MEGAGLEST by Titus Tscharntke and Mark Vejvoda ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Build instructions for Linux ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Architecture ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Developed on Linux with glibc, little endian CPU. While MacIntel builds exist (for some versions of the game), MegaGlest does not currently work on big endian CPUs like PPC (though some unfinished patches for vanilla Glest float around on the forums, e.g. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Building and Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --- 2.1 Prerequesites --- Compiling MegaGlest requires the following dependencies to be installed: * Standard GNU compiler and additional tools (g++ version 4.6.3 or later is required at the moment) * Kitware CMake 2.8.2 or later (used as build tool) * X11 libraries + headers * SDL 2.0.0 or later * OpenGL * libvlc * libcurl * wxWidgets * OpenAL * Ogg * Vorbis * Xerces-C * Lua 5.1 or later * JPEG * PNG * Zlib * GnuTLS * ICU * libdl NOTE: A script which tries to install build dependencies on many Linux distros is located in mk/linux/ --- 2.2 Building --- To build the game simply invoke the build script: ../mk/linux/ This script manually calls cmake with some optional parameters. Feel free to examine it and build manually using cmake. --- 2.3 Installation -- We provide MojoSetup based installers for Linux and NSIS based installers for Windows. By default, the Linux installers install to your home directory. The Windows installers install to %ProgramFiles% (global system scope). There are also community maintained packages available for several Linux and BSD distributions. Please see the website, forums and wiki for details. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Troubleshooting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --- General --- * Make sure both the hardware and software of your system match the requirements * If you cannot find what you are looking for on here please check the FAQs ( before contacting the developers. --- Compiling --- * If CMake reports that it cannot find some of the libraries, make sure that the relevant ...-dev(el) packages are also installed (distro-dependent). --- Sound/Audio --- * If the game doesn't start because of audio/sound errors: Make sure no other application is using your soundcard. Typical problems are the Gnome/KDE sound dameons esd and artsd. You can kill these daemons with the following commands: # killall esd ; killall artsd * If this doesn't solve the sound problems, get an updated OpenAL from or a newer repository provided by your distribution. * Sound is played through OpenAL - double-check the OpenAL system configuration: --- OpenGL --- * If the game produces error messages regarding OpenGL or OpenGL extensions being unavailable, look at glxinfo and make sure the system is using the drivers you want to use. If you have a NVIDIA or AMD/ATI graphics card then consider using the proprietary drivers, which may provide better performance than the open source drivers most distributions use by default. Most Intel graphics chips use an open source driver on Linux, based on Mesa ("glxinfo | grep -i mesa"). This hardware is much slower than any dedicated graphics cards produced during the past few years. The same holds true for AMD APUs (the graphics chips embedded into AMD processors). --- Crashing --- * Check the forums at * Please report any crashes and freezes that are not yet described on the forums, preferably with a gdb backtrace from a debugging enabled build (cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. More information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Website * Wiki * Forums ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. Contact + Credits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * MegaGlest is developed by: Titus Tscharntke ( Mark Vejvoda ( - * General contact: * MegaGlest is a fork of Glest: * Linux port by: Matthias Braun with help from Karl Robillard *** Please also refer to the copyright file. *** On Debian GNU/Linux systems please find license information in: /usr/share/common-licenses