
392 lines
14 KiB

// ==============================================================
// This file is part of Glest (
// Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Martiño Figueroa
// You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version
// ==============================================================
* @file
* Classified the Upgrade type (which is sort of like a class for upgrades). Each upgrade has a
* type that details the stats that it boosts and the units that it affects. Also has TotalUpgrade,
* which is a sum of all upgrades applied to a particular unit (and is what determines how units
* stats are modified by an upgrade.
#ifdef WIN32
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#include "element_type.h"
#include "checksum.h"
#include "conversion.h"
#include "xml_parser.h"
#include "leak_dumper.h"
#include <set>
using Shared::Util::Checksum;
using namespace Shared::Util;
using namespace Shared::Xml;
namespace Glest { namespace Game {
class TechTree;
class FactionType;
class UnitType;
class Unit;
class SkillType;
class AttackSkillType;
class MoveSkillType;
class ProduceSkillType;
class Faction;
* Groups all information used for upgrades. Attack boosts also use this class for modifying stats.
class UpgradeTypeBase {
string upgradename;
int maxHp;
bool maxHpIsMultiplier;
int maxHpRegeneration;
//bool maxHpRegenerationIsMultiplier;
int sight;
bool sightIsMultiplier;
int maxEp;
bool maxEpIsMultiplier;
int maxEpRegeneration;
//bool maxEpRegenerationIsMultiplier;
int armor;
bool armorIsMultiplier;
int attackStrength;
bool attackStrengthIsMultiplier;
* List of the values (for each skill type) that the stat was boosted by. This is used so
* that we can restore the original values when the upgrade is removed (eg, an attack
* boost wears off).
std::map<string,int> attackStrengthMultiplierValueList;
int attackRange;
bool attackRangeIsMultiplier;
std::map<string,int> attackRangeMultiplierValueList; /**< @see #attackStrengthMultiplierValueList */
int moveSpeed;
bool moveSpeedIsMultiplier;
std::map<string,int> moveSpeedIsMultiplierValueList; /**< @see #attackStrengthMultiplierValueList */
int prodSpeed;
bool prodSpeedIsMultiplier;
std::map<string,int> prodSpeedProduceIsMultiplierValueList; /**< @see #attackStrengthMultiplierValueList */
std::map<string,int> prodSpeedUpgradeIsMultiplierValueList; /**< @see #attackStrengthMultiplierValueList */
std::map<string,int> prodSpeedMorphIsMultiplierValueList; /**< @see #attackStrengthMultiplierValueList */
int attackSpeed;
bool attackSpeedIsMultiplier;
std::map<string,int> attackSpeedIsMultiplierValueList;
* Creates an UpgradeTypeBase with values such that there are no stat changes.
UpgradeTypeBase() {
maxHp = 0;;
maxHpIsMultiplier = false;
maxHpRegeneration = 0;
sight = 0;
sightIsMultiplier = false;
maxEp = 0;;
maxEpIsMultiplier = false;
maxEpRegeneration = 0;
armor = 0;
armorIsMultiplier = false;
attackStrength = 0;
attackStrengthIsMultiplier = false;
attackRange = 0;
attackRangeIsMultiplier = false;
moveSpeed = 0;
moveSpeedIsMultiplier = false;
prodSpeed = 0;
prodSpeedIsMultiplier = false;
attackSpeed = 0;
attackSpeedIsMultiplier = false;
virtual ~UpgradeTypeBase() {}
int getMaxHp() const {return maxHp;}
bool getMaxHpIsMultiplier() const {return maxHpIsMultiplier;}
int getMaxHpRegeneration() const {return maxHpRegeneration;}
//bool getMaxHpRegenerationIsMultiplier() const {return maxHpRegenerationIsMultiplier;}
int getSight() const {return sight;}
bool getSightIsMultiplier() const {return sightIsMultiplier;}
int getMaxEp() const {return maxEp;}
bool getMaxEpIsMultiplier() const {return maxEpIsMultiplier;}
int getMaxEpRegeneration() const {return maxEpRegeneration;}
//bool getMaxEpRegenerationIsMultiplier() const {return maxEpRegenerationIsMultiplier;}
int getArmor() const {return armor;}
bool getArmorIsMultiplier() const {return armorIsMultiplier;}
int getAttackStrength(const AttackSkillType *st) const;
bool getAttackStrengthIsMultiplier() const {return attackStrengthIsMultiplier;}
int getAttackRange(const AttackSkillType *st) const;
bool getAttackRangeIsMultiplier() const {return attackRangeIsMultiplier;}
int getMoveSpeed(const MoveSkillType *st) const;
bool getMoveSpeedIsMultiplier() const {return moveSpeedIsMultiplier;}
int getProdSpeed(const SkillType *st) const;
bool getProdSpeedIsMultiplier() const {return prodSpeedIsMultiplier;}
int getAttackSpeed(const AttackSkillType *st) const;
bool getAttackSpeedIsMultiplier() const {return attackSpeedIsMultiplier;}
* Loads the upgrade values (stat boosts and whether or not the boosts use a multiplier) from an
* XML node.
