titiger bceb4286f8 render only resources of selected faction
When playing with shared team units but not with shared resources, only  
the resources of the selected faction is shown now. With shared resources all
resources of the team are shown like before.

Rendering ressources with two lines stays like before showing all resources  in
team mode!
2015-01-10 22:49:31 +01:00

357 lines
12 KiB

// ==============================================================
// This file is part of Glest (
// Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Martiño Figueroa
// You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version
// ==============================================================
#ifdef WIN32
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#include "vec.h"
#include "math_util.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "tech_tree.h"
#include "tileset.h"
#include "console.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "scenario.h"
#include "minimap.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "stats.h"
#include "time_flow.h"
#include "upgrade.h"
#include "water_effects.h"
#include "faction.h"
#include "unit_updater.h"
#include "randomgen.h"
#include "game_constants.h"
#include "leak_dumper.h"
namespace Glest{ namespace Game{
using Shared::Graphics::Quad2i;
using Shared::Graphics::Rect2i;
using Shared::Util::RandomGen;
class Faction;
class Unit;
class Config;
class Game;
class GameSettings;
class ScriptManager;
namespace Shared{ namespace Sound{
class StaticSound;
class StrSound;
// =====================================================
// class World
/// The game world: Map + Tileset + TechTree
// =====================================================
class ExploredCellsLookupKey {
Vec2i pos;
int sightRange;
int teamIndex;
class World {
typedef vector<Faction *> Factions;
std::map<Vec2i, std::map<int, ExploredCellsLookupItem > > ExploredCellsLookupItemCache;
std::map<int,ExploredCellsLookupKey> ExploredCellsLookupItemCacheTimer;
int ExploredCellsLookupItemCacheTimerCount;
static const int generationArea= 100;
static const int indirectSightRange= 5;
Map map;
Tileset tileset;
TechTree *techTree;
TimeFlow timeFlow;
Scenario scenario;
UnitUpdater unitUpdater;
WaterEffects waterEffects;
WaterEffects attackEffects; // onMiniMap
Minimap minimap;
Stats stats; //BattleEnd will delete this object
Factions factions;
RandomGen random;
ScriptManager* scriptManager;
int thisFactionIndex;
int thisTeamIndex;
int frameCount;
Mutex *mutexFactionNextUnitId;
std::map<int,int> mapFactionNextUnitId;
bool fogOfWarOverride;
bool fogOfWar;
int fogOfWarSmoothingFrameSkip;
bool fogOfWarSmoothing;
int fogOfWarSkillTypeValue;
Game *game;
Chrono chronoPerfTimer;
bool perfTimerEnabled;
bool unitParticlesEnabled;
std::map<string,::Shared::Sound::StaticSound *> staticSoundList;
std::map<string,::Shared::Sound::StrSound *> streamSoundList;
uint32 nextCommandGroupId;
string queuedScenarioName;
bool queuedScenarioKeepFactions;
bool disableAttackEffects;
const XmlNode *loadWorldNode;
MasterSlaveThreadController masterController;
bool originalGameFogOfWar;
std::map<int,std::pair<const Unit *,const FogOfWarSkillType *> > mapFogOfWarUnitList;
bool animatedTilesetObjectPosListLoaded;
std::vector<Vec2i> animatedTilesetObjectPosList;
bool cacheFowAlphaTexture;
bool cacheFowAlphaTextureFogOfWarValue;
std::map<int, std::map<std::string, Resource > > TeamResources;
// World & World(World &obj) {
// throw runtime_error("class World is NOT safe to assign!");
// }
void cleanup();
void end(); //to die before selection does
void endScenario(); //to die before selection does
void addFogOfWarSkillType(const Unit *unit,const FogOfWarSkillType *fowst);
void removeFogOfWarSkillType(const Unit *unit);
bool removeFogOfWarSkillTypeFromList(const Unit *unit);
inline int getMaxPlayers() const {return map.getMaxPlayers();}
