
This commit is contained in:
DeathByDenim 2023-08-27 11:16:27 -04:00
parent 3fa0e7846c
commit 3ceb178548
Signed by: DeathByDenim
GPG Key ID: 89185F675E0AB7D5
10 changed files with 558 additions and 86 deletions

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style="font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-stretch:normal;font-size:400px;font-family:'Ubuntu Mono';-inkscape-font-specification:'Ubuntu Mono';white-space:pre;shape-inside:url(#rect1230-8);display:inline;fill:#ffffff;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#ffffff;stroke-opacity:1"
style="font-weight:bold;-inkscape-font-specification:'Ubuntu Mono Bold'"
id="tspan3">12:00 UTC</tspan></tspan></text><g
d="M 625.7,764.98 C 557.91,825.55 480.71,856 389.52,831.92 314.54,812.12 269.87,749.74 273.08,671.91 276.5,588.94 316.35,525.14 382,476.84 c 46.1,-33.92 97.82,-54.99 155.21,-60.59 25.31,-2.47 50.13,0.32 74.21,8.79 53.08,18.68 89.48,68.4 91.22,124.61 3.06,99.27 -95.85,181.76 -191.61,159.58 -35.5,-8.22 -62.12,-28.3 -79.25,-61.27 3.38,0.77 4.76,2.99 6.46,5.01 37.38,44.12 100.46,51.74 151.59,18.39 47.16,-30.76 64.57,-92.41 39.1,-142.7 -20.09,-39.66 -54.44,-57.78 -97.94,-58.14 -47.43,-0.4 -88.37,18.6 -124.91,47.09 -47.31,36.88 -82.94,82.54 -96.45,142.26 -17.62,77.8 23.89,142.06 101.71,159 43.81,9.53 86.39,3.35 128.22,-11.05 30.64,-10.55 58.85,-25.88 86.15,-42.81 v 0 z"
style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1" /><path
d="m 155.79,360.96 c -1.2,-0.2 -1.56,0.15 -1.68,1.28 -0.24,2.02 -0.56,4.04 -0.95,6.04 -0.6,3.17 -3.81,4.76 -6.61,3.31 -1.8,-0.94 -2.59,-2.75 -2.26,-5.21 0.34,-2.64 -0.57,-4.25 -2.6,-4.53 -2.03,-0.28 -3.33,0.98 -3.76,3.64 -0.28,1.71 -0.51,3.44 -0.83,5.15 -0.46,2.54 -2.6,4.16 -5.01,3.87 -2.52,-0.31 -4.18,-2.39 -3.97,-5.05 0.09,-1.03 0.32,-2.06 0.45,-3.09 0.28,-2.1 -0.8,-3.71 -2.62,-4 -1.84,-0.28 -3.36,0.94 -3.7,3.01 -0.42,2.55 -0.8,5.11 -1.23,7.65 -0.47,2.75 -2.6,4.4 -5.13,4.05 -2.64,-0.36 -4.2,-2.55 -3.83,-5.42 0.21,-1.62 0.52,-3.24 0.75,-4.86 0.28,-1.99 -0.8,-3.58 -2.57,-3.9 -1.83,-0.32 -3.42,0.9 -3.76,2.93 -0.4,2.4 -0.77,4.81 -1.16,7.21 -0.53,3.25 -2.56,4.76 -5.79,4.24 -18.4,-2.91 -36.81,-5.87 -55.22,-8.77 -1.09,-0.17 -1.36,-0.51 -1.18,-1.62 1.35,-8.14 2.65,-16.29 3.9,-24.44 0.18,-1.15 0.52,-1.44 1.69,-1.24 6.22,1.05 12.47,1.99 18.69,3.03 1.09,0.19 2.64,-10.6 2.8,-11.73 0.45,-3.35 0.98,-6.69 1.6,-10.01 0.22,-1.15 -0.16,-1.44 -1.21,-1.6 -6.19,-0.95 -12.37,-1.98 -18.56,-2.91 -1.18,-0.18 -1.57,-0.49 -1.35,-1.77 1.35,-8.08 2.63,-16.19 3.87,-24.29 0.19,-1.26 0.64,-1.48 1.82,-1.28 