Mark Vejvoda 55b4f0bd2b - Incremented version to next major release # so new work can begin.
- some initial work to assist units from getting stuck when given commands. This is for both AI and human players and deals with the pathfinder and units getting constantly blocked from their destination.
2010-10-17 06:34:42 +00:00

446 lines
13 KiB
Raw Blame History

// ==============================================================
// This file is part of Glest (
// Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Marti<74>o Figueroa
// You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version
// ==============================================================
#include "model.h"
#include "upgrade_type.h"
#include "particle.h"
#include "skill_type.h"
#include "game_constants.h"
#include <set>
#include "leak_dumper.h"
namespace Glest{ namespace Game{
using Shared::Graphics::ParticleSystem;
using Shared::Graphics::UnitParticleSystem;
using Shared::Graphics::Vec4f;
using Shared::Graphics::Vec2f;
using Shared::Graphics::Vec3f;
using Shared::Graphics::Vec2i;
using Shared::Graphics::Model;
using std::set;
class Map;
class Faction;
class Unit;
class Command;
class SkillType;
class ResourceType;
class CommandType;
class SkillType;
class UnitType;
class TotalUpgrade;
class UpgradeType;
class Level;
class MorphCommandType;
class Game;
enum CommandResult{
enum InterestingUnitType{
// =====================================================
// class UnitObserver
// =====================================================
class UnitObserver{
enum Event{
virtual ~UnitObserver() {}
virtual void unitEvent(Event event, const Unit *unit)=0;
// =====================================================
// class UnitReference
// =====================================================
class UnitReference{
int id;
Faction *faction;
void operator=(const Unit *unit);
Unit *getUnit() const;
int getUnitId() const { return id; }
Faction *getUnitFaction() const { return faction; }
class UnitPathInterface {
virtual bool isBlocked() const = 0;
virtual bool isEmpty() const = 0;
virtual bool isStuck() const = 0;
virtual void clear() = 0;
virtual void clearBlockCount() = 0;
virtual void incBlockCount() = 0;
virtual void add(const Vec2i &path) = 0;
//virtual Vec2i pop() = 0;
virtual int getBlockCount() const = 0;
virtual int getQueueCount() const = 0;
virtual std::string toString() const = 0;
class UnitPathBasic : public UnitPathInterface {
static const int maxBlockCount;
int blockCount;
vector<Vec2i> pathQueue;
virtual bool isBlocked() const;
virtual bool isEmpty() const;
virtual bool isStuck() const;
virtual void clear();
virtual void clearBlockCount() { blockCount = 0; }
virtual void incBlockCount();
virtual void add(const Vec2i &path);
Vec2i pop();
virtual int getBlockCount() const { return blockCount; }
virtual int getQueueCount() const { return pathQueue.size(); }
virtual std::string toString() const;
// =====================================================
// class UnitPath
// =====================================================
/** Holds the next cells of a Unit movement
* @extends std::list<Shared::Math::Vec2i>
class UnitPath : public list<Vec2i>, public UnitPathInterface {
static const int maxBlockCount = 10; /**< number of command updates to wait on a blocked path */
int blockCount; /**< number of command updates this path has been blocked */
UnitPath() : blockCount(0) {} /**< Construct path object */
virtual bool isBlocked() const {return blockCount >= maxBlockCount;} /**< is this path blocked */
virtual bool isEmpty() const {return list<Vec2i>::empty();} /**< is path empty */
virtual bool isStuck() const {return false; }
int size() const {return list<Vec2i>::size();} /**< size of path */
virtual void clear() {list<Vec2i>::clear(); blockCount = 0;} /**< clear the path */
virtual void clearBlockCount() { blockCount = 0; }
virtual void incBlockCount() {++blockCount;} /**< increment block counter */
