
335 lines
11 KiB

// ==============================================================
// This file is part of Glest Shared Library (
// Copyright (C) 2005 Matthias Braun <>
// You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version
// ==============================================================
#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <list>
#include "data_types.h"
#include "checksum.h"
#include <utility>
#include <SDL.h>
#include <map>
//#include <chrono>
#include "leak_dumper.h"
#if (defined WIN32) && !(defined snprintf)
#define snprintf _snprintf
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using std::list;
using std::exception;
using Shared::Platform::int64;
using Shared::Util::Checksum;
namespace Shared { namespace PlatformCommon {
#define STRINGIFY(x) #x
#define CODE_AT_LINE __FILE__ ":" TOSTRING(__LINE__)
#define CODE_AT_LINE_X(x) __FILE__ ":" TOSTRING(__LINE__) ":" TOSTRING(x)
static const int IGNORE_CMD_RESULT_VALUE = -999999;
// keycode constants (unfortunately designed after DirectInput and therefore not
// very specific)
// They also have to fit into a char. The positive numbers seem to be equal
// to ascii, for the rest we have to find sensefull mappings from SDL (which is
// alot more fine grained like left/right control instead of just control...)
const char vkAdd = -1;
const char vkSubtract = -2;
const char vkAlt = -3;
const char vkControl = -4;
const char vkShift = -5;
const char vkEscape = -6;
const char vkUp = -7;
const char vkLeft = -8;
const char vkRight = -9;
const char vkDown = -10;
const char vkReturn = -11;
const char vkBack = -12;
const char vkTab = -13;
const char vkF1 = -14;
const char vkF2 = -15;
const char vkF3 = -16;
const char vkF4 = -17;
const char vkF5 = -18;
const char vkF6 = -19;
const char vkF7 = -20;
const char vkF8 = -21;
const char vkF9 = -22;
const char vkF10 = -23;
const char vkF11 = -24;
const char vkF12 = -25;
const char vkDelete = -26;
const char vkPrint = -27;
const char vkPause = -29;
class ShellCommandOutputCallbackInterface {
virtual ~ShellCommandOutputCallbackInterface() {}
virtual void * getShellCommandOutput_UserData(string cmd) = 0;
virtual void ShellCommandOutput_CallbackEvent(string cmd,char *output,void *userdata) = 0;
//typedef std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> system_time_point;
tm threadsafe_localtime(const time_t &time);
// extracting std::time_t from std:chrono for "now"
time_t systemtime_now();
// =====================================================
// class PerformanceTimer
// =====================================================
class PerformanceTimer {
Uint32 lastTicks;
Uint32 updateTicks;
int times; // number of consecutive times
int maxTimes; // maximum number consecutive times
void init(float fps, int maxTimes= -1);
bool isTime();
void reset();
// =====================================================
// class Chrono
// =====================================================
class Chrono {
Uint32 startCount;
Uint32 accumCount;
Uint32 freq;
bool stopped;
Uint32 lastStartCount;
Uint32 lastTickCount;
int64 lastResult;
int64 lastMultiplier;
bool lastStopped;
Chrono(bool autoStart=false);
void start();
void stop();
void reset();
int64 getMicros();
int64 getMillis();
int64 getSeconds();
bool isStarted() const;
static int64 getCurTicks();
static int64 getCurMillis();
int64 queryCounter(int64 multiplier);
// =====================================================
// class ModeInfo
// =====================================================
class ModeInfo {
int width;
int height;
int depth;
ModeInfo(int width, int height, int depth);
bool operator< (const ModeInfo &j) const {
if(this->width < j.width) {
return true;
else if(this->width == j.width && this->height < j.height) {
return true;
else if(this->width == j.width &&
this->height == j.height &&
this->depth < j.depth) {
return true;
return false;
string getString() const;
// =====================================================
// Misc
// =====================================================
void Tokenize(const string& str,vector<string>& tokens,const string& delimiters = " ");
bool isdir(const char *path);
bool fileExists(const string &path);
inline bool folderExists(const string &path) { return isdir(path.c_str()); }
void findDirs(string path, vector<string> &results, bool errorOnNotFound,bool keepDuplicates);
void findDirs(const vector<string> &paths, vector<string> &results, bool errorOnNotFound=false,bool keepDuplicates=false);
void findAll(const vector<string> &paths, const string &fileFilter, vector<string> &results, bool cutExtension=false, bool errorOnNotFound=true,bool keepDuplicates=false);
void findAll(const string &path, vector<string> &results, bool cutExtension=false, bool errorOnNotFound=true);
vector<string> getFolderTreeContentsListRecursively(const string &path, const string &filterFileExt, bool includeFolders=false, vector<string> *recursiveMap=NULL);
string getGameVersion();
string getGameGITVersion();
void setGameVersion(string version);
void setGameGITVersion(string git);
string getCRCCacheFilePath();
void setCRCCacheFilePath(string path);
std::pair<string,string> getFolderTreeContentsCheckSumCacheKey(vector<string> paths, string pathSearchString, const string &filterFileExt);