9.22,1.52 18.45,2.96 27.68,4.44 v 0 c 9.13,1.45 18.26,2.89 27.38,4.36 3.12,0.5 4.66,2.6 4.18,5.72 -0.38,2.5 -0.82,5 -1.18,7.51 -0.28,1.92 0.79,3.41 2.57,3.74 1.83,0.33 3.38,-0.76 3.75,-2.74 0.3,-1.57 0.49,-3.14 0.77,-4.71 0.51,-2.96 2.63,-4.66 5.27,-4.25 2.63,0.41 4.16,2.74 3.7,5.66 -0.4,2.6 -0.86,5.2 -1.22,7.81 -0.26,1.8 0.84,3.31 2.53,3.64 1.76,0.34 3.34,-0.71 3.75,-2.56 0.22,-0.96 0.32,-1.96 0.5,-2.93 0.53,-2.93 2.67,-4.57 5.36,-4.1 2.58,0.46 4.05,2.71 3.6,5.58 -0.29,1.87 -0.61,3.73 -0.89,5.59 -0.29,1.97 0.84,3.58 2.62,3.87 1.79,0.29 3.3,-0.87 3.7,-2.86 0.07,-0.34 0.11,-0.69 0.18,-1.02 0.57,-2.72 2.75,-4.33 5.26,-3.9 2.52,0.43 4.07,2.69 3.68,5.42 -0.27,1.87 -0.58,2.53 -0.69,4.41 -0.08,1.35 1.1,1.69 1.1,1.69 30.56,3.68 57.55,17.07 76.01,40.35 30.84,38.86 38.91,84.42 37.46,132.47 -1.25,41.11 -5.45,82.17 -2.55,123.33 3.57,50.76 4.45,102.22 33.97,147.12 -16.74,-16.69 -30.99,-44.17 -37.84,-72.95 -12.46,-52.35 -20.95,-105.42 -28.01,-158.73 -3.46,-26.1 -5.3,-52.42 -9.11,-78.47 -5.69,-38.96 -5.74,-55.07 -38.51,-87.75 -6.84,-6.82 -17.37,-11.51 -21.99,-13.54 -8.2,-3.61 -13.62,-1.96 -13.62,-1.96 v 0.05 z"
style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1" /><path
d="m 743.93,48.31 c -5.9,23.05 -14.01,46.99 -32.61,63.23 -5.55,4.85 -9.04,10.25 -12.93,15.82 -33.42,47.98 -16.24,117.38 35.67,137.34 42.51,16.34 83.39,8.25 118.92,-19.56 25.8,-20.18 30.05,-53.09 12.97,-81.3 -14.86,-24.52 -37.75,-37.61 -65.29,-42.9 -9.86,-1.89 -20.03,-2.16 -30.05,-3.16 6.49,-2.99 13.02,-4.93 19.68,-5.65 40.37,-4.37 81.34,19.6 99.54,57.96 3.8,8.01 18.85,23.28 18.85,23.28 0,0 -9.49,17.67 -10.24,25.69 -2.11,22.85 -12.42,45.21 -30.29,62.79 -30.96,30.45 -73.11,40.5 -115.35,37.74 -50.1,-3.28 -90.39,-37.22 -103.59,-83.28 -11.4,-39.77 -3.36,-67.89 21.07,-109.53 9.57,-16.32 23.81,-29.22 36.23,-43.38 19.9,-22.66 24.24,-50.67 39,-76.95 1.22,-2.17 2.16,-3.61 4.07,-6.43 -1.18,34.59 2.19,37.5 15.04,67.71 1.46,3.42 6.26,13.47 6.26,13.47 0,0 5.94,-16.88 6.73,-19.27 7.31,-22.31 13.08,-36.3 13.08,-36.3 0,0 2.28,25.24 4.21,33.44 2.78,11.78 16.02,45.66 16.02,45.66 l -2.65,-1.71 C 791.08,87.56 787.08,64.57 787.08,64.57 c 0,0 -8.02,22.97 -19.7,40.96 0,0 -2.93,-12.92 -8.47,-25.81 -4.99,-11.62 -12.5,-22.83 -14.98,-31.41 v 0.02 z"
style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1" /><path
