// ============================================================== // This file is part of Glest (www.glest.org) // // Copyright (C) 2001-2008 MartiƱo Figueroa // // You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published // by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version // ============================================================== #ifndef _GLEST_GAME_AIINTERFACE_H_ #define _GLEST_GAME_AIINTERFACE_H_ #include "world.h" #include "commander.h" #include "command.h" #include "conversion.h" #include "ai.h" #include "game_settings.h" #include #include "leak_dumper.h" using Shared::Util::intToStr; namespace Glest{ namespace Game{ // ===================================================== // class AiInterface // /// The AI will interact with the game through this interface // ===================================================== class AiInterfaceThread : public BaseThread, public SlaveThreadControllerInterface { protected: AiInterface *aiIntf; Semaphore semTaskSignalled; Mutex *triggerIdMutex; std::pair frameIndex; MasterSlaveThreadController *masterController; virtual void setQuitStatus(bool value); virtual void setTaskCompleted(int frameIndex); public: AiInterfaceThread(AiInterface *aiIntf); virtual ~AiInterfaceThread(); virtual void execute(); void signal(int frameIndex); bool isSignalCompleted(int frameIndex); virtual void setMasterController(MasterSlaveThreadController *master) { masterController = master; } virtual void signalSlave(void *userdata) { signal(*((int *)(userdata))); } virtual void signalQuit(); virtual bool canShutdown(bool deleteSelfIfShutdownDelayed=false); }; class AiInterface { private: World *world; Commander *commander; Console *console; GameSettings *gameSettings; Ai ai; int timer; int factionIndex; int teamIndex; //config bool redir; int logLevel; std::string aiLogFile; FILE *fp; std::map cacheUnitHarvestResourceLookup; Mutex *aiMutex; AiInterfaceThread *workerThread; std::vector enemyWarningPositionList; public: AiInterface(Game &game, int factionIndex, int teamIndex, int useStartLocation=-1); ~AiInterface(); AiInterface(const AiInterface& obj) { throw megaglest_runtime_error("class AiInterface is NOT safe to copy!"); } AiInterface & operator=(const AiInterface& obj) { throw megaglest_runtime_error("class AiInterface is NOT safe to assign!"); } //main void update(); std::vector getEnemyWarningPositionList() const { return enemyWarningPositionList; } void removeEnemyWarningPositionFromList(Vec2i &checkPos); inline Mutex * getMutex() {return aiMutex;} void signalWorkerThread(int frameIndex); bool isWorkerThreadSignalCompleted(int frameIndex); AiInterfaceThread *getWorkerThread() { return workerThread; } bool isLogLevelEnabled(int level); //get int getTimer() const {return timer;} int getFactionIndex() const {return factionIndex;} //misc void printLog(int logLevel, const string &s); //interact std::pair giveCommand(int unitIndex, CommandClass commandClass, const Vec2i &pos=Vec2i(0)); std::pair giveCommand(int unitIndex, const CommandType *commandType, const Vec2i &pos, const UnitType* unitType); std::pair giveCommand(int unitIndex, const CommandType *commandType, const Vec2i &pos, int unitGroupCommandId); std::pair giveCommand(int unitIndex, const CommandType *commandType, Unit *u= NULL); std::pair giveCommand(const Unit *unit, const CommandType *commandType, const Vec2i &pos, int unitGroupCommandId); std::pair giveCommandSwitchTeamVote(const Faction* faction, SwitchTeamVote *vote); //get data const ControlType getControlType(); int getMapMaxPlayers(); Vec2i getHomeLocation(); Vec2i getStartLocation(int locationIndex); int getFactionCount(); int getMyUnitCount() const; int getMyUpgradeCount() const; int onSightUnitCount(); const Resource *getResource(const ResourceType *rt); const Unit *getMyUnit(int unitIndex); Unit *getMyUnitPtr(int unitIndex); const Unit *getOnSightUnit(int unitIndex); const FactionType *getMyFactionType(); Faction *getMyFaction(); const TechTree *getTechTree(); bool isResourceInRegion(const Vec2i &pos, const ResourceType *rt, Vec2i &resourcePos, int range) const; bool isResourceNear(const Vec2i &pos, const ResourceType *rt, Vec2i &resourcePos, Faction *faction, bool fallbackToPeersHarvestingSameResource) const; bool getNearestSightedResource(const ResourceType *rt, const Vec2i &pos, Vec2i &resultPos, bool usableResourceTypeOnly); bool isAlly(const Unit *unit) const; bool isAlly(int factionIndex) const; bool reqsOk(const RequirableType *rt); bool reqsOk(const CommandType *ct); bool checkCosts(const ProducibleType *pt, const CommandType *ct); bool isFreeCells(const Vec2i &pos, int size, Field field); const Unit *getFirstOnSightEnemyUnit(Vec2i &pos, Field &field, int radius); Map * getMap(); World * getWorld() { return world; } bool factionUsesResourceType(const FactionType *factionType, const ResourceType *rt); void saveGame(XmlNode *rootNode) const; void loadGame(const XmlNode *rootNode, Faction *faction); private: string getLogFilename() const {return "ai"+intToStr(factionIndex)+".log";} bool executeCommandOverNetwork(); }; }}//end namespace #endif