
720 lines
21 KiB

// ==============================================================
// This file is part of Glest Shared Library (
// Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Martio Figueroa
// You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version
// ==============================================================
#include "font.h"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string.h>
#include "conversion.h"
#ifdef USE_FTGL
#include "font_textFTGL.h"
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace Shared::Graphics::Gl;
// If your compiler has a version older than 2.4.1 of fontconfig, you can tell cmake to
// disable trying to use fontconfig via passing this to cmake:
#include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "platform_common.h"
#include "platform_util.h"
#include <fribidi.h>
#include <iterator>
#include "leak_dumper.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace Shared::Util;
using namespace Shared::PlatformCommon;
namespace Shared { namespace Graphics {
// Init statics
int Font::charCount = 256;
std::string Font::fontTypeName = "Times New Roman";
bool Font::fontIsMultibyte = false;
bool Font::forceLegacyFonts = false;
bool Font::fontIsRightToLeft = false;
bool Font::fontSupportMixedRightToLeft = false;
// This value is used to scale the font text rendering
// in 3D render mode
float Font::scaleFontValue = 0.80f;
// This value is used for centering font text vertically (height)
float Font::scaleFontValueCenterHFactor = 4.0f;
int Font::baseSize = 3;
int Font::faceResolution = 72;
string Font::langHeightText = "yW";
void Font::resetToDefaults() {
Font::charCount = 256;
Font::fontTypeName = "Times New Roman";
Font::fontIsMultibyte = false;
Font::fontIsRightToLeft = false;
Font::fontSupportMixedRightToLeft = false;
// This value is used to scale the font text rendering
// in 3D render mode
Font::scaleFontValue = 0.80f;
// This value is used for centering font text vertically (height)
Font::scaleFontValueCenterHFactor = 4.0f;
Font::baseSize = 3;
Font::faceResolution = 72;
Font::langHeightText = "yW";
#if defined(WIN32)
string newEnvValue = "MEGAGLEST_FONT=";
// =====================================================
// class FontMetrics
// =====================================================
FontMetrics::FontMetrics(Text *textHandler) {
this->textHandler = textHandler;
this->widths = new float[Font::charCount];
this->height = 0;
for(int i=0; i < Font::charCount; ++i) {
widths[i]= 0;
FontMetrics::~FontMetrics() {
delete [] widths;
widths = NULL;
void FontMetrics::setTextHandler(Text *textHandler) {
this->textHandler = textHandler;
Text * FontMetrics::getTextHandler() {
return this->textHandler;
float FontMetrics::getTextWidth(const string &str) {
string longestLine = "";
size_t found = str.find("\n");
if (found == string::npos) {
longestLine = str;
else {
vector<string> lineTokens;
if(lineTokens.empty() == false) {
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < lineTokens.size(); ++i) {
string currentStr = lineTokens[i];
if(currentStr.length() > longestLine.length()) {
longestLine = currentStr;
if(textHandler != NULL) {
return (textHandler->Advance(longestLine.c_str()) * Font::scaleFontValue);
else {
float width= 0.f;
for(unsigned int i=0; i< longestLine.size() && (int)i < Font::charCount; ++i){
if(longestLine[i] >= Font::charCount) {
string sError = "str[i] >= Font::charCount, [" + longestLine + "] i = " + uIntToStr(i);
throw megaglest_runtime_error(sError);
//Treat 2 byte characters as spaces
if(longestLine[i] < 0) {
width+= (widths[97]); // This is the letter a which is a normal wide character and good to use for spacing
else {
width+= widths[(int)longestLine[i]];
return width;
float FontMetrics::getHeight(const string &str) const {
if(textHandler != NULL) {
return (textHandler->LineHeight(str.c_str()));
else {
return height;
string FontMetrics::wordWrapText(string text, int maxWidth) {
// Strip newlines from source
replaceAll(text, "\n", " \n ");
// Get all words (space separated text)
vector<string> words;
Tokenize(text,words," ");
string wrappedText = "";
float lineWidth = 0.0f;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < words.size(); ++i) {
string word = words[i];
wrappedText += word;
lineWidth = 0;
else {
float wordWidth = this->getTextWidth(word);
if (lineWidth + wordWidth > maxWidth) {
wrappedText += "\n";
lineWidth = 0;
lineWidth += this->getTextWidth(word+" ");