d="m 0,356.92 c 9.49,1.55 19.11,4.01 28.61,5.54 2.45,0.39 4.91,0.73 7.36,1.18 1.02,0.19 1.39,-0.08 1.58,-1.12 0.9,-5.01 0.93,-5 -4.07,-5.8 -8.09,-1.29 -16.18,-2.61 -24.28,-3.84 -1.38,-0.21 -1.69,-0.64 -1.48,-2.02 2.96,-18.32 5.89,-36.66 8.75,-54.99 0.25,-1.59 0.83,-1.81 2.29,-1.58 9,1.5 18.03,2.88 27.03,4.37 1.38,0.23 1.95,0.04 2.18,-1.5 0.68,-4.69 0.75,-4.68 -3.95,-5.43 -10.11,-1.61 -20.23,-3.22 -30.35,-4.84 -0.73,-0.12 -1.45,-0.31 -2.18,-0.46 -3.79,23.8 -7.71,46.68 -11.5,70.48 v 0 z"
style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1" /><path
d="m 30.46,329.18 c -3.43,-0.55 -6.87,-1.02 -10.29,-1.67 -1.41,-0.27 -1.81,0.16 -2.03,1.5 -0.74,4.7 -0.79,4.7 3.92,5.45 5.88,0.94 11.77,1.84 17.64,2.84 1.27,0.22 1.86,0.1 2.09,-1.39 0.73,-4.8 0.79,-4.79 -3.98,-5.54 -2.45,-0.39 -4.9,-0.78 -7.36,-1.17 v 0 z"
style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1" /><path
d="m 31.52,323.31 c 3.43,0.54 6.86,1.01 10.27,1.67 1.42,0.28 1.78,-0.17 1.98,-1.5 0.7,-4.63 0.75,-4.62 -3.94,-5.37 -5.81,-0.93 -11.63,-1.81 -17.43,-2.82 -1.45,-0.26 -2.06,-0.06 -2.31,1.55 -0.7,4.53 -0.78,4.51 3.71,5.23 2.57,0.4 5.14,0.82 7.71,1.23 v 0 z"
style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1" /><path
d="m 28.58,341.47 c -3.49,-0.55 -6.98,-1.08 -10.47,-1.68 -1.1,-0.2 -1.65,-0.07 -1.88,1.22 -0.88,4.91 -0.93,4.9 4,5.68 5.88,0.94 11.77,1.82 17.62,2.85 1.42,0.25 1.78,-0.15 1.99,-1.49 0.71,-4.67 0.76,-4.66 -3.92,-5.41 -2.45,-0.39 -4.89,-0.78 -7.35,-1.17 z"
style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1" /><path
d="m 33.59,311.12 c 3.49,0.56 6.98,1.08 10.47,1.69 1.01,0.18 1.49,-0.02 1.59,-1.11 0.12,-1.23 0.3,-2.47 0.59,-3.67 0.29,-1.19 -0.22,-1.48 -1.27,-1.63 -7.05,-1.08 -14.09,-2.21 -21.12,-3.37 -1.08,-0.18 -1.52,0.04 -1.72,1.19 -0.9,4.93 -0.94,4.92 3.95,5.7 2.51,0.39 5.02,0.8 7.53,1.2 v 0 z"
style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1" /><path
d="m 854.87,464.16 c 21.96,-15.42 28.46,-26.38 47.78,-37.67 26.38,-15.4 54.1,-25.02 78.51,-30.55 11.23,-2.55 21.13,-3.52 27.02,0.14 4.24,2.63 5.8,6.96 3.01,13.94 -5.3,13.27 -23.22,27.93 -39.43,31.72 -7.96,1.86 -15.09,2.23 -21.91,2.43 -9.32,0.29 -19.58,4.04 -32.17,11.39 -52.31,30.57 -104.66,60.74 -156.98,91.19 -8.9,4.52 -10.05,5.24 -17.82,7.39 l 111.97,-89.98 v 0 z"
style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1" /><path
d="m 668.4,786.47 c -0.19,5.76 -1.34,15 0.33,20.98 0.58,2.09 2.54,6.75 7.47,11.3 17.22,15.88 46.11,27.48 70.08,18.01 9.67,-3.82 14.08,-11.63 9.27,-19.69 -3.14,-5.27 -8.42,-10.06 -13.96,-13.7 -8.92,-5.85 -16.84,-12.31 -22.58,-20.5 l -0.73,-2.72 0.73,-14.85 4.44,-81.7 c 2.66,-28.9 7.31,-57.65 10.33,-86.54 6.15,-59.01 10.83,-118.11 11.44,-177.38 0.33,-32.59 -6.94,-65.57 -19.32,-87.55 18.03,55.39 6.25,110.92 -2.72,166.34 -7.26,44.93 -21.47,88.07 -32.82,131.95 -16.34,50.79 -23.19,96.53 -21.81,153.34 0.02,0.68 -0.16,2.04 -0.18,2.72 h 0.02 z"
