
250 lines
7.3 KiB

// ==============================================================
// ==============================================================
// This file is part of Glest Shared Library (
// Copyright (C) 2005 Matthias Braun <>
// You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version
// ==============================================================
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <SDL.h>
#include <cassert>
#include "data_types.h"
#include "vec.h"
#include <vector>
#include "leak_dumper.h"
using std::map;
using std::vector;
using std::string;
using Shared::Graphics::Vec2i;
typedef SDL_Keysym SDL_keysym;
namespace Shared{ namespace Platform{
class Timer;
//class PlatformContextGl;
enum MouseButton {
enum SizeState{
class MouseState {
bool states[mbCount];
MouseState() {
//MouseState(const MouseState &);
//MouseState &operator=(const MouseState &);
void clear() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(MouseState)); }
bool get(MouseButton b) const {
if(b > 0 && b < mbCount) {
return states[b];
return false;
void set(MouseButton b, bool state) {
if(b > 0 && b < mbCount) {
states[b] = state;
enum WindowStyle{
// =====================================================
// class Window
// =====================================================
class Window {
static SDL_Window *sdlWindow;
Uint32 lastMouseDown[mbCount];
int lastMouseX[mbCount];
int lastMouseY[mbCount];
static int64 lastMouseEvent; /** for use in mouse hover calculations */
static MouseState mouseState;
static Vec2i mousePos;
static bool isKeyPressedDown;
static bool isFullScreen;
static SDL_keysym keystate;
static bool tryVSynch;
static int64 lastToggle ;
static void setLastToggle(int64 lastToggle) {Window::lastToggle = lastToggle;}
static int64 getLastToggle() {return Window::lastToggle;}
static void setLastMouseEvent(int64 lastMouseEvent) {Window::lastMouseEvent = lastMouseEvent;}
static int64 getLastMouseEvent() {return Window::lastMouseEvent;}
static const MouseState &getMouseState() {return Window::mouseState;}
static void setMouseState(MouseButton b, bool state) {Window::mouseState.set(b, state);}
static const Vec2i &getMousePos() {return Window::mousePos;}
static void setMousePos(const Vec2i &mousePos) {Window::mousePos = mousePos;}
static void setKeystate(SDL_keysym state) { keystate = state; }
//static bool masterserverMode;
static map<wchar_t,bool> mapAllowedKeys;
//int w, h;
static bool isActive;
static bool allowAltEnterFullscreenToggle;
static int lastShowMouseState;
static SDL_Window *getSDLWindow();
static bool handleEvent();
static void revertMousePos();
static Vec2i getOldMousePos();
static bool isKeyDown() { return isKeyPressedDown; }
static void setupGraphicsScreen(int depthBits=-1, int stencilBits=-1, bool hardware_acceleration=false, bool fullscreen_anti_aliasing=false);
static const bool getIsFullScreen() { return isFullScreen; }
static void setIsFullScreen(bool value) { isFullScreen = value; }
//static SDL_keysym getKeystate() { return keystate; }
static bool isKeyStateModPressed(int mod);
static wchar_t extractLastKeyPressed();
Window(SDL_Window *sdlWindow);
virtual ~Window();
static void addAllowedKeys(string keyList);
static void clearAllowedKeys();
static bool isAllowedKey(wchar_t key);
virtual int getScreenWidth() = 0;
virtual int getScreenHeight() = 0;
virtual bool ChangeVideoMode(bool preserveContext,int resWidth, int resHeight,
bool fullscreenWindow, int colorBits, int depthBits, int stencilBits,
bool hardware_acceleration, bool fullscreen_anti_aliasing,
float gammaValue) = 0;
//static void setMasterserverMode(bool value) { Window::masterserverMode = value;}
//static bool getMasterserverMode() { return Window::masterserverMode;}
static bool getTryVSynch() { return tryVSynch; }
static void setTryVSynch(bool value) { tryVSynch = value; }
WindowHandle getHandle() {return 0;}
string getText();
int getX() { return 0; }
int getY() { return 0; }
int getW() { return getScreenWidth(); }
int getH() { return getScreenHeight(); }
//component state
int getClientW() { return getW(); }
int getClientH() { return getH(); }
float getAspect();
//object state
void setText(string text);
void setStyle(WindowStyle windowStyle);
void setSize(int w, int h);
void setPos(int x, int y);
void setEnabled(bool enabled);
void setVisible(bool visible);
void create();
void destroy();
void minimize();
static void setAllowAltEnterFullscreenToggle(bool value) { allowAltEnterFullscreenToggle = value; }
static bool getAllowAltEnterFullscreenToggle() { return allowAltEnterFullscreenToggle; }
static char getRawKey(SDL_keysym keysym);
void setSDLWindow(SDL_Window *window);
virtual void eventCreate(){}
virtual void eventMouseDown(int x, int y, MouseButton mouseButton){}
virtual void eventMouseUp(int x, int y, MouseButton mouseButton){}
virtual void eventMouseMove(int x, int y, const MouseState* mouseState){}
virtual void eventMouseDoubleClick(int x, int y, MouseButton mouseButton){}
virtual void eventMouseWheel(int x, int y, int zDelta) {}
virtual void eventKeyDown(SDL_KeyboardEvent key) {}
virtual void eventKeyUp(SDL_KeyboardEvent key) {}
virtual void eventKeyPress(SDL_KeyboardEvent c) {}
virtual bool eventTextInput(std::string text) { return false; }
virtual bool eventSdlKeyDown(SDL_KeyboardEvent key) { return false; }
virtual void eventResize() {};
virtual void eventPaint() {}
virtual void eventTimer(int timerId) {}
virtual void eventActivate(bool activated) {};
virtual void eventResize(SizeState sizeState) {};
virtual void eventMenu(int menuId) {}
virtual void eventClose() {};
virtual void eventDestroy() {};
virtual void eventToggleFullScreen(bool isFullscreen) {};
virtual void eventWindowEvent(SDL_WindowEvent event) {}
/// needed to detect double clicks
void handleMouseDown(SDL_Event event);
void handleMouseWheel(SDL_Event event);
static MouseButton getMouseButton(int sdlButton);
//static char getKey(SDL_keysym keysym, bool skipSpecialKeys=false);
//static char getNormalKey(SDL_keysym keysym,bool skipSpecialKeys=false);
static void toggleFullscreen();
static wchar_t convertStringtoSDLKey(const string &value);
bool isKeyPressed(SDL_Keycode compareKey, SDL_KeyboardEvent input, vector<int> modifiersToCheck);
bool isKeyPressed(SDL_Keycode compareKey, SDL_KeyboardEvent input, bool modifiersAllowed=true);
SDL_Keycode extractKeyPressed(SDL_KeyboardEvent input);
//bool isAllowedInputTextKey(SDL_Keycode key);
//wchar_t extractKeyPressedUnicode(SDL_KeyboardEvent input);
vector<int> extractKeyPressedUnicodeLength(string text);
bool isAllowedInputTextKey(wchar_t &key);
}}//end namespace