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by Titus Tscharntke and Mark Vejvoda
Build instructions for Windows
1. Architecture
Developed on Windows with Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express (free version),
little endian CPU. Compiling using the mingw32 toolset is now possible, which
also allows for cross compiling.
2. Building and Installation
2.1 Prerequesites
The game depends on some tools and libraries to be present, before you can
start compiling it. Here's a list of them:
* Microsoft Visual C++ Express 2008
* mingw32
* MegaGlest Windows 32 bit dependencies for building with VC++:
* MegaGlest Windows 32 bit dependencies for building with mingw:
These include:
* Xerces-C
* wxWidgets
* For a more verbose list, please inspect the archive contents and refer to the
Linux build instructions.
2.2 Building
To build and install the game use the following steps:
1. Download the dependencies archive listed above and decompress its contents
into the 'source' directory (where you see glest_game, g3d_viewer, etc).
This should create a subdirectory called "win32_deps" with many files and
subdirectories in it.
2. Open the VC++ 2008 Solution file in trunk\mk\windoze called Glest.sln within
the Visual C++ IDE.
3. Right Click on the top level Glest node in Solution Explorer and select
'Rebuild All'.
If you had no errors all binaries will be created in trunk\data\glest_game.
Before running MegaGlest you must run the CopyWindowsRuntimeDlls.bat batch.
You should now be able to just run glest_game.exe.
2.3 Installation
We provide NSIS based installation packages. By default, these will create a
system-wide installation below Program Files and setup Desktop icons for
simplified access. User specific configuration will be stored within the
directory tree the %AppData% environment variable points to.
3. Troubleshooting
Some hints for troubleshooting.
In General:
* Make sure both hard- and software of your system match the requirements
* Sound is played through OpenAL - you might need to take a look at your
* If configure fails make sure you have read the Building section above
Sound/Audio errors when starting:
* If the game doesn't start because of audio/sound errors:
Make sure no other application is using your soundcard.
* If this doesn't solve your sound problems try to get an updated OpenAL from
The game complains about OpenGL 1.3 not available, is missing OpenGL extensions
or works very slowly:
* Try to get updated graphics drivers.
The game crashes:
* Check the forums at
* It would be nice if you could report any other crashes and freezes that are
not yet described on the forums, preferably with a backtrace from a
debugging enabled build
4. More information
* Website
* Wiki
* Forums
5. Contact + Credits
MegaGlest is developed by:
Titus Tscharntke (
Mark Vejvoda ( -
General contact:
MegaGlest is a fork of Glest:
Linux port by:
Matthias Braun <> with help from Karl Robillard
Please also refer to the copyright file.