style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1" /></g><text
style="font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-stretch:normal;font-size:400.346px;font-family:'Ubuntu Mono';-inkscape-font-specification:'Ubuntu Mono';white-space:pre;shape-inside:url(#rect1997);display:inline;fill:#ffffff;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#ffffff;stroke-opacity:1"
style="font-weight:bold;-inkscape-font-specification:'Ubuntu Mono Bold'"
style="font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-stretch:normal;font-size:400px;font-family:'Ubuntu Mono';-inkscape-font-specification:'Ubuntu Mono';white-space:pre;shape-inside:url(#rect1230);display:inline;fill:#ffffff;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#ffffff;stroke-opacity:1"
style="font-weight:bold;-inkscape-font-specification:'Ubuntu Mono Bold'"
style="font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-stretch:normal;font-size:73.6066px;font-family:'Ubuntu Mono';-inkscape-font-specification:'Ubuntu Mono';white-space:pre;shape-inside:url(#rect267-0);display:inline;fill:#81bb27;stroke:#000000"
style="font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-stretch:normal;font-size:66.2486px;line-height:0;font-family:'Ubuntu Mono';-inkscape-font-specification:'Ubuntu Mono';white-space:pre;shape-inside:url(#rect267-0-3);display:inline;fill:#81bb27;stroke:#ffffff;stroke-opacity:1"
id="tspan11">Come play </tspan></tspan><tspan
id="tspan13">with us!</tspan><tspan
id="tspan14"> </tspan></tspan></text></g></svg>


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@ -1,5 +1,30 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><feed xmlns="" ><generator uri="" version="4.3.2">Jekyll</generator><link href="" rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" /><link href="" rel="alternate" type="text/html" /><updated>2023-06-12T10:52:08+02:00</updated><id></id><title type="html">onFOSS</title><subtitle>onFOSS is an online, &quot;Free (as Freedom) and Open Source&quot; LAN-Party. The goal is to get people together, enjoying the art of computer games and having a great time in these days. The FOSS community is a place of being open minded and acceptance to all different kinds of people with the focus of fully transparent systems and protecting individuals. So it does not matter if you are on Windows, Mac or Linux and it is also NOT necessary to have a PC MASTERRACE setup to run those games.