virtual void push(Vec2i &pos) {push_front(pos);} /**< push onto front of path */
bool empty() const {return list<Vec2i>::empty();} /**< is path empty */
virtual void add(const Vec2i &pos) { push_front(pos);} /**< push onto front of path */
#if 0
// old style, to work with original PathFinder
Vec2i peek() {return back();} /**< peek at the next position */
void pop() {this->pop_back();} /**< pop the next position off the path */
// new style, for the new RoutePlanner
Vec2i peek() {return front();} /**< peek at the next position */
//virtual Vec2i pop() { Vec2i p= front(); erase(begin()); return p; } /**< pop the next position off the path */
void pop() { erase(begin()); } /**< pop the next position off the path */
virtual int getBlockCount() const { return blockCount; }
virtual int getQueueCount() const { return this->size(); }
virtual std::string toString() const;
class WaypointPath : public list<Vec2i> {
WaypointPath() {}
void push(const Vec2i &pos) { push_front(pos); }
Vec2i peek() const {return front();}
void pop() {erase(begin());}
void condense();
// ===============================
// class Unit
/// A game unit or building
// ===============================
class Unit {
typedef list<Command*> Commands;
typedef list<UnitObserver*> Observers;
typedef vector<UnitParticleSystem*> UnitParticleSystems;
static const float speedDivider;
static const int maxDeadCount;
static const float highlightTime;
static const int invalidId;
static set<int> livingUnits;
static set<Unit*> livingUnitsp;
const int id;
int hp;
int ep;
int loadCount;
int deadCount;
float progress; //between 0 and 1
float lastAnimProgress; //between 0 and 1
float animProgress; //between 0 and 1
float highlight;
int progress2;
int kills;
UnitReference targetRef;
Field currField;
Field targetField;
const Level *level;
Vec2i pos;
Vec2i lastPos;
Vec2i targetPos; //absolute target pos
Vec3f targetVec;
Vec2i meetingPos;
float lastRotation; //in degrees
float targetRotation;
float rotation;
const UnitType *type;
const ResourceType *loadType;
const SkillType *currSkill;
bool toBeUndertaken;
bool alive;
bool showUnitParticles;
Faction *faction;
ParticleSystem *fire;
TotalUpgrade totalUpgrade;
Map *map;
UnitPathInterface *unitPath;
WaypointPath waypointPath;
Commands commands;
Observers observers;
vector<UnitParticleSystem*> unitParticleSystems;
UnitParticleSystems damageParticleSystems;
vector<ParticleSystem*> fireParticleSystems;
CardinalDir modelFacing;
std::string lastSynchDataString;
int lastRenderFrame;
bool visible;
int retryCurrCommandCount;
Vec3f screenPos;
string currentUnitTitle;
bool inBailOutAttempt;
static Game *game;
Unit(int id, UnitPathInterface *path, const Vec2i &pos, const UnitType *type, Faction *faction, Map *map, CardinalDir placeFacing);
static void setGame(Game *value) { game=value;}
int getId() const {return id;}
Field getCurrField() const {return currField;}
int getLoadCount() const {return loadCount;}
float getLastAnimProgress() const {return lastAnimProgress;}
float getProgress() const {return progress;}
float getAnimProgress() const {return animProgress;}
float getHightlight() const {return highlight;}
int getProgress2() const {return progress2;}
int getFactionIndex() const;
int getTeam() const;
int getHp() const {return hp;}
int getEp() const {return ep;}
int getProductionPercent() const;
float getHpRatio() const;
float getEpRatio() const;
bool getToBeUndertaken() const {return toBeUndertaken;}
Vec2i getTargetPos() const {return targetPos;}
Vec3f getTargetVec() const {return targetVec;}
Field getTargetField() const {return targetField;}
Vec2i getMeetingPos() const {return meetingPos;}
Faction *getFaction() const {return faction;}
const ResourceType *getLoadType() const {return loadType;}
const UnitType *getType() const {return type;}
const SkillType *getCurrSkill() const {return currSkill;}
