titison 51c1afe4e4 Added the ability for SpawnAttacks to let the units spawn when the projectile arrives at the targetpos.
Unit will always try to attack if it has an attack command.
Unit attacks the target POS and not the target UNIT of the attacker.
2014-07-27 21:41:40 +02:00

190 lines
6.2 KiB

// ==============================================================
// This file is part of Glest (
// Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Martiño Figueroa
// You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version
// ==============================================================
#ifdef WIN32
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#include "gui.h"
#include "particle.h"
#include "randomgen.h"
#include "command.h"
#include "leak_dumper.h"
using Shared::Graphics::ParticleObserver;
using Shared::Util::RandomGen;
namespace Glest{ namespace Game{
class Unit;
class Map;
class ScriptManager;
class PathFinder;
// =====================================================
// class UnitUpdater
/// Updates all units in the game, even the player
/// controlled units, performs basic actions only
/// such as responding to an attack
// =====================================================
class ParticleDamager;
class Cell;
class UnitRangeCellsLookupItem {
//int UnitRangeCellsLookupItemCacheTimerCountIndex;
std::vector<Cell *> rangeCellList;
static time_t lastDebug;
class AttackWarningData {
Vec2f attackPosition;
int lastFrameCount;
class UnitUpdater {
friend class ParticleDamager;
typedef vector<AttackWarningData*> AttackWarnings;
static const int maxResSearchRadius= 10;
static const int harvestDistance= 5;
static const int ultraResourceFactor= 3;
static const int megaResourceFactor= 4;
const GameCamera *gameCamera;
Gui *gui;
Map *map;
World *world;
Console *console;
ScriptManager *scriptManager;
PathFinder *pathFinder;
Game *game;
//RandomGen random;
Mutex *mutexAttackWarnings;
float attackWarnRange;
AttackWarnings attackWarnings;
Mutex *mutexUnitRangeCellsLookupItemCache;
std::map<Vec2i, std::map<int, std::map<int, UnitRangeCellsLookupItem > > > UnitRangeCellsLookupItemCache;
//std::map<int,ExploredCellsLookupKey> ExploredCellsLookupItemCacheTimer;
//int UnitRangeCellsLookupItemCacheTimerCount;
bool findCachedCellsEnemies(Vec2i center, int range,
int size, vector<Unit*> &enemies,
const AttackSkillType *ast, const Unit *unit,
const Unit *commandTarget);
void findEnemiesForCell(const AttackSkillType *ast, Cell *cell, const Unit *unit,
const Unit *commandTarget,vector<Unit*> &enemies);
void init(Game *game);
//update skills
bool updateUnit(Unit *unit);
void spawnAttack(Unit *unit,string spawnUnit,int spawnUnitcount,bool spawnUnitAtTarget,Vec2i targetPos=Vec2i(-10,-10));
//update commands
void updateUnitCommand(Unit *unit, int frameIndex);
void updateStop(Unit *unit, int frameIndex);
void updateMove(Unit *unit, int frameIndex);
void updateAttack(Unit *unit, int frameIndex);
void updateAttackStopped(Unit *unit, int frameIndex);
void updateBuild(Unit *unit, int frameIndex);
void updateHarvest(Unit *unit, int frameIndex);
void updateHarvestEmergencyReturn(Unit *unit, int frameIndex);
void updateRepair(Unit *unit, int frameIndex);
void updateProduce(Unit *unit, int frameIndex);
void updateUpgrade(Unit *unit, int frameIndex);
void updateMorph(Unit *unit, int frameIndex);
void updateSwitchTeam(Unit *unit, int frameIndex);
void clearUnitPrecache(Unit *unit);
void removeUnitPrecache(Unit *unit);
inline unsigned int getAttackWarningCount() const { return (unsigned int)attackWarnings.size(); }
std::pair<bool,Unit *> unitBeingAttacked(const Unit *unit);
void unitBeingAttacked(std::pair<bool,Unit *> &result, const Unit *unit, const AttackSkillType *ast,float *currentDistToUnit=NULL);
vector<Unit*> enemyUnitsOnRange(const Unit *unit,const AttackSkillType *ast);
void findEnemiesForCell(const Vec2i pos, int size, int sightRange, const Faction *faction, vector<Unit*> &enemies, bool attackersOnly) const;
void findUnitsForCell(Cell *cell, const Unit *unit,vector<Unit*> &units);
vector<Unit*> findUnitsInRange(const Unit *unit, int radius);
string getUnitRangeCellsLookupItemCacheStats();
void saveGame(XmlNode *rootNode);
void loadGame(const XmlNode *rootNode);
void clearCaches();
void hit(Unit *attacker);
void hit(Unit *attacker, const AttackSkillType* ast, const Vec2i &targetPos, Field targetField, int damagePercent);
void damage(Unit *attacker, const AttackSkillType* ast, Unit *attacked, float distance, int damagePercent);
void startAttackParticleSystem(Unit *unit, float lastAnimProgress, float animProgress);
bool searchForResource(Unit *unit, const HarvestCommandType *hct);
bool attackerOnSight(Unit *unit, Unit **enemyPtr, bool evalMode=false);
bool attackableOnSight(Unit *unit, Unit **enemyPtr, const AttackSkillType *ast, bool evalMode=false);
bool attackableOnRange(Unit *unit, Unit **enemyPtr, const AttackSkillType *ast, bool evalMode=false);
bool unitOnRange(Unit *unit, int range, Unit **enemyPtr, const AttackSkillType *ast,bool evalMode=false);
void enemiesAtDistance(const Unit *unit, const Unit *priorityUnit, int distance, vector<Unit*> &enemies);
Unit * findPeerUnitBuilder(Unit *unit);
void SwapActiveCommand(Unit *unitSrc, Unit *unitDest);
void SwapActiveCommandState(Unit *unit, CommandStateType commandStateType,
const CommandType *commandType,
int originalValue,int newValue);
// =====================================================
// class ParticleDamager
// =====================================================
class ParticleDamager: public ParticleObserver {
UnitReference attackerRef;
const AttackSkillType* ast;
const ProjectileType* projectileType;
UnitUpdater *unitUpdater;
const GameCamera *gameCamera;
Vec2i targetPos;
Field targetField;
ParticleDamager(Unit *attacker, const ProjectileType *projectileType, UnitUpdater *unitUpdater, const GameCamera *gameCamera);
virtual void update(ParticleSystem *particleSystem);
virtual void saveGame(XmlNode *rootNode);
virtual void loadGame(const XmlNode *rootNode,void *genericData);
}}//end namespace