// ============================================================== // This file is part of Glest (www.glest.org) // // Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Martio Figueroa // // You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published // by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version // ============================================================== #include "config.h" #include "util.h" #include "game_constants.h" #include "platform_util.h" #include "game_util.h" #include #include "conversion.h" #include "window.h" #include #include #include "leak_dumper.h" using namespace Shared::Platform; using namespace Shared::Util; using namespace std; namespace Glest{ namespace Game{ int GameConstants::networkFramePeriod = 20; int GameConstants::updateFps = 40; int GameConstants::cameraFps = 100; const float GameConstants::normalMultiplier = 1.0f; const float GameConstants::easyMultiplier = 0.5f; const float GameConstants::ultraMultiplier = 2.0f; const float GameConstants::megaMultiplier = 3.0f; const char *GameConstants::folder_path_maps = "maps"; const char *GameConstants::folder_path_scenarios = "scenarios"; const char *GameConstants::folder_path_techs = "techs"; const char *GameConstants::folder_path_tilesets = "tilesets"; const char *GameConstants::folder_path_tutorials = "tutorials"; const char *GameConstants::NETWORK_SLOT_UNCONNECTED_SLOTNAME = "???"; const char *GameConstants::folder_path_screenshots = "screens/"; const char *GameConstants::OBSERVER_SLOTNAME = "*Observer*"; const char *GameConstants::RANDOMFACTION_SLOTNAME = "*Random*"; const char *GameConstants::playerTextureCacheLookupKey = "playerTextureCache"; const char *GameConstants::factionPreviewTextureCacheLookupKey = "factionPreviewTextureCache"; const char *GameConstants::application_name = "MegaGlest"; const char *GameConstants::pathCacheLookupKey = "pathCache_"; const char *GameConstants::path_data_CacheLookupKey = "data"; const char *GameConstants::path_ini_CacheLookupKey = "ini"; const char *GameConstants::path_logs_CacheLookupKey = "logs"; const char *Config::glest_ini_filename = "glest.ini"; const char *Config::glestuser_ini_filename = "glestuser.ini"; const char *Config::glestkeys_ini_filename = "glestkeys.ini"; const char *Config::glestuserkeys_ini_filename = "glestuserkeys.ini"; // ===================================================== // class Config // ===================================================== const string defaultNotFoundValue = "~~NOT FOUND~~"; map Config::configList; Config::Config() { fileLoaded.first = false; fileLoaded.second = false; cfgType.first = cfgMainGame; cfgType.second = cfgUserGame; fileName.first = ""; fileName.second = ""; fileNameParameter.first = ""; fileNameParameter.second = ""; fileLoaded.first = false; fileLoaded.second = false; } bool Config::tryCustomPath(std::pair &type, std::pair &file, string custom_path) { bool wasFound = false; if((type.first == cfgMainGame && type.second == cfgUserGame && file.first == glest_ini_filename && file.second == glestuser_ini_filename) || (type.first == cfgMainKeys && type.second == cfgUserKeys && file.first == glestkeys_ini_filename && file.second == glestuserkeys_ini_filename)) { string linuxPath = custom_path; if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("-=-=-=-=-=-=-= looking for file in possible location [%s]\n",linuxPath.c_str()); if(fileExists(linuxPath + file.first) == true) { file.first = linuxPath + file.first; file.second = linuxPath + file.second; wasFound = true; } } return wasFound; } Config::Config(std::pair type, std::pair file, std::pair fileMustExist) { fileLoaded.first = false; fileLoaded.second = false; cfgType = type; fileName = file; fileNameParameter = file; if(getGameReadWritePath(GameConstants::path_ini_CacheLookupKey) != "") { fileName.first = getGameReadWritePath(GameConstants::path_ini_CacheLookupKey) + fileName.first; fileName.second = getGameReadWritePath(GameConstants::path_ini_CacheLookupKey) + fileName.second; } bool foundPath = false; #if defined(CUSTOM_DATA_INSTALL_PATH) foundPath = tryCustomPath(cfgType, fileName, CUSTOM_DATA_INSTALL_PATH); #endif // Look in standard linux shared paths for ini files #if defined(__linux__) if(foundPath == false) { foundPath = tryCustomPath(cfgType, fileName, "/usr/share/megaglest/"); } if(foundPath == false) { foundPath = tryCustomPath(cfgType, fileName, "/usr/share/games/megaglest/"); } if(foundPath == false) { foundPath = tryCustomPath(cfgType, fileName, "/usr/local/share/megaglest/"); } if(foundPath == false) { foundPath = tryCustomPath(cfgType, fileName, "/usr/local/share/games/megaglest/"); } #endif if(fileMustExist.first == true && fileExists(fileName.first) == false) { string currentpath = extractDirectoryPathFromFile(Properties::getApplicationPath()); fileName.first = currentpath + fileName.first; } if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("-=-=-=-=-=-=-= About to load fileName.first = [%s]\n",fileName.first.c_str()); if(fileMustExist.first == true || (fileMustExist.first == false && fileExists(fileName.first) == true)) { properties.first.load(fileName.first); fileLoaded.first = true; } if(cfgType.first == cfgMainGame) { if( properties.first.getString("UserData_Root", defaultNotFoundValue.c_str()) != defaultNotFoundValue) { string userData = properties.first.getString("UserData_Root"); if(userData != "") { endPathWithSlash(userData); } fileName.second = userData + fileNameParameter.second; } else if(properties.first.getString("UserOverrideFile", defaultNotFoundValue.c_str()) != defaultNotFoundValue) { string userData = properties.first.getString("UserOverrideFile"); if(userData != "") { endPathWithSlash(userData); } fileName.second = userData + fileNameParameter.second; } } else if(cfgType.first == cfgMainKeys) { Config &mainCfg = Config::getInstance(); if( mainCfg.getString("UserData_Root", defaultNotFoundValue.c_str()) != defaultNotFoundValue) { string userData = mainCfg.getString("UserData_Root"); if(userData != "") { endPathWithSlash(userData); } fileName.second = userData + fileNameParameter.second; } else if(mainCfg.getString("UserOverrideFile", defaultNotFoundValue.c_str()) != defaultNotFoundValue) { string userData = mainCfg.getString("UserOverrideFile"); if(userData != "") { endPathWithSlash(userData); } fileName.second = userData + fileNameParameter.second; } } if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("-=-=-=-=-=-=-= About to load fileName.second = [%s]\n",fileName.second.c_str()); if(fileMustExist.second == true || (fileMustExist.second == false && fileExists(fileName.second) == true)) { properties.second.load(fileName.second); fileLoaded.second = true; } try { if(fileName.second != "" && fileExists(fileName.second) == false) { if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugSystem,"In [%s::%s Line: %d] attempting to auto-create cfgFile.second = [%s]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,fileName.second.c_str()); #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__) wstring wstr = utf8_decode(fileName.second); FILE *fp = _wfopen(wstr.c_str(), L"w"); std::ofstream userFile(fp); #else std::ofstream userFile; userFile.open(fileName.second.c_str(), ios_base::out | ios_base::trunc); #endif userFile.close(); #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__) if(fp) { fclose(fp); } #endif fileLoaded.second = true; properties.second.load(fileName.second); } } catch(const exception &ex) { SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugError,"In [%s::%s Line: %d] Error [%s]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,ex.what()); if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugSystem).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugSystem,"In [%s::%s Line: %d] ERROR trying to auto-create cfgFile.second = [%s]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,fileName.second.c_str()); } } Config &Config::getInstance(std::pair type, std::pair file, std::pair fileMustExist) { if(configList.find(type.first) == configList.end()) { if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugSystem).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugSystem,"In [%s::%s Line: %d]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); Config config(type, file, fileMustExist); if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugSystem).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugSystem,"In [%s::%s Line: %d]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); configList.insert(map::value_type(type.first,config)); if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugSystem).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugSystem,"In [%s::%s Line: %d]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); } return configList.find(type.first)->second; } void Config::CopyAll(Config *src, Config *dest) { dest->properties = src->properties; dest->cfgType = src->cfgType; dest->fileName = src->fileName; dest->fileNameParameter = src->fileNameParameter; dest->fileLoaded = src->fileLoaded; } void Config::reload() { if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugSystem).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugSystem,"In [%s::%s Line: %d]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); std::pair type = std::make_pair(cfgType.first,cfgType.second); Config newconfig(type, std::make_pair(fileNameParameter.first,fileNameParameter.second), std::make_pair(true,false)); if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugSystem).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugSystem,"In [%s::%s Line: %d]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); Config &oldconfig = configList.find(type.first)->second; CopyAll(&newconfig, &oldconfig); if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) if(SystemFlags::getSystemSettingType(SystemFlags::debugSystem).enabled) SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugSystem,"In [%s::%s Line: %d]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); } void Config::save(const string &path){ if(fileLoaded.second == true) { if(path != "") { fileName.second = path; } if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("In [%s::%s Line: %d] save file [%s]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,fileName.second.c_str()); properties.second.save(fileName.second); return; } if(path != "") { fileName.first = path; } if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("In [%s::%s Line: %d] save file [%s]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,fileName.first.c_str()); properties.first.save(fileName.first); } int Config::getInt(const char *key,const char *defaultValueIfNotFound) const { if(fileLoaded.second == true && properties.second.getString(key, defaultNotFoundValue.c_str()) != defaultNotFoundValue) { return properties.second.getInt(key,defaultValueIfNotFound); } return properties.first.getInt(key,defaultValueIfNotFound); } bool Config::getBool(const char *key,const char *defaultValueIfNotFound) const { if(fileLoaded.second == true && properties.second.getString(key, defaultNotFoundValue.c_str()) != defaultNotFoundValue) { return properties.second.getBool(key,defaultValueIfNotFound); } return properties.first.getBool(key,defaultValueIfNotFound); } float Config::getFloat(const char *key,const char *defaultValueIfNotFound) const { if(fileLoaded.second == true && properties.second.getString(key, defaultNotFoundValue.c_str()) != defaultNotFoundValue) { return properties.second.getFloat(key,defaultValueIfNotFound); } return properties.first.getFloat(key,defaultValueIfNotFound); } const string Config::getString(const char *key,const char *defaultValueIfNotFound) const { if(fileLoaded.second == true && properties.second.getString(key, defaultNotFoundValue.c_str()) != defaultNotFoundValue) { return properties.second.getString(key,defaultValueIfNotFound); } return properties.first.getString(key,defaultValueIfNotFound); } int Config::getInt(const string &key,const char *defaultValueIfNotFound) const{ if(fileLoaded.second == true && properties.second.getString(key, defaultNotFoundValue.c_str()) != defaultNotFoundValue) { return properties.second.getInt(key,defaultValueIfNotFound); } return properties.first.getInt(key,defaultValueIfNotFound); } bool Config::getBool(const string &key,const char *defaultValueIfNotFound) const{ if(fileLoaded.second == true && properties.second.getString(key, defaultNotFoundValue.c_str()) != defaultNotFoundValue) { return properties.second.getBool(key,defaultValueIfNotFound); } return properties.first.getBool(key,defaultValueIfNotFound); } float Config::getFloat(const string &key,const char *defaultValueIfNotFound) const{ if(fileLoaded.second == true && properties.second.getString(key, defaultNotFoundValue.c_str()) != defaultNotFoundValue) { return properties.second.getFloat(key,defaultValueIfNotFound); } return properties.first.getFloat(key,defaultValueIfNotFound); } const string Config::getString(const string &key,const char *defaultValueIfNotFound) const{ if(fileLoaded.second == true && properties.second.getString(key, defaultNotFoundValue.c_str()) != defaultNotFoundValue) { return properties.second.getString(key,defaultValueIfNotFound); } return