</subtitle><entry><title type="html">onFOSS: The next generation!</title><link href="" rel="alternate" type="text/html" title="onFOSS: The next generation!" /><published>2023-06-11T00:00:00+02:00</published><updated>2023-06-11T00:00:00+02:00</updated><id></id><content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>The “onFOSS-LAN” started as an idea by <a href="">hribhrib</a> to host a LAN-party-like experience online. Yes, the pun with LAN instead of WAN-party was intended but didnt ripe well, however, what instead did ripe well was the whole event! Only one year after the first public onFOSS-LAN another host joined the team: <a href="">DeathByDenim</a>. Even more people got together to bring this experience to everyone that was interested in FOSS-Gaming, and group-effort hosting started to sprout, mostly by people of the <a href="">LibreGaming</a> community. After 15 successfully hosted events it is time for some changes.</p>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><feed xmlns="" ><generator uri="" version="4.3.2">Jekyll</generator><link href="" rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" /><link href="" rel="alternate" type="text/html" /><updated>2023-08-27T11:06:36-04:00</updated><id></id><title type="html">onFOSS</title><subtitle>onFOSS is an online, &quot;Free (as Freedom) and Open Source&quot; LAN-Party. The goal is to get people together, enjoying the art of computer games and having a great time in these days. The FOSS community is a place of being open minded and acceptance to all different kinds of people with the focus of fully transparent systems and protecting individuals. So it does not matter if you are on Windows, Mac or Linux and it is also NOT necessary to have a PC MASTERRACE setup to run those games.
</subtitle><entry><title type="html">Next Event September 23rd</title><link href="" rel="alternate" type="text/html" title="Next Event September 23rd" /><published>2023-08-27T00:00:00-04:00</published><updated>2023-08-27T00:00:00-04:00</updated><id></id><content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>Our next event will be coming very soon on <span class="eventdate" data-event-datetime="2023-09-23T12:00:00UTC">Saturday 23 September 2023, 12:00 UTC</span> and the host this time is DeathByDenim.</p>
<p>We are featuring two new games for this event. First is FTEQW with LibreQuake which combines the fully open-source Quake engine with libre assets from LibreQuake. A very classic fast-paced FPS that is still tons of fun.</p>
<p>The other new game is Hypersomnia which is a very new top-down shooter with loads of weapons and squad-based as well. We invited the developer to join us as well!</p>
<p>We also have a tournament. This time the game is SuperTuxKart and well have a Grand Prix where the winner get to pick a FOSS game-related project that we will donate $50 (CAD) to! So get yourself in race mode!</p>
<p>Of course, we have some seen before classics as well. The full game list is:</p>
<li><a href="help_fteqw.html">FTEQW with LibreQuake</a></li>
<li><a href="help_hypersomnia.html">Hypersomnia</a></li>
<li><a href="help_supertuxkart.html">SuperTuxKart</a></li>
<li><a href="help_bzflag.html">Bzflag</a></li>
<li><a href="help_lix.html">Lix</a></li>
<p>The schedule can be found on the <a href="schedule.html">schedule</a> page and the whole event will be live streamed.</p>
<p>We also have a great flyer which was created by TtotheORY. Distribute as you see fit.</p>
<p>Hope to see you soon!</p>
<p><img src="assets/img/flyer/flyer-20230923.svg" alt="Flyer for the event at 2023-08-27" class="img-fluid p-5" /></p>
<p>Download as <a href="assets/img/flyer/flyer-20230923.svg" download="">SVG</a> or <a href="assets/img/flyer/flyer-20230923.png" download="">PNG</a></p>]]></content><author><name></name></author><category term="news" /><summary type="html"><![CDATA[Our next event will be coming very soon on Saturday 23 September 2023, 12:00 UTC and the host this time is DeathByDenim.]]></summary></entry><entry><title type="html">onFOSS: The next generation!</title><link href="" rel="alternate" type="text/html" title="onFOSS: The next generation!" /><published>2023-06-11T00:00:00-04:00</published><updated>2023-06-11T00:00:00-04:00</updated><id></id><content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>The “onFOSS-LAN” started as an idea by <a href="">hribhrib</a> to host a LAN-party-like experience online. Yes, the pun with LAN instead of WAN-party was intended but didnt ripe well, however, what instead did ripe well was the whole event! Only one year after the first public onFOSS-LAN another host joined the team: <a href="">DeathByDenim</a>. Even more people got together to bring this experience to everyone that was interested in FOSS-Gaming, and group-effort hosting started to sprout, mostly by people of the <a href="">LibreGaming</a> community. After 15 successfully hosted events it is time for some changes.</p>
<h2 id="rebranding">Rebranding</h2>
<p>To bring the onFOSS-LAN to another level, we announce some changes!</p>

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@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/help.css">
<p>Hypersomnia is a fast-paced top-down arena.</p>
<p>Hypersomnia is a fast-paced top-down arena shooter.</p>
<figure class="figure">
<img src="assets/img/hypersomnia.png" alt="Screenshot of Hypersomnia">
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
Click on &quot;Connect to server&quot;. Fill in <span class="fw-bold"></span> for the address and enter your nickname.
