@echo off rem change to the directory of this batch file ECHO -------------------------------- ECHO Changing to build folder [%~dp0] cd /d "%~dp0" rem setup the Visual Studio 2008 environment ECHO -------------------------------- ECHO Setting up Visual Studio 2008 environment vars... REM Ensure ultifds HP doesn't mess the build up SET Platform= if "%DevEnvDir%." == "." call "c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\vc\vcvarsall.bat" rem Update from SVN to latest rev ECHO -------------------------------- Echo Updating Code from SVN to latest Revision... svn update ..\..\ set SVNVERSION=. for /f "delims=" %%a in ('svnversion ..\..\ -n') do @set SVNVERSION=%%a ECHO Will build using SVN Revision: [%SVNVERSION%] rem pause ECHO -------------------------------- Echo Touching the build date/time file so we get proper build stamp touch ..\..\source\glest_game\facilities\game_util.cpp rem Build Mega-Glest in release mode ECHO -------------------------------- Echo Building Mega-Glest... set CL= del ..\..\source\glest_game\facilities\svnversion.h if not "%SVNVERSION%" == "." set CL=/DSVNVERSIONHEADER if not "%SVNVERSION%" == "." echo building with CL [%CL%] if not "%SVNVERSION%" == "." echo #define SVNVERSION "%SVNVERSION%" > ..\..\source\glest_game\facilities\svnversion.h msbuild /p:Configuration=Release Glest.sln rem pause execution so we can see the output before the batch file exits pause