#!/bin/bash # # Start a headless MegaGlest game server (and keep it running) # # Using this script, a headless game server is started, waiting for players to # connect (if your firewall configuration permits). Players connect and start a # game. As soon as the game ends, the server will quit, and this script will # start up a new server immidiately. This is a stability measure to rule out # the unlikely case where side effects (such as memory leaks or corruption) # could drain on system resources. # # For this to work, Internet originated traffic must be able to reach the # server on the following ports: # TCP port 61357: game protocol port # TCP port 61358: FTP control port # TCP ports 61359 to 61366: FTP data ports # # Once publishing to the master server succeeded (this can be verified at # ) you may connect to your headless game server # using a copy of MegaGlest you have installed on a Desktop computer. The first # user connecting to a headless server controls it. If this user disconnects, # the next user who connects (or had already connected) takes control. # # Please read http://wiki.megaglest.org/Dedicated_Server for more information # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Written by Tom Reynolds # Copyright (c) 2013 Tom Reynolds, The Megaglest Team, under GNU GPL v3.0+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LANG=C # Install location DIR_GAME="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")" # Log file location (beware, this can grow large) #LOG_SERVER=/dev/null LOG_SERVER=~/.megaglest/server.log # --- cd $DIR_GAME ulimit -c unlimited while true; do if [ -f "$LOG_SERVER" ]; then mv -f "$LOG_SERVER" "$LOG_SERVER.1"; fi if [ -f "core" ]; then mv -f "core" "core.1"; fi date > "$LOG_SERVER" echo 'Starting server...' | tee -a "$LOG_SERVER" ./start_megaglest --headless-server-mode=vps,exit >> "$LOG_SERVER" 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo 'ERROR: Server has quit unexpectedly.' >> "$LOG_SERVER" echo 'ERROR: Server has quit unexpectedly.' >&2 echo ' Please inspect '"$LOG_SERVER"'.' >&2 exit 1 else echo 'Server has quit.' | tee -a "$LOG_SERVER" fi done