properties.first.getString(key,defaultValueIfNotFound); } /* SDLKey Config::translateSpecialStringToSDLKey(char c) const { SDLKey result = SDLK_UNKNOWN; if(c < 0) { switch(c) { case vkAdd: result = SDLK_PLUS; break; case vkSubtract: result = SDLK_MINUS; break; case vkAlt: result = SDLK_RALT; break; case vkControl: result = SDLK_RCTRL; break; case vkShift: result = SDLK_RSHIFT; break; case vkEscape: result = SDLK_ESCAPE; break; case vkUp: result = SDLK_UP; break; case vkLeft: result = SDLK_LEFT; break; case vkRight: result = SDLK_RIGHT; break; case vkDown: result = SDLK_DOWN; break; case vkReturn: result = SDLK_RETURN; break; case vkBack: result = SDLK_BACKSPACE; break; case vkTab: result = SDLK_TAB; break; case vkF1: result = SDLK_F1; break; case vkF2: result = SDLK_F2; break; case vkF3: result = SDLK_F3; break; case vkF4: result = SDLK_F4; break; case vkF5: result = SDLK_F5; break; case vkF6: result = SDLK_F6; break; case vkF7: result = SDLK_F7; break; case vkF8: result = SDLK_F8; break; case vkF9: result = SDLK_F9; break; case vkF10: result = SDLK_F10; break; case vkF11: result = SDLK_F11; break; case vkF12: result = SDLK_F12; break; case vkDelete: result = SDLK_DELETE; break; case vkPrint: result = SDLK_PRINT; break; case vkPause: result = SDLK_PAUSE; break; } } else { result = static_cast(c); } return result; } char Config::translateStringToCharKey(const string &value) const { char result = 0; if(IsNumeric(value.c_str()) == true) { result = strToInt(value); } else if(value.substr(0,2) == "vk") { if(value == "vkLeft") { result = vkLeft; } else if(value == "vkRight") { result = vkRight; } else if(value == "vkUp") { result = vkUp; } else if(value == "vkDown") { result = vkDown; } else if(value == "vkAdd") { result = vkAdd; } else if(value == "vkSubtract") { result = vkSubtract; } else if(value == "vkEscape") { result = vkEscape; } else if(value == "vkF1") { result = vkF1; } else if(value == "vkF2") { result = vkF2; } else if(value == "vkF3") { result = vkF3; } else if(value == "vkF4") { result = vkF4; } else if(value == "vkF5") { result = vkF5; } else if(value == "vkF6") { result = vkF6; } else if(value == "vkF7") { result = vkF7; } else if(value == "vkF8") { result = vkF8; } else if(value == "vkF9") { result = vkF9; } else if(value == "vkF10") { result = vkF10; } else if(value == "vkF11") { result = vkF11; } else if(value == "vkF12") { result = vkF12; } else if(value == "vkPrint") { result = vkPrint; } else if(value == "vkPause") { result = vkPause; } else { string sError = "Unsupported key translation [" + value + "]"; throw runtime_error(sError.c_str()); } } else if(value.length() >= 1) { if(value.length() == 3 && value[0] == '\'' && value[2] == '\'') { result = value[1]; } else { bool foundKey = false; if(value.length() > 1) { for(int i = SDLK_UNKNOWN; i < SDLK_LAST; ++i) { SDLKey key = static_cast(i); string keyName = SDL_GetKeyName(key); if(value == keyName) { if(key > 255) { if(value == "left") { result = vkLeft; } else if(value == "right") { result = vkRight; } else if(value == "up") { result = vkUp; } else if(value == "down") { result = vkDown; } else if(value == "add") { result = vkAdd; } else if(value == "subtract") { result = vkSubtract; } else if(value == "escape") { result = vkEscape; } else if(value == "f1") { result = vkF1; } else if(value == "f2") { result = vkF2; } else if(value == "f3") { result = vkF3; } else if(value == "f4") { result = vkF4; } else if(value == "f5") { result = vkF5; } else if(value == "f6") { result = vkF6; } else if(value == "f7") { result = vkF7; } else if(value == "f8") { result = vkF8; } else if(value == "f9") { result = vkF9; } else if(value == "f10") { result = vkF10; } else if(value == "f11") { result = vkF11; } else if(value == "f12") { result = vkF12; } else if(value == "print-screen") { result = vkPrint; } else if(value == "pause") { result = vkPause; } else { result = -key; } } else { result = key; } foundKey = true; break; } } } if(foundKey == false) { result = value[0]; } } } else { string sError = "Unsupported key translation" + value; throw runtime_error(sError.c_str()); } // Because SDL is based on lower Ascii result = tolower(result); return result; } */ SDLKey Config::translateStringToSDLKey(const string &value) const { SDLKey result = SDLK_UNKNOWN; if(IsNumeric(value.c_str()) == true) { result = (SDLKey)strToInt(value); } else if(value.substr(0,2) == "vk") { if(value == "vkLeft") { result = SDLK_LEFT; } else if(value == "vkRight") { result = SDLK_RIGHT; } else if(value == "vkUp") { result = SDLK_UP; } else if(value == "vkDown") { result = SDLK_DOWN; } else if(value == "vkAdd") { result = SDLK_PLUS; } else if(value == "vkSubtract") { result = SDLK_MINUS; } else if(value == "vkEscape") { result = SDLK_ESCAPE; } else if(value == "vkF1") { result = SDLK_F1; } else if(value == "vkF2") { result = SDLK_F2; } else if(value == "vkF3") { result = SDLK_F3; } else if(value == "vkF4") { result = SDLK_F4; } else if(value == "vkF5") { result = SDLK_F5; } else if(value == "vkF6") { result = SDLK_F6; } else if(value == "vkF7") { result = SDLK_F7; } else if(value == "vkF8") { result = SDLK_F8; } else if(value == "vkF9") { result = SDLK_F9; } else if(value == "vkF10") { result = SDLK_F10; } else if(value == "vkF11") { result = SDLK_F11; } else if(value == "vkF12") { result = SDLK_F12; } else if(value == "vkPrint") { result = SDLK_PRINT; } else if(value == "vkPause") { result = SDLK_PAUSE; } else { string sError = "Unsupported key translation [" + value + "]"; throw runtime_error(sError.c_str()); } } else if(value.length() >= 1) { if(value.length() == 3 && value[0] == '\'' && value[2] == '\'') { result = (SDLKey)value[1]; } else { bool foundKey = false; if(value.length() > 1) { for(int i = SDLK_UNKNOWN; i < SDLK_LAST; ++i) { SDLKey key = static_cast(i); string keyName = SDL_GetKeyName(key); if(value == keyName) { result = key; foundKey = true; break; } } } if(foundKey == false) { result = (SDLKey)value[0]; } } } else { string sError = "Unsupported key translation" + value; throw runtime_error(sError.c_str()); } // Because SDL is based on lower Ascii //result = tolower(result); return result; } SDLKey Config::getSDLKey(const char *key) const { if(fileLoaded.second == true && properties.second.getString(key, defaultNotFoundValue.c_str()) != defaultNotFoundValue) { string value = properties.second.getString(key); return translateStringToSDLKey(value); } string value = properties.first.getString(key); return translateStringToSDLKey(value); } //char Config::getCharKey(const char *key) const { // if(fileLoaded.second == true && // properties.second.getString(key, defaultNotFoundValue.c_str()) != defaultNotFoundValue) { // // string value = properties.second.getString(key); // return translateStringToCharKey(value); // } // string value = properties.first.getString(key); // return translateStringToCharKey(value); //} void Config::setInt(const string &key, int value){ if(fileLoaded.second == true) { properties.second.setInt(key, value); return; } properties.first.setInt(key, value); } void Config::setBool(const string &key, bool value){ if(fileLoaded.second == true) { properties.second.setBool(key, value); return; } properties.first.setBool(key, value); } void Config::setFloat(const string &key, float value){ if(fileLoaded.second == true) { properties.second.setFloat(key, value); return; } properties.first.setFloat(key, value); } void Config::setString(const string &key, const string &value){ if(fileLoaded.second == true) { properties.second.setString(key, value); return; } properties.first.setString(key, value); } vector > Config::getPropertiesFromContainer(const Properties &propertiesObj) const { vector > result; int count = propertiesObj.getPropertyCount(); for(int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { pair property; property.first = propertiesObj.getKey(i); property.second = propertiesObj.getString(i); result.push_back(property); } return result; } vector > Config::getMergedProperties() const { vector > result = getMasterProperties(); vector > resultUser = getUserProperties(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < resultUser.size(); ++i) { const pair &propertyUser = resultUser[i]; bool overrideProperty = false; for(unsigned int j = 0; j < result.size(); ++j) { pair &property = result[j]; // Take the user property and override the original value if(property.first == propertyUser.first) { overrideProperty = true; property.second = propertyUser.second; break; } } if(overrideProperty == false) { result.push_back(propertyUser); } } return result; } vector > Config::getMasterProperties() const { return getPropertiesFromContainer(properties.first); } vector > Config::getUserProperties() const { return getPropertiesFromContainer(properties.second); } void Config::setUserProperties(const