const TotalUpgrade *getTotalUpgrade() const {return &totalUpgrade;}
float getRotation() const {return rotation;}
float getVerticalRotation() const;
ParticleSystem *getFire() const {return fire;}
int getKills() {return kills;}
const Level *getLevel() const {return level;}
const Level *getNextLevel() const;
string getFullName() const;
const UnitPathInterface *getPath() const {return unitPath;}
UnitPathInterface *getPath() {return unitPath;}
WaypointPath *getWaypointPath() {return &waypointPath;}
Vec2i getPos() const {return pos;}
Vec2i getLastPos() const {return lastPos;}
Vec2i getCenteredPos() const;
Vec2f getFloatCenteredPos() const;
Vec2i getCellPos() const;
bool isHighlighted() const {return highlight>0.f;}
bool isDead() const {return !alive;}
bool isAlive() const {return alive;}
bool isOperative() const;
bool isBeingBuilt() const;
bool isBuilt() const;
bool isPutrefacting() const;
bool isAlly(const Unit *unit) const;
bool isDamaged() const;
bool isInteresting(InterestingUnitType iut) const;
void setCurrField(Field currField) {this->currField= currField;}
void setCurrSkill(const SkillType *currSkill);
void setCurrSkill(SkillClass sc);
void setLoadCount(int loadCount) {this->loadCount= loadCount;}
void setLoadType(const ResourceType *loadType) {this->loadType= loadType;}
void setProgress2(int progress2) {this->progress2= progress2;}
void setPos(const Vec2i &pos);
void setTargetPos(const Vec2i &targetPos);
void setTarget(const Unit *unit);
void setTargetVec(const Vec3f &targetVec);
void setMeetingPos(const Vec2i &meetingPos);
void setVisible(const bool visible);
bool getVisible() const { return visible; }
//render related
const Model *getCurrentModel() const;
Vec3f getCurrVector() const;
Vec3f getCurrVectorFlat() const;
//command related
bool anyCommand() const;
Command *getCurrCommand() const;
void replaceCurrCommand(Command *cmd);
int getCountOfProducedUnits(const UnitType *ut) const;
unsigned int getCommandSize() const;
CommandResult giveCommand(Command *command, bool tryQueue = false); //give a command
CommandResult finishCommand(); //command finished
CommandResult cancelCommand(); //cancel canceled
void create(bool startingUnit= false);
void born();
void kill();
void undertake();
void addObserver(UnitObserver *unitObserver) ;
void removeObserver(UnitObserver *unitObserver);
void notifyObservers(UnitObserver::Event event);
void resetHighlight();
const CommandType *computeCommandType(const Vec2i &pos, const Unit *targetUnit= NULL) const;
string getDesc() const;
bool computeEp();
bool repair();
bool decHp(int i);
int update2();
bool update();
void tick();
void applyUpgrade(const UpgradeType *upgradeType);
void computeTotalUpgrade();
void incKills();
bool morph(const MorphCommandType *mct);
CommandResult checkCommand(Command *command) const;
void applyCommand(Command *command);
void setModelFacing(CardinalDir value);
CardinalDir getModelFacing() const { return modelFacing; }
bool isMeetingPointSettable() const;
int getLastRenderFrame() const { return lastRenderFrame; }
void setLastRenderFrame(int value) { lastRenderFrame = value; }
int getRetryCurrCommandCount() const { return retryCurrCommandCount; }
void setRetryCurrCommandCount(int value) { retryCurrCommandCount = value; }
Vec3f getScreenPos() const { return screenPos; }
void setScreenPos(Vec3f value) { screenPos = value; }
string getCurrentUnitTitle() const {return currentUnitTitle;}
void setCurrentUnitTitle(string value) { currentUnitTitle = value;}
void exploreCells();
bool getInBailOutAttempt() const { return inBailOutAttempt; }
void setInBailOutAttempt(bool value) { inBailOutAttempt = value; }
std::string toString() const;
float computeHeight(const Vec2i &pos) const;
void updateTarget();
void clearCommands();
CommandResult undoCommand(Command *command);
void stopDamageParticles();
void startDamageParticles();
void logSynchData(string source="");
int getFrameCount();
}}// end namespace