inline int getThisFactionIndex() const {return thisFactionIndex;}
inline int getThisTeamIndex() const {return thisTeamIndex;}
inline void setThisTeamIndex(int team) { thisTeamIndex=team;}
inline const Faction *getThisFaction() const {return (thisFactionIndex >= 0 ? factions[thisFactionIndex] : NULL);}
inline Faction *getThisFactionPtr() {return (thisFactionIndex >= 0 ? factions[thisFactionIndex] : NULL);}
inline int getFactionCount() const {return (int)factions.size();}
inline const Map *getMap() const {return &map;}
inline Map *getMapPtr() {return &map;}
inline const Tileset *getTileset() const {return &tileset;}
inline const TechTree *getTechTree() const {return techTree;}
inline const Scenario *getScenario() const {return &scenario;}
inline const TimeFlow *getTimeFlow() const {return &timeFlow;}
inline Tileset *getTileset() {return &tileset;}
inline Map *getMap() {return &map;}
inline const Faction *getFaction(int i) const {return factions[i];}
inline Faction *getFaction(int i) {return factions[i];}
inline const Minimap *getMinimap() const {return &minimap;}
inline Minimap *getMiniMapObject() {return &minimap;}
inline const Stats *getStats() const {return &stats;};
inline Stats *getStats() {return &stats;};
inline const WaterEffects *getWaterEffects() const {return &waterEffects;}
inline const WaterEffects *getAttackEffects() const {return &attackEffects;}
int getNextUnitId(Faction *faction);
int getNextCommandGroupId();
inline int getFrameCount() const {return frameCount;}
//init & load
void init(Game *game, bool createUnits, bool initFactions=true);
Checksum loadTileset(const vector<string> pathList, const string &tilesetName,
Checksum* checksum, std::map<string,vector<pair<string, string> > > &loadedFileList);
Checksum loadTileset(const string &dir, Checksum* checksum,
std::map<string,vector<pair<string, string> > > &loadedFileList);
void clearTileset();
Checksum loadTech(const vector<string> pathList, const string &techName,
set<string> &factions, Checksum* checksum,
std::map<string,vector<pair<string, string> > > &loadedFileList,
bool validationMode=false);
Checksum loadMap(const string &path, Checksum* checksum);
Checksum loadScenario(const string &path, Checksum* checksum,bool resetCurrentScenario=false,const XmlNode *rootNode=NULL);
void setQueuedScenario(string scenarioName,bool keepFactions);
inline string getQueuedScenario() const { return queuedScenarioName; }
inline bool getQueuedScenarioKeepFactions() const { return queuedScenarioKeepFactions; }
void initUnitsForScenario();
void update();
Unit* findUnitById(int id) const;
const UnitType* findUnitTypeById(const FactionType* factionType, int id);
const UnitType *findUnitTypeByName(const string factionName, const string unitTypeName);
bool placeUnit(const Vec2i &startLoc, int radius, Unit *unit, bool spaciated= false);
void moveUnitCells(Unit *unit);
bool toRenderUnit(const Unit *unit, const Quad2i &visibleQuad) const;
bool toRenderUnit(const Unit *unit) const;
bool toRenderUnit(const UnitBuildInfo &pendingUnit) const;
Unit *nearestStore(const Vec2i &pos, int factionIndex, const ResourceType *rt);
void addAttackEffects(const Unit *unit);
//scripting interface
void morphToUnit(int unitId,const string &morphName,bool ignoreRequirements);
void createUnit(const string &unitName, int factionIndex, const Vec2i &pos,bool spaciated = true);
void givePositionCommand(int unitId, const string &commandName, const Vec2i &pos);
vector<int> getUnitsForFaction(int factionIndex,const string& commandTypeName,int field);
int getUnitCurrentField(int unitId);
bool getIsUnitAlive(int unitId);
void giveAttackCommand(int unitId, int unitToAttackId);
void giveProductionCommand(int unitId, const string &producedName);
void giveUpgradeCommand(int unitId, const string &upgradeName);
