# Server Management Many of the games allow in-game or remote management.Of course, almost every games has its own set of commands. This documents highlights the ones we have used in the past for easy reference in other onFOSS events. Some of the games can be remotely controlled through the admin section of the website at DOMAINNAME/admin.html. The username is "onfoss" and the password can be found in `/etc/gameserverpassword` on the server. The web interface also has a link to the website of the games themselves detailing all of the available commands. ## Armagetron Advanced Web interface is available. For tournaments, it is necessary to start a new match. The command for that is `START_NEW_MATCH`. After the current round end, the new match will start. Full list of commands: http://wiki.armagetronad.org/index.php?title=Console_Commands ## OpenSpades To skip to the next map, login first by typing `/login gameserverpassword` in the chat where "gameserverpassword" is the password from `/etc/gameserverpassword`. You will then be promoted to admin. To advance to the next map, type `/advancemap`. Full list of commands: https://docs.piqueserver.org/en/latest/_modules/piqueserver/core_commands/map.html (sort of)