#!/bin/bash # Use this script to build MegaGlest Data Diff Archive for a Version Release # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Written by Mark Vejvoda # Copyright (c) 2011 Mark Vejvoda under GNU GPL v3.0+ # This script compares two mega-glest data content folders for file differences, # then creates an archive of ONLY the differences (including files ONLY in new version) OLD_VERSION=`./mg-version.sh --oldversion` VERSION=`./mg-version.sh --version` NEW_SUBFOLDER_PATH="megaglest-$VERSION" cd release CURDIR="`pwd`" cd .. RELEASENAME=megaglest-data-updates-$VERSION cd $CURDIR echo "Creating data package $RELEASENAME (comparing against $OLD_VERSION)" #if [ ! -e megaglest-data-$VERSION-changes.txt ]; then diff --strip-trailing-cr --brief -r -x "*~" megaglest-data-$OLD_VERSION/megaglest-$OLD_VERSION megaglest-data-$VERSION/megaglest-$VERSION > megaglest-data-$VERSION-changes.txt #fi cd megaglest-data-$VERSION [[ -f "../megaglest-data-$VERSION-fileslist.txt" ]] && rm "../megaglest-data-$VERSION-fileslist.txt" cat ../megaglest-data-$VERSION-changes.txt | while read line; do #echo "$line" # Output the line itself. #echo `expr match "$line" 'megaglest-data-$VERSION'` #addfilepos=`expr match "$line" 'megaglest-data-$VERSION'` #echo [$line] #echo `awk "BEGIN {print index(\"$line\", \"megaglest-data-$VERSION\")}"` addfilepos=`awk "BEGIN {print index(\"$line\", \"megaglest-data-$VERSION\")}"` #echo [$addfilepos] #echo [${line:$addfilepos-1}] #echo [Looking for ONLY in: `expr match "$line" 'Only in '`] onlyinpos=`expr match "$line" "Only in "` #echo [$onlyinpos] if [ "$onlyinpos" -eq "8" ]; then echo **NOTE: Found ONLY IN string... original line [${line}] onlyinpos=`expr match "$line" "Only in megaglest-data-$VERSION"` if [ "$onlyinpos" -ge "24" ]; then line=${line:$addfilepos-1} line=${line/: //} line=${line/megaglest-data-$VERSION\/} echo New path: [$line] else echo **NOTE: skipping file since it is not in current version [${line}] match [$onlyinpos] line= echo New path: [$line] fi else echo Section B ... original line [${line}] line=${line:$addfilepos-1} line=${line/ differ/} line=${line/megaglest-data-$VERSION\/} echo New path: [$line] fi #compress_files="${compress_files} ${line}" #echo compress_files = [$compress_files] #echo ${line##megaglest-data-$VERSION*} if [ -n "${line}" ]; then echo "${line} " >> ../megaglest-data-$VERSION-fileslist.txt fi done #exit files_list=`cat ../megaglest-data-$VERSION-fileslist.txt` #echo compress_files = [$files_list] [[ -f "../$RELEASENAME.tar.xz" ]] && rm "../$RELEASENAME.tar.xz" echo Current Folder is [`pwd`] #echo 7za a "../$RELEASENAME.7z" $files_list #7za a -mx=9 -ms=on -mhc=on "../$RELEASENAME.7z" $files_list tar -cf - --add-file $files_list | xz -9e > ../$RELEASENAME.tar.xz cd .. cd ..