wrappedText += word + " ";
return wrappedText;
// ===============================================
// class Font
// ===============================================
Font::Font(FontTextHandlerType type) {
if(GlobalStaticFlags::getIsNonGraphicalModeEnabled() == true) {
throw megaglest_runtime_error("Loading graphics in headless server mode not allowed!");
inited = false;
this->type = fontTypeName;
width = 400;
size = 10;
textHandler = NULL;
#if defined(USE_FTGL)
if(Font::forceLegacyFonts == false) {
try {
TextFTGL::faceResolution = Font::faceResolution;
TextFTGL::langHeightText = Font::langHeightText;
textHandler = NULL;
textHandler = new TextFTGL(type);
TextFTGL::faceResolution = Font::faceResolution;
TextFTGL::langHeightText = Font::langHeightText;
catch(exception &ex) {
SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugError,"In [%s::%s Line: %d] Error [%s]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,ex.what());
textHandler = NULL;
Font::~Font() {
if(textHandler) {
delete textHandler;
textHandler = NULL;
string Font::getType() const {
return this->type;
void Font::setType(string typeX11, string typeGeneric, string typeGenericFamily) {
if(textHandler) {
try {
this->type= typeGeneric;
catch(exception &ex) {
SystemFlags::OutputDebug(SystemFlags::debugError,"In [%s::%s Line: %d] Error [%s]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,ex.what());
textHandler = NULL;
if(textHandler == NULL) {
this->type= typeX11;
void Font::setWidth(int width) {
this->width= width;
int Font::getWidth() const {
return width;
int Font::getSize() const {
if(textHandler) {
return textHandler->GetFaceSize();
else {
return size;
void Font::setSize(int size) {
if(textHandler) {
return textHandler->SetFaceSize(size);
else {
this->size= size;
bool is_non_ASCII(const int &c) {
return (c < 0) || (c >= 128);
bool is_ASCII(const int &c) {
return !is_non_ASCII(c);
void Font::bidi_cvt(string &str_) {
const bool debugFribidi = false;
if(debugFribidi == true) printf("BEFORE: [%s]\n",str_.c_str());
string new_value = "";
bool hasSoftNewLines = false;
bool hasHardNewLines = false;
vector<string> lines;
if(str_.find("\\n") != str_.npos) {
hasSoftNewLines = true;
else if(str_.find("\n") != str_.npos) {
hasHardNewLines = true;
else {
if(debugFribidi == true) printf("Lines: %d\n",(int)lines.size());
for(int lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < (int)lines.size(); ++lineIndex) {
if(lineIndex > 0) {
if(hasSoftNewLines == true) {
new_value += "\\n";
else if(hasHardNewLines == true) {
new_value += "\n";
str_ = lines[lineIndex];
if(debugFribidi == true) printf("Line: %d [%s] Font::fontSupportMixedRightToLeft = %d\n",lineIndex,str_.c_str(),Font::fontSupportMixedRightToLeft);
vector<string> words;
if(Font::fontSupportMixedRightToLeft == true) {
if(str_.find(" ") != str_.npos) {
Tokenize(str_,words," ");
else {
else {
vector<string> wordList;
vector<string> nonASCIIWordList;
for(int wordIndex = 0; wordIndex < (int)words.size(); ++wordIndex) {
str_ = words[wordIndex];
if(debugFribidi == true) printf("Word: %d [%s]\n",wordIndex,str_.c_str());
//FriBidi C string holding the original text (that is probably with logical hebrew)
FriBidiChar *logical = NULL;
//FriBidi C string for the output text (that should be visual hebrew)
FriBidiChar *visual = NULL;
FriBidiStrIndex *ltov = NULL;
FriBidiStrIndex *vtol = NULL;
//C string holding the originall text (not nnecessarily as unicode)
char *ip = NULL;
//C string for the output text (not necessarily as unicode)
char *op = NULL;
//Size to allocate for the char arrays
int size = (int)str_.size() + 2;
//Allocate memory:
//It's probably way too much, but at least it's not too little
logical = new FriBidiChar[size * 3];
visual = new FriBidiChar[size * 3];
ip = new char[size * 3];
op = new char[size * 3];
ltov = new FriBidiStrIndex[size * 3];
vtol = new FriBidiStrIndex[size * 3];
FriBidiCharType base;
size_t len;
//A bool type to see if conversion succeded
fribidi_boolean log2vis;
//Holds information telling fribidi to use UTF-8
FriBidiCharSet char_set_num;
char_set_num = fribidi_parse_charset ("UTF-8");
//Copy the given to string into the ip string
strcpy(ip, str_.c_str());
//Find length of originall text
len = strlen( ip );
//Insert ip to logical as unicode (and find it's size now)
len = fribidi_charset_to_unicode (char_set_num, ip, (FriBidiStrIndex)len, logical);
//printf("STRIPPED: [%s]\n",str_.c_str());
//Convert logical text to visual