Click on &quot;Connect to server&quot;. Fill in <span class="fw-bold"></span> for the address and enter your nickname.

View File

@ -77,7 +77,8 @@
<p>No next event has been scheduled yet.</p>
<h4 class="eventdate" data-event-datetime="2023-09-23T12:00:00UTC">Saturday 23 September 2023, 12:00 UTC</h4>
<p>See <a href="schedule.html">schedule</a> for more information.</p>
<h1 id="communication">Communication</h1>
<p>We use Mumble voice chat on <a href="mumble://">mumble://</a>. It is the main mode of cummunication during the event.</p>

View File

@ -60,83 +60,48 @@
<div class="container flex-grow-1 flex-fill bg-body-secondary p-4">
<h1>Next Event September 23rd</h1>
<p><strong>27 Aug 2023</strong></p>
<p>Our next event will be coming very soon on <span class="eventdate" data-event-datetime="2023-09-23T12:00:00UTC">Saturday 23 September 2023, 12:00 UTC</span> and the host this time is DeathByDenim.</p>
<p>We are featuring two new games for this event. First is FTEQW with LibreQuake which combines the fully open-source Quake engine with libre assets from LibreQuake. A very classic fast-paced FPS that is still tons of fun.</p>
<p>The other new game is Hypersomnia which is a very new top-down shooter with loads of weapons and squad-based as well. We invited the developer to join us as well!</p>
<p>We also have a tournament. This time the game is SuperTuxKart and well have a Grand Prix where the winner get to pick a FOSS game-related project that we will donate $50 (CAD) to! So get yourself in race mode!</p>
<p>Of course, we have some seen before classics as well. The full game list is:</p>
<li><a href="help_fteqw.html">FTEQW with LibreQuake</a></li>
<li><a href="help_hypersomnia.html">Hypersomnia</a></li>
<li><a href="help_supertuxkart.html">SuperTuxKart</a></li>
<li><a href="help_bzflag.html">Bzflag</a></li>
<li><a href="help_lix.html">Lix</a></li>
<p>The schedule can be found on the <a href="schedule.html">schedule</a> page and the whole event will be live streamed.</p>
<p>We also have a great flyer which was created by TtotheORY. Distribute as you see fit.</p>
<p>Hope to see you soon!</p>
<p><img src="assets/img/flyer/flyer-20230923.svg" alt="Flyer for the event at 2023-08-27" class="img-fluid p-5" /></p>
<p>Download as <a href="assets/img/flyer/flyer-20230923.svg" download="">SVG</a> or <a href="assets/img/flyer/flyer-20230923.png" download="">PNG</a></p>
<p><a href="/news/2023/08/27/Next-event-September-23rd.html">Permalink</a></p>
<h1>onFOSS: The next generation!</h1>
<p><strong>11 Jun 2023</strong></p>
<p>The “onFOSS-LAN” started as an idea by <a href="">hribhrib</a> to host a LAN-party-like experience online. Yes, the pun with LAN instead of WAN-party was intended but didnt ripe well, however, what instead did ripe well was the whole event! Only one year after the first public onFOSS-LAN another host joined the team: <a href="">DeathByDenim</a>. Even more people got together to bring this experience to everyone that was interested in FOSS-Gaming, and group-effort hosting started to sprout, mostly by people of the <a href="">LibreGaming</a> community. After 15 successfully hosted events it is time for some changes.</p>
<h2 id="rebranding">Rebranding</h2>
<p>To bring the onFOSS-LAN to another level, we announce some changes!</p>
<h3 id="changing-the-name">Changing the name</h3>
<p>The onFOSS-LAN will be further renamed to just “onFOSS”, also to sound more modern and, furthermore, dont confuse the people with the LAN-pun anymore. Although there were heated discussions about it ;)</p>
<h3 id="domain-onfossorg">Domain</h3>