* @param upgradeNode Node containing the stat boost elements (`max-hp`, `attack-strength`, etc).
* @param upgradename Unique identifier for the upgrade.
void load(const XmlNode *upgradeNode, string upgradename);
* Creates a string representation of the upgrade. All stat boosts are detailed on their own line
* with their corresponding boosts.
* @param translatedValue If true, the description is translated. Otherwise the description uses
* names as they appear in the XMLs.
virtual string getDesc(bool translatedValue) const;
* Returns a string representation of this object. Lists all the value that the object stores.
* For debugging purposes, only.
std::string toString() const {
std::string result = "";
result += "upgradename =" + upgradename;
result += "maxHp = " + intToStr(maxHp);
result += "maxHpIsMultiplier = " + intToStr(maxHpIsMultiplier);
result += "maxHpRegeneration = " + intToStr(maxHpRegeneration);
//result += "maxHpRegenerationIsMultiplier = " + intToStr(maxHpRegenerationIsMultiplier);
result += " sight = " + intToStr(sight);
result += "sightIsMultiplier = " + intToStr(sightIsMultiplier);
result += " maxEp = " + intToStr(maxEp);
result += " maxEpIsMultiplier = " + intToStr(maxEpIsMultiplier);
result += " maxEpRegeneration = " + intToStr(maxEpRegeneration);
//result += "maxEpRegenerationIsMultiplier = " + intToStr(maxEpRegenerationIsMultiplier);
result += " armor = " + intToStr(armor);
result += " armorIsMultiplier = " + intToStr(armorIsMultiplier);
result += " attackStrength = " + intToStr(attackStrength);
result += " attackStrengthIsMultiplier = " + intToStr(attackStrengthIsMultiplier);
result += " attackRange = " + intToStr(attackRange);
result += " attackRangeIsMultiplier = " + intToStr(attackRangeIsMultiplier);
result += " moveSpeed = " + intToStr(moveSpeed);
result += " moveSpeedIsMultiplier = " + intToStr(moveSpeedIsMultiplier);
result += " prodSpeed = " + intToStr(prodSpeed);
result += " prodSpeedIsMultiplier = " + intToStr(prodSpeedIsMultiplier);
return result;
// TODO: It's not clear if these save game methods are being used, currently. I think
// attack boosts might use the few lines that aren't commented out.
virtual void saveGame(XmlNode *rootNode) const;
static const UpgradeType * loadGame(const XmlNode *rootNode, Faction *faction);
* Generates a checksum value for the upgrade.
Checksum getCRC() {
Checksum crcForUpgradeType;
//std::map<string,int> attackStrengthMultiplierValueList;
//std::map<string,int> attackRangeMultiplierValueList;
//std::map<string,int> moveSpeedIsMultiplierValueList;
//std::map<string,int> prodSpeedProduceIsMultiplierValueList;
//std::map<string,int> prodSpeedUpgradeIsMultiplierValueList;
//std::map<string,int> prodSpeedMorphIsMultiplierValueList;
return crcForUpgradeType;
* Represents the type of upgrade. That is, the single upgrade as it appears in the faction's XML
* files. Each upgrade has a single `UpgradeType`. Contains information about what units are
* affected by the upgrade.
class UpgradeType: public UpgradeTypeBase, public ProducibleType {
* Set of unit types (the "classes" of units, eg, swordman) that are affected by this upgrade.
std::set<const UnitType*> effects;
std::set<string> tags;
* Sets the upgrade name to the directory name (the base name of `dir`).