vector > &valueList) { Properties &propertiesObj = properties.second; for(unsigned int idx = 0; idx < valueList.size(); ++ idx) { const pair &nameValuePair = valueList[idx]; propertiesObj.setString(nameValuePair.first,nameValuePair.second); } } string Config::getFileName(bool userFilename) const { string result = fileName.second; if(userFilename == false) { result = fileName.first; } return result; } string Config::toString(){ return properties.first.toString(); } vector Config::getPathListForType(PathType type, string scenarioDir) { vector pathList; string data_path = getGameReadWritePath(GameConstants::path_data_CacheLookupKey); string userData = getString("UserData_Root",""); if(userData != "") { endPathWithSlash(userData); //if(data_path == "") { // userData = userData; //} //else { // if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("extractLastDirectoryFromPath(userData) [%s] from userData [%s]\n",extractLastDirectoryFromPath(userData).c_str(),userData.c_str()); // userData = data_path + extractLastDirectoryFromPath(userData); //} //if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("In [%s::%s Line: %d] userData path [%s]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,userData.c_str()); if(isdir(userData.c_str()) == false) { createDirectoryPaths(userData); if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("In [%s::%s Line: %d] creating path [%s]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,userData.c_str()); } string userDataMaps = userData + GameConstants::folder_path_maps; if(isdir(userDataMaps.c_str()) == false) { createDirectoryPaths(userDataMaps); if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("In [%s::%s Line: %d] creating path [%s]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,userDataMaps.c_str()); } string userDataScenarios = userData + GameConstants::folder_path_scenarios; if(isdir(userDataScenarios.c_str()) == false) { createDirectoryPaths(userDataScenarios); if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("In [%s::%s Line: %d] creating path [%s]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,userDataScenarios.c_str()); } string userDataTechs = userData + GameConstants::folder_path_techs; if(isdir(userDataTechs.c_str()) == false) { createDirectoryPaths(userDataTechs); if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("In [%s::%s Line: %d] creating path [%s]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,userDataTechs.c_str()); } string userDataTilesets = userData + GameConstants::folder_path_tilesets; if(isdir(userDataTilesets.c_str()) == false) { createDirectoryPaths(userDataTilesets); if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("In [%s::%s Line: %d] creating path [%s]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,userDataTilesets.c_str()); } string userDataTutorials = userData + GameConstants::folder_path_tutorials; if(isdir(userDataTutorials.c_str()) == false) { createDirectoryPaths(userDataTutorials); if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("In [%s::%s Line: %d] creating path [%s]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,userDataTutorials.c_str()); } } if(scenarioDir != "") { //string scenarioLocation = data_path + scenarioDir; string scenarioLocation = scenarioDir; if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("Scenario path [%s]\n",scenarioLocation.c_str()); pathList.push_back(scenarioLocation); } switch(type) { case ptMaps: pathList.push_back(data_path+GameConstants::folder_path_maps); if(userData != "") { pathList.push_back(userData + string(GameConstants::folder_path_maps)); } break; case ptScenarios: pathList.push_back(data_path+GameConstants::folder_path_scenarios); if(userData != "") { pathList.push_back(userData + string(GameConstants::folder_path_scenarios)); } break; case ptTechs: pathList.push_back(data_path+GameConstants::folder_path_techs); if(userData != "") { pathList.push_back(userData + string(GameConstants::folder_path_techs)); } break; case ptTilesets: pathList.push_back(data_path+GameConstants::folder_path_tilesets); if(userData != "") { pathList.push_back(userData + string(GameConstants::folder_path_tilesets)); } break; case ptTutorials: pathList.push_back(data_path+GameConstants::folder_path_tutorials); if(userData != "") { pathList.push_back(userData + string(GameConstants::folder_path_tutorials)); } break; } return pathList; } }}// end namespace