<p>One problem persisted, that all the resources and information were spread out with no common “place to go”, therefore the <a href=""></a> domain was acquired to bring everyone to the same point.</p>
<h3 id="making-a-brand">Making a brand</h3>
<p>Also, to support the idea of bringing the people together and bring one uniform branding for every host and advertiser to be recognized, there is an effort to provide media for branding anything. For example, there will be Logos, Icons, Banner,… for everyone to use!</p>
<h3 id="colours">Colours</h3>
<p>Here is the colour-scheme:</p>
<p><img src="/assets/img/posts/2023-05-24-colours.png" alt="Colour-Scheme" class="img-fluid" /></p>
<h3 id="logo">Logo</h3>
<p>All media is licenced as CCO can be downloaded under <a href="">resources</a>.</p>
<h4 id="say-hi-to-our-mascot-catable">Say hi to our mascot “Catable”!</h4>
<p><img src="/assets/img/icon-green.svg" alt="Catable" class="img-fluid" /></p>
<h4 id="we-also-have-an-offical-logo">We also have an offical logo:</h4>
<p><img src="/assets/img/banner.svg" alt="Banner" class="img-fluid" /></p>
<h4 id="and-finally-a-square-one">And finally a square one:</h4>
<p><img src="/assets/img/logo-square.svg" alt="Banner" class="img-fluid" /></p>
<h2 id="restructuring">Restructuring</h2>
<p> will be the new place to go with all the information about the event and further links to all resources and communication channels. Here is a draft of the planned structure in an image:</p>
<p><img src="/assets/img/posts/2023-05-24-planned-structure.svg" alt="Planned Structure" class="img-fluid" /></p>
<h3 id="the-main-page">The Main page</h3>
<p>The main-page of <a href=""></a> will be there for general information, resources, lists of supporters, and further links. Also, the blog that you currently read will also be there. This site will be used for all static and general information.</p>
<h3 id="the-live-page">The Live page</h3>
<p>The famous “play.” subdomain, that already was used as the landing page of a current hosted onFOSS, will be stripped down to only have relevant information about the current event like timetable and tournament info. All the redundant information will be elevated into the main page.</p>
<h2 id="social-platforms">Social Platforms</h2>
<p>Another issue was the reachability of the upcoming onFOSS events. Although, there was a XMPP/Matrix channel from provided by the community, it was hard to reach out to new people. Thanks to poVoq over at <a href="">FreeGameDev</a> there is now a proper bridged channel which also supports IRC in addition. In addition to that, onFOSS is now providing a RSS-feed (also already this post) to build a foundation for further automation of announcements.</p>
<h3 id="mastodon">Mastodon</h3>
<p>There is now a onFOSS representation on the <a href=""></a> Mastodon instance to reach out further.</p>
<h3 id="peertube">PeerTube</h3>
<p>There were already some videos made from footage of onFOSS events, however again, spread out and not findable anymore once one lost the link. Therefore, we happily announce an official onFOSS video channel on <a href="">LinuxRocks</a></p>
<h3 id="unofficial">Unofficial</h3>
<p>Due to RSS, the community can make automated announcements on their own that bring further visibility outside the onFOSS-bubble. For example, there is a Discord-Server just for the announcements and not bridged to the main communication channel due to privacy and proprietary concerns, but if someone prefers to get notified over there this is now also possible.</p>
<h2 id="what-now">What now?</h2>