* @param dir Path of the upgrade directory.
void preLoad(const string &dir);
* Loads an upgrade from an XML file.
* @param dir Path of the upgrade directory. The file name is determined from this.
* @param techTree The techtree that this upgrade is in. Used to access the common data
* directory and to access resources.
* @param factionType The faction type (a unique type for each faction) that the upgrade belongs
* to. Used for accessing unit types that are in the unit requirements list.
* @param checksum Will have the checksum of the upgrade path added to it (treated the same way
* as the `techtreeChecksum`).
* @param techtreeChecksum Cumulative checksum for the techtree. The path of loaded upgrades
* is added to this checksum.
void load(const string &dir, const TechTree *techTree,
const FactionType *factionType, Checksum* checksum,
Checksum* techtreeChecksum,
std::map<string,vector<pair<string, string> > > &loadedFileList,
bool validationMode=false);
* Obtains the upgrade name.
* @param translatedValue If true, the name is translated. Otherwise the name is returned as it
* appears in the XMLs.
virtual string getName(bool translatedValue=false) const;
string getTagName(string tag, bool translatedValue=false) const;
* Determines if a unit is affected by this upgrade.
* @param unitType The UnitType we are checking (to see if they're affected).
* @return True if the unit is affected, false otherwise.
bool isAffected(const UnitType *unitType) const;
* Creates a description for this upgrade. Lists the affected units.
virtual string getReqDesc(bool translatedValue) const;
//virtual void saveGame(XmlNode *rootNode) const;
//virtual void loadGame(const XmlNode *rootNode);
* Keeps track of the cumulative effects of upgrades on units. This allows us to apply multiple
* upgrades to a unit with the effects stacking.
class TotalUpgrade: public UpgradeTypeBase {
virtual ~TotalUpgrade() {}
* Resets all stat boosts (so there's effectively no upgrade).
void reset();
* Adds an upgrade to this one, stacking the effects. Note that multipliers are stacked
* by multiplying by the original, unboosted amount, and then adding that to the TotalUpgrade.
* @param ut The upgrade to apply.
* @param unit The unit this TotalUpgrade is associated with (since when we use a multiplier,
* the stats raise by an amount relative to the unit's base stats).
void sum(const UpgradeTypeBase *ut, const Unit *unit);
* Increases the level of the unit. Doing so results in their HP, EP, and armour going up by
* 50% while their sight goes up by 20%.
* @param ut The unit type to get the original stats from (so we can determine just how much
* to increase the stats by on level up).
void incLevel(const UnitType *ut);
* Applies the upgrade. Just a delegate to TotalUpgrade::sum.
void apply(const UpgradeTypeBase *ut, const Unit *unit);
* Removes the effect of an upgrade to a specific unit. Using this after applying the upgrade
* is an invariant. ie,
* totalUpgrade->apply(upgrade, unit);
* totalUpgrade->deapply(upgrade, unit);
* // totalUpgrade is now the same as before the call to apply()
* @param ut The upgrade to remove.
* @param unit The unit this TotalUpgrade is associated with (since when we use a multiplier,
* the stats were raise by an amount relative to the unit's base stats).
void deapply(const UpgradeTypeBase *ut, const Unit *unit);
* Creates the XML for the save game file. Essentially just stores everything about its state.
* @rootNode The node of the unit that this TotalUpgrade object belongs to.
void saveGame(XmlNode *rootNode) const;
* Reloads the object's state from a saved game.
* @rootNode The node of the unit that this TotalUpgrade object belongs to.
void loadGame(const XmlNode *rootNode);
}}//end namespace