#!/bin/bash set -e # Use this script to copy shared (libs) files to specified location # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Written by Vivek Gite # Copyright (c) 2006 nixCraft under GNU GPL v2.0+ # Last updated on: Apr/06/2010 by Vivek Gite # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # + Modified for megaglest deployment - Softcoder # + Added ld-linux support # + Added error checking support # + Added for loop so that we can process all files on cmd # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set libs output directory name BASE="lib" file="$@" sync_support_libs(){ local d="$1" # folder to copy dependencies to local pFILE="$2" # bin file to scan for dependencies from local files="" local _cp="/bin/cp" #local skip_deps="libm.so libpthread.so libstdc++.so libgcc_s.so libc.so libdl.so libX11.so libpulse libfusion libdirect libnvidia libXext librt libxcb libICE libSM libXtst libwrap libdbus libXau libXdmcp libnsl libFLAC libGL" local skip_deps="" local keep_deps="libcurl libgnu libgcrypt libnghttp libidn libpsl libunistring librtmp libssh libnettle libicu liblua libjpeg libpng libvorbis libogg libircclient libminiupnpc libwx_ libGLEW libftgl libfreetype libvlc libopenal libSDL2-" # libwx_ - recommended to keep always just because API/ABI compatibility, huge impact for map editor # libGLEW - most likely safe to keep embedded everywhere, its version matters with tools # libopenal - safe to keep but if any version is available locally then should be replaced # libSDL2 - safe to keep on .deb family only and even there, if any version is available locally then should be replaced # liblber & libldap_r - aren't safe to keep, very nasty secondary dependencies # libunistring - is it enough popular to not be necessary there? not sure local scan_via_skiplist=1 if [ -n "$skip_deps" ]; then scan_via_skiplist=1 echo "scanning for deps TO SKIP for '$pFILE'..." elif [ -n "$keep_deps" ]; then scan_via_skiplist=0 echo "scanning for deps TO KEEP for '$pFILE'..." fi # get rid of blanks and (0x00007fff0117f000) files="$(ldd $pFILE | awk '{ print $3 }' | sed -e '/^$/d' -e '/(*)$/d')" for i in $files do dcc="${i%/*}" # get dirname only # [ ! -d ${d}${dcc} ] && mkdir -p ${d}${dcc} # ${_cp} -f $i ${d}${dcc} # ${_cp} -f $i ${d} # echo ${_cp} -f $i ${d} skipfile=0 if [ $scan_via_skiplist -eq 1 ]; then for j in $(echo $skip_deps) do if [ `awk "BEGIN {print index(\"$i\", \"$j\")}"` -ne 0 ]; then # echo Skipping file = [$i] skipfile=1 break fi done elif [ $scan_via_skiplist -eq 0 ]; then skipfile=1 for j in $(echo $keep_deps) do if [ `awk "BEGIN {print index(\"$i\", \"$j\")}"` -ne 0 ]; then # echo Skipping file = [$i] skipfile=0 break fi done fi if [ "$skipfile" -eq "0" ] && [ ! -e "$d/$(basename "$i")" ]; then echo Including file = [$i] ${_cp} -f $i ${d} fi done # Works with 32 and 64 bit ld-linux #sldl="$(ldd $pFILE | grep 'ld-linux' | awk '{ print $1}')" #sldlsubdir="${sldl%/*}" # [ ! -f ${d}${sldl} ] && ${_cp} -f ${sldl} ${d}${sldlsubdir} #if [ ! -f ${d}${sldl} ] ; then # echo Including file = [${sldl}] # ${_cp} -f ${sldl} ${d} #fi } usage(){ echo "Error: Wrong syntax. Example: $0 megaglest" exit 1 } [ $# -eq 0 ] && usage if [ ! -d "$BASE" ]; then mkdir -p "$BASE"; fi # copy all files for f in $file do sync_support_libs "${BASE}" "${f}" done # copy vlc's plugins if libvlc was copied if [ "$(find $BASE -type f -name "libvlc.*")" != "" ]; then LIBVLC_DIR_CHECK="$( ldd "$1" | grep "libvlc\." | sort -u | awk '{print $3}' | head -1 )" if [ "$LIBVLC_DIR_CHECK" != "" ]; then LIBVLC_DIR="$(dirname "$LIBVLC_DIR_CHECK")" if [ -d "$LIBVLC_DIR/vlc/plugins" ]; then mkdir -p "$BASE/vlc" echo "Including plugins directory for VLC from = [$LIBVLC_DIR/vlc]" cp -f -r "$LIBVLC_DIR/vlc/plugins" "$BASE/vlc/" fi fi fi