log2vis = fribidi_log2vis (logical, (FriBidiStrIndex)len, &base, visual, ltov, vtol, NULL);
bool is_converted = false;
//If convertion was successful
//Remove bidi marks (that we don't need) from the output text
len = fribidi_remove_bidi_marks (visual, (FriBidiStrIndex)len, ltov, vtol, NULL);
//Convert unicode string back to the encoding the input string was in
fribidi_unicode_to_charset ( char_set_num, visual, (FriBidiStrIndex)len ,op);
if(string(op) != str_) {
is_converted = true;
//Insert the output string into the result
str_ = op;
if(debugFribidi == true) printf("LOG2VIS: [%s]\n",str_.c_str());
//printf("AFTER: [%s]\n",str_.c_str());
//Free allocated memory
delete [] ltov;
delete [] vtol;
delete [] visual;
delete [] logical;
delete [] ip;
delete [] op;
if(Font::fontSupportMixedRightToLeft == true) {
if(is_converted == true) {
if(wordIndex+1 == (int)words.size()) {
if(nonASCIIWordList.size() > 1) {
copy(nonASCIIWordList.begin(), nonASCIIWordList.end(), std::inserter(wordList, wordList.begin()));
else {
if(wordList.empty() == false) {
copy(nonASCIIWordList.begin(), nonASCIIWordList.end(), std::inserter(wordList, wordList.begin()+wordList.size()));
else {
wordList = nonASCIIWordList;
else {
if(nonASCIIWordList.size() > 1) {
copy(nonASCIIWordList.begin(), nonASCIIWordList.end(), std::inserter(wordList, wordList.begin()));
else {
if(debugFribidi == true) printf("Building New Line: %d [%s]\n",lineIndex,new_value.c_str());
for(int wordIndex = 0; wordIndex < (int)wordList.size(); ++wordIndex) {
if(debugFribidi == true) printf("wordIndex: %d [%s]\n",wordIndex,wordList[wordIndex].c_str());
if(wordIndex > 0) {
new_value += " ";
new_value += wordList[wordIndex];
if(debugFribidi == true) printf("New Line: %d [%s]\n",lineIndex,new_value.c_str());
str_ = new_value;
if(debugFribidi == true) printf("NEW: [%s]\n",str_.c_str());
// ===============================================
// class Font2D
// ===============================================
Font2D::Font2D(FontTextHandlerType type) : Font(type) {
// ===============================================
// class Font3D
// ===============================================
Font3D::Font3D(FontTextHandlerType type) : Font(type) {
depth= 10.f;
string findFontFamily(const char* font, const char *fontFamily) {
string resultFile = "";
// If your compiler has a version older than 2.4.1 of fontconfig, you can tell cmake to
// disable trying to use fontconfig via passing this to cmake:
// Get default font via fontconfig
if( !font && FcInit() && fontFamily) {
FcResult result;
FcFontSet *fs;
FcPattern* pat;
FcPattern *match;
TRANSLATORS: If using the FTGL backend, this should be the font
name of a font that contains all the Unicode characters in use in
your translation.
//pat = FcNameParse((FcChar8 *)"Gothic Uralic");
pat = FcNameParse((FcChar8 *)fontFamily);
FcConfigSubstitute(0, pat, FcMatchPattern);
//FcPatternDel(pat, FC_WEIGHT);
//FcPatternAddInteger(pat, FC_WEIGHT, FC_WEIGHT_BOLD);
fs = FcFontSetCreate();
match = FcFontMatch(0, pat, &result);
if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("Trying fontconfig for fontfamily [%s]\n",fontFamily);
if (match) FcFontSetAdd(fs, match);
if (pat) FcPatternDestroy(pat);
if(fs) {
FcChar8* file;
if( FcPatternGetString (fs->fonts[0], FC_FILE, 0, &file) == FcResultMatch ) {
resultFile = (const char*)file;
// If your compiler has a version older than 2.4.1 of fontconfig, you can tell cmake to
// disable trying to use fontconfig via passing this to cmake:
else {
if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("******************* FONT CONFIG will not be called font [%s] fontFamily [%s]!\n",(font != NULL ? font : "null"),(fontFamily != NULL ? fontFamily : "null"));
if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("******************* NO FONT CONFIG ENABLED!\n");
return resultFile;
void CHECK_FONT_PATH(const char *filename,const char *fontFamily,const char **font,const char **path) {
*path = filename;
if( *font == NULL && *path != NULL && strlen(*path) > 0 && fileExists(*path) == true ) {
*font = strdup(*path);
if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("#1 candidate font file exists [%s]\n",(*font != NULL ? *font : "null"));
if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("#1 Searching for font file [%s] result [%s]\n",(*path != NULL ? *path : "null"),(*font != NULL ? *font : "null"));
if( *font == NULL && fontFamily != NULL && strlen(fontFamily) > 0) {