void giveAttackStoppedCommand(int unitId, const string &itemName,bool ignoreRequirements);
void playStaticSound(const string &playSound);
void playStreamingSound(const string &playSound);
void stopStreamingSound(const string &playSound);
void stopAllSound();
void moveToUnit(int unitId, int destUnitId);
void togglePauseGame(bool pauseStatus, bool forceAllowPauseStateChange);
void addConsoleText(const string &text);
void addConsoleTextWoLang(const string &text);
void giveResource(const string &resourceName, int factionIndex, int amount);
int getResourceAmount(const string &resourceName, int factionIndex);
Vec2i getStartLocation(int factionIndex);
Vec2i getUnitPosition(int unitId);
void setUnitPosition(int unitId, Vec2i pos);
void addCellMarker(Vec2i pos, int factionIndex, const string &note, const string textureFile);
void removeCellMarker(Vec2i pos, int factionIndex);
void showMarker(Vec2i pos, int factionIndex, const string &note, const string textureFile,int flashCount);
int getUnitFactionIndex(int unitId);
const string getUnitName(int unitId);
int getUnitCount(int factionIndex);
int getUnitCountOfType(int factionIndex, const string &typeName);
const string getSystemMacroValue(const string key);
const string getPlayerName(int factionIndex);
void highlightUnit(int unitId,float radius, float thickness, Vec4f color);
void unhighlightUnit(int unitId);
void giveStopCommand(int unitId);
bool selectUnit(int unitId);
void unselectUnit(int unitId);
void addUnitToGroupSelection(int unitId,int groupIndex);
void removeUnitFromGroupSelection(int unitId,int groupIndex);
void recallGroupSelection(int groupIndex);
void setAttackWarningsEnabled(bool enabled);
bool getAttackWarningsEnabled();
inline Game * getGame() { return game; }
const GameSettings * getGameSettings() const;
GameSettings * getGameSettingsPtr();
std::vector<std::string> validateFactionTypes();
std::vector<std::string> validateResourceTypes();
void setFogOfWar(bool value);
bool getFogOfWar() const { return fogOfWar; }
std::string DumpWorldToLog(bool consoleBasicInfoOnly = false) const;
inline int getUpdateFps(int factionIndex) const {
int result = GameConstants::updateFps;
return result;
bool canTickWorld() const;
ExploredCellsLookupItem exploreCells(const Vec2i &newPos, int sightRange, int teamIndex);
void exploreCells(int teamIndex,ExploredCellsLookupItem &exploredCellsCache);
bool showWorldForPlayer(int factionIndex, bool excludeFogOfWarCheck=false) const;
inline UnitUpdater * getUnitUpdater() { return &unitUpdater; }
void playStaticVideo(const string &playVideo);
void playStreamingVideo(const string &playVideo);
void stopStreamingVideo(const string &playVideo);
void stopAllVideo();
void removeResourceTargetFromCache(const Vec2i &pos);
string getExploredCellsLookupItemCacheStats();
string getFowAlphaCellsLookupItemCacheStats();
string getAllFactionsCacheStats();
void placeUnitAtLocation(const Vec2i &location, int radius, Unit *unit, bool spaciated);
void saveGame(XmlNode *rootNode);
void loadGame(const XmlNode *rootNode);
void clearCaches();
void refreshAllUnitExplorations();
bool factionLostGame(int factionIndex);
void initTeamResource(const ResourceType *rt,int teamIndex, int value);
const Resource * getResourceForTeam(const ResourceType *rt, int teamIndex);
int getStoreAmountForTeam(const ResourceType *rt, int teamIndex) const;
bool showResourceTypeForFaction(const ResourceType *rt, const Faction *faction) const;
bool showResourceTypeForTeam(const ResourceType *rt, int teamIndex) const;
void initCells(bool fogOfWar);
void initSplattedTextures();
void initFactionTypes(GameSettings *gs);
void initMinimap();
void initUnits();
void initMap();
void tick();
void computeFow();
void updateAllTilesetObjects();
void updateAllFactionUnits();
void underTakeDeadFactionUnits();
void updateAllFactionConsumableCosts();
void restoreExploredFogOfWarCells();
}}//end namespace