void clearFolderTreeContentsCheckSum(vector<string> paths, string pathSearchString, const string &filterFileExt);
uint32 getFolderTreeContentsCheckSumRecursively(vector<string> paths, string pathSearchString, const string &filterFileExt, Checksum *recursiveChecksum,bool forceNoCache=false);
time_t getFolderTreeContentsCheckSumRecursivelyLastGenerated(vector<string> paths, string pathSearchString, const string &filterFileExt);
std::pair<string,string> getFolderTreeContentsCheckSumCacheKey(const string &path, const string &filterFileExt);
void clearFolderTreeContentsCheckSum(const string &path, const string &filterFileExt);
uint32 getFolderTreeContentsCheckSumRecursively(const string &path, const string &filterFileExt, Checksum *recursiveChecksum,bool forceNoCache=false);
std::pair<string,string> getFolderTreeContentsCheckSumListCacheKey(vector<string> paths, string pathSearchString, const string &filterFileExt);
void clearFolderTreeContentsCheckSumList(vector<string> paths, string pathSearchString, const string &filterFileExt);
vector<std::pair<string,uint32> > getFolderTreeContentsCheckSumListRecursively(vector<string> paths, string pathSearchString, const string &filterFileExt, vector<std::pair<string,uint32> > *recursiveMap);
std::pair<string,string> getFolderTreeContentsCheckSumListCacheKey(const string &path, const string &filterFileExt);
void clearFolderTreeContentsCheckSumList(const string &path, const string &filterFileExt);
vector<std::pair<string,uint32> > getFolderTreeContentsCheckSumListRecursively(const string &path, const string &filterFileExt, vector<std::pair<string,uint32> > *recursiveMap);
void createDirectoryPaths(string Path);
string extractFileFromDirectoryPath(string filename);
string extractDirectoryPathFromFile(string filename);
string extractLastDirectoryFromPath(string Path);
string extractExtension(const string& filename);
void getFullscreenVideoModes(vector<ModeInfo> *modeinfos,bool isFullscreen);
void getFullscreenVideoInfo(int &colorBits,int &screenWidth,int &screenHeight,bool isFullscreen);
void changeVideoModeFullScreen(bool value);
void restoreVideoMode(SDL_Window *sdlWindow,bool exitingApp=false);
bool StartsWith(const std::string &str, const std::string &key);
bool EndsWith(const string &str, const string& key);
void endPathWithSlash(string &path, bool requireOSSlash=false);
void trimPathWithStartingSlash(string &path);
void updatePathClimbingParts(string &path,bool processPreviousDirTokenCheck=true);
string formatPath(string path);
string replaceAllHTMLEntities(string& context);
string replaceAll(string& context, const string& from, const string& to);
vector<char> replaceAllBetweenTokens(vector<char>& context, const string &startToken, const string &endToken, const string &newText, bool removeTokens=true);
string replaceAllBetweenTokens(string& context, const string &startToken, const string &endToken, const string &newText, bool removeTokens=true);
bool removeFile(string file);
bool renameFile(string oldFile, string newFile);
void removeFolder(const string &path);
off_t getFileSize(string filename);
bool searchAndReplaceTextInFile(string fileName, string findText, string replaceText, bool simulateOnly);
void copyFileTo(string fromFileName, string toFileName);
//int getScreenW();
//int getScreenH();
void sleep(int millis);
bool isCursorShowing();
void showCursor(bool b);
bool isKeyDown(int virtualKey);
//bool isKeyDown(SDLKey key);
string getCommandLine();
string getUserHome();
#define SPACES " "
inline string trim_at_delim (const string & s, const string &t) {
string d (s);
string::size_type i(d.find(t));
//printf("Searching for [%s] in [%s] got " MG_SIZE_T_SPECIFIER "\n",t.c_str(),d.c_str(),i);
if (i == string::npos) {
return d;
else {
d = d.erase (i) ;
//printf("returning [%s]\n",d.c_str());
return d;
inline string trim_right (const string & s, const string & t = SPACES) {
string d (s);
string::size_type i (d.find_last_not_of (t));
if (i == string::npos)
return "";
return d.erase (d.find_last_not_of (t) + 1) ;
} // end of trim_right
inline string trim_left (const string & s, const string & t = SPACES) {
string d (s);
return d.erase (0, s.find_first_not_of (t)) ;
} // end of trim_left
inline string trim (const string & s, const string & t = SPACES) {
string d (s);
return trim_left (trim_right (d, t), t) ;
} // end of trim
string getFullFileArchiveExtractCommand(string fileArchiveExtractCommand,
string fileArchiveExtractCommandParameters, string outputpath, string archivename);
string getFullFileArchiveCompressCommand(string fileArchiveCompressCommand,
string fileArchiveCompressCommandParameters, string archivename, string archivefiles);
bool executeShellCommand(string cmd,int expectedResult=IGNORE_CMD_RESULT_VALUE,ShellCommandOutputCallbackInterface *cb=NULL);
string executable_path(string exeName,bool includeExeNameInPath=false);
void saveDataToFile(string filename, string data);
bool valid_utf8_file(const char* file_name);
string getFileTextContents(string path);
string safeCharPtrCopy(const char *ptr, int maxLength=-1);
class ValueCheckerVault {
std::map<const void *,uint32> vaultList;
void addItemToVault(const void *ptr,int value);
void checkItemInVault(const void *ptr,int value) const;
ValueCheckerVault() {
}}//end namespace