl curl.exe --progress-bar --insecure --form "token=%TOKEN%" --form "email=%EMAIL%" --form "version=%VERSION%" --form "description=%DESCRIPTION%" --form "file=@%FILENAME%.tar.gz" "https://scan.coverity.com/builds?project=%PROJECT%" if ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO ERROR GOTO CLEANUP :CLEANUP del /Q /F %FILENAME%.tar.gz rd /Q /S %BUILDTOOL%\ GOTO END :ERROR echo An error occurred GOTO END :END