<p>This is just the beginning of a new era of onFOSS and be hyped for further events! If you want to help somehow just get in contact with us, otherwise, subscribe to our many channels and stay tuned for the next Host to prepare the next event!</p>
<h2 id="thank-you-all-3">THANK YOU ALL! &lt;3</h2>
<p>Concluding the first official blog-post with the most important stuff: Thank you all for supporting the event in any form, and thank you all for the numerous participants of all events! Without you people, this whole event wouldnt exist, and we wouldnt write this post here. So thank you all and see you on the next onFOSS!</p>
<h1 id="links">Links</h1>
<p>Find us at:
<a href="">Homepage</a>
<a href="">Matrix</a>
<a href="">XMPP</a>
<a href="ircs://">IRC</a>
<a href="">Mastodon</a>
<a href="">PeerTube</a>
<a href="">RSS</a></p>
<p><a href="/news/2023/06/11/onFOSS-Next-Gen.html">Permalink</a></p>
<p><a href="/news/2023/06/11/onFOSS-Next-Gen.html">Read more...</a></p>

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<h1>Next Event September 23rd</h1>
<p>Our next event will be coming very soon on <span class="eventdate" data-event-datetime="2023-09-23T12:00:00UTC">Saturday 23 September 2023, 12:00 UTC</span> and the host this time is DeathByDenim.</p>
<p>We are featuring two new games for this event. First is FTEQW with LibreQuake which combines the fully open-source Quake engine with libre assets from LibreQuake. A very classic fast-paced FPS that is still tons of fun.</p>
<p>The other new game is Hypersomnia which is a very new top-down shooter with loads of weapons and squad-based as well. We invited the developer to join us as well!</p>
<p>We also have a tournament. This time the game is SuperTuxKart and well have a Grand Prix where the winner get to pick a FOSS game-related project that we will donate $50 (CAD) to! So get yourself in race mode!</p>
<p>Of course, we have some seen before classics as well. The full game list is:</p>
<li><a href="help_fteqw.html">FTEQW with LibreQuake</a></li>
<li><a href="help_hypersomnia.html">Hypersomnia</a></li>
<li><a href="help_supertuxkart.html">SuperTuxKart</a></li>
<li><a href="help_bzflag.html">Bzflag</a></li>
<li><a href="help_lix.html">Lix</a></li>
<p>The schedule can be found on the <a href="schedule.html">schedule</a> page and the whole event will be live streamed.</p>
<p>We also have a great flyer which was created by TtotheORY. Distribute as you see fit.</p>
<p>Hope to see you soon!</p>
<p><img src="assets/img/flyer/flyer-20230923.svg" alt="Flyer for the event at 2023-08-27" class="img-fluid p-5" /></p>
<p>Download as <a href="assets/img/flyer/flyer-20230923.svg" download="">SVG</a> or <a href="assets/img/flyer/flyer-20230923.png" download="">PNG</a></p>
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@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
<td><a href="help_hypersomnia.html"><img src="assets/img/hypersomnia.png" height="64" alt="Tiny screenshot of Hypersomnia"></a></td>
Hypersomnia is a fast-paced top-down arena.
Hypersomnia is a fast-paced top-down arena shooter.
<td><a href="help_hypersomnia.html" class="link-secondary">More info</a></td>
@ -285,12 +285,21 @@
<h2 id="media">Media</h2>
<p>All assets on this page and the game server are freely available under a CC0 (public domain) license</p>
<li>Catable-Icon: <a href="/assets/img/" download></a></li>
<li>onFOSS-Banner: <a href="/assets/img/" download></a></li>
<li>onFOSS-Square: <a href="/assets/img/" download>onfoss-logo-square</a></li>
<p>All assets we made for onFOSS and the game server are freely available under a CC0 (public domain) license</p>
<h3 id="logos">Logos</h3>
<li>Catable-Icon: <a href="/assets/img/" download></a></li>
<li>onFOSS-Banner: <a href="