# # http://root.cern.ch/viewvc/trunk/cint/reflex/cmake/modules/FindCppUnit.cmake # # - Find CppUnit # # This module finds the CppUnit include directory and library # # It sets the following variables: # CPPUNIT_FOUND - Set to false, or undefined, if CppUnit isn't found. # CPPUNIT_INCLUDE_DIR - The CppUnit include directory. # CPPUNIT_LIBRARY - The CppUnit library to link against. set (_cppunit_DEBUG false) # If CPPUNIT_ROOT was defined in the environment, use it. if (NOT CPPUNIT_ROOT AND NOT $ENV{CPPUNIT_ROOT} STREQUAL "") set(CPPUNIT_ROOT $ENV{CPPUNIT_ROOT}) endif(NOT CPPUNIT_ROOT AND NOT $ENV{CPPUNIT_ROOT} STREQUAL "") # If CPPUNIT_INCLUDEDIR was defined in the environment, use it. if( NOT $ENV{CPPUNIT_INCLUDEDIR} STREQUAL "" ) set(CPPUNIT_INCLUDEDIR $ENV{CPPUNIT_INCLUDEDIR}) endif( NOT $ENV{CPPUNIT_INCLUDEDIR} STREQUAL "" ) # If CPPUNIT_LIBRARYDIR was defined in the environment, use it. if( NOT $ENV{CPPUNIT_LIBRARYDIR} STREQUAL "" ) set(CPPUNIT_LIBRARYDIR $ENV{CPPUNIT_LIBRARYDIR}) endif( NOT $ENV{CPPUNIT_LIBRARYDIR} STREQUAL "" ) if( CPPUNIT_ROOT ) set(_cppunit_INCLUDE_SEARCH_DIRS ${CPPUNIT_ROOT}/include ) set(_cppunit_LIBRARY_SEARCH_DIRS ${CPPUNIT_ROOT}/lib ) endif( CPPUNIT_ROOT ) if( CPPUNIT_INCLUDEDIR ) file(TO_CMAKE_PATH ${CPPUNIT_INCLUDEDIR} CPPUNIT_INCLUDEDIR) SET(_cppunit_INCLUDE_SEARCH_DIRS ${CPPUNIT_INCLUDEDIR} ) endif( CPPUNIT_INCLUDEDIR ) if( CPPUNIT_LIBRARYDIR ) file(TO_CMAKE_PATH ${CPPUNIT_LIBRARYDIR} CPPUNIT_LIBRARYDIR) SET(_cppunit_LIBRARY_SEARCH_DIRS ${CPPUNIT_LIBRARYDIR} ) endif( CPPUNIT_LIBRARYDIR ) # now find CPPUNIT_INCLUDE_DIR if ( _cppunit_DEBUG) message(STATUS "search include dirs for cppunit = ${_cppunit_INCLUDE_SEARCH_DIRS}") endif ( _cppunit_DEBUG) find_path(CPPUNIT_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES cppunit/Test.h HINTS ${_cppunit_INCLUDE_SEARCH_DIRS}) if ( _cppunit_DEBUG) message(STATUS "include dir for cppunit = ${CPPUNIT_INCLUDE_DIR}") endif ( _cppunit_DEBUG) # now find CPPUNIT_LIBRARY if ( _cppunit_DEBUG) message(STATUS "search library dirs for cppunit = ${_cppunit_LIBRARY_SEARCH_DIRS}") endif ( _cppunit_DEBUG) find_library(CPPUNIT_LIBRARY NAMES cppunit HINTS ${_cppunit_LIBRARY_SEARCH_DIRS}) if ( _cppunit_DEBUG) message(STATUS "library dir for cppunit = ${CPPUNIT_LIBRARY}") endif ( _cppunit_DEBUG) if (CPPUNIT_INCLUDE_DIR AND CPPUNIT_LIBRARY) SET(CPPUNIT_FOUND TRUE) endif (CPPUNIT_INCLUDE_DIR AND CPPUNIT_LIBRARY) if (CPPUNIT_FOUND) # show which CppUnit was found only if not quiet if (NOT CppUnit_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS "Found CppUnit: ${CPPUNIT_LIBRARY}") endif (NOT CppUnit_FIND_QUIETLY) else (CPPUNIT_FOUND) # fatal error if CppUnit is required but not found if (CppUnit_FIND_REQUIRED) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find CppUnit") endif (CppUnit_FIND_REQUIRED) endif (CPPUNIT_FOUND) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(CPPUNIT DEFAULT_MSG CPPUNIT_LIBRARY CPPUNIT_INCLUDE_DIR) mark_as_advanced(CPPUNIT_INCLUDE_DIR CPPUNIT_LIBRARY )