if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("#2 Searching for font [%s] family [%s]\n",(*font != NULL ? *font : "null"),fontFamily);
string fileFound = findFontFamily(*font, fontFamily);
if(fileFound != "") {
//*path = fileFound.c_str();
if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("#2 candidate font file found [%s]\n",fileFound.c_str());
if( fileFound.length() > 0 && fileExists(fileFound) == true ) {
if(*font) free((void*)*font);
*font = strdup(fileFound.c_str());
if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("#2 candidate font file has been set[%s]\n",(*font != NULL ? *font : "null"));
*path = NULL;
if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("#2 Searching for font family [%s] result [%s]\n",fontFamily,(*font != NULL ? *font : "null"));
const char* findFont(const char *firstFontToTry,const char *firstFontFamilyToTry) {
const char* font = NULL;
const char* path = NULL;
string tryFont = "";
if(firstFontToTry != NULL || firstFontFamilyToTry != NULL) {
if(firstFontToTry != NULL && strlen(firstFontToTry) > 0) {
tryFont = firstFontToTry;
#ifdef WIN32
replaceAll(tryFont, "/", "\\");
else {
// Get user-specified font path
string megaglest_font = safeCharPtrCopy(getenv("MEGAGLEST_FONT"),8095);
string megaglest_font_family = safeCharPtrCopy(getenv("MEGAGLEST_FONT_FAMILY"),8095);
if(megaglest_font != "" || megaglest_font_family != "") {
if(megaglest_font != "") {
tryFont = megaglest_font;
tryFont = Text::DEFAULT_FONT_PATH_ABSOLUTE + "/" + extractFileFromDirectoryPath(tryFont);
#ifdef WIN32
replaceAll(tryFont, "/", "\\");
else {
string data_path = Text::DEFAULT_FONT_PATH;
string defaultFont = data_path + "data/core/fonts/LinBiolinum_RB.ttf";//LinBiolinum_Re-0.6.4.ttf
data_path = Text::DEFAULT_FONT_PATH;
defaultFont = data_path + "/LinBiolinum_RB.ttf";//LinBiolinum_Re-0.6.4.ttf
tryFont = defaultFont;
#ifdef WIN32
replaceAll(tryFont, "/", "\\");
CHECK_FONT_PATH(tryFont.c_str(),"Linux Biolinum O:style=Bold",&font,&path);
#ifdef FONT_PATH
// Get distro-specified font path
CHECK_FONT_PATH("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/uralic/gothub__.ttf","Gothic Uralic:style=Regular",&font,&path);
// Check a couple of common paths for Gothic Uralic/bold as a last resort
// Debian
TRANSLATORS: If using the FTGL backend, this should be the path of a bold
font that contains all the Unicode characters in use in your translation.
If the font is available in Debian it should be the Debian path.
CHECK_FONT_PATH("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/uralic/gothub__.ttf","Gothic Uralic:style=Regular",&font,&path);
TRANSLATORS: If using the FTGL backend, this should be the path of a
font that contains all the Unicode characters in use in your translation.
If the font is available in Debian it should be the Debian path.
CHECK_FONT_PATH("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/uralic/gothu___.ttf","Gothic Uralic:style=Regular",&font,&path);
// Mandrake
TRANSLATORS: If using the FTGL backend, this should be the path of a bold
font that contains all the Unicode characters in use in your translation.
If the font is available in Mandrake it should be the Mandrake path.
CHECK_FONT_PATH("/usr/share/fonts/TTF/uralic/GOTHUB__.TTF","Gothic Uralic:style=Bold",&font,&path);
TRANSLATORS: If using the FTGL backend, this should be the path of a
font that contains all the Unicode characters in use in your translation.
If the font is available in Mandrake it should be the Mandrake path.
CHECK_FONT_PATH("/usr/share/fonts/TTF/uralic/GOTHU___.TTF","Gothic Uralic:style=Regular",&font,&path);
// Check the non-translated versions of the above
CHECK_FONT_PATH("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/uralic/gothub__.ttf","Gothic Uralic:style=Regular",&font,&path);
CHECK_FONT_PATH("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/uralic/gothu___.ttf","Gothic Uralic:style=Regular",&font,&path);
CHECK_FONT_PATH("/usr/share/fonts/TTF/uralic/GOTHUB__.TTF","Gothic Uralic:style=Regular",&font,&path);
CHECK_FONT_PATH("/usr/share/fonts/TTF/uralic/GOTHU___.TTF","Gothic Uralic:style=Regular",&font,&path);
CHECK_FONT_PATH("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/linux-libertine/LinLibertine_Re.ttf","Linux Libertine O:style=Regular",&font,&path);
// gentoo paths
#ifdef _WIN32
if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("Final selection of font file is [%s]\n",(font != NULL ? font : "null")); \
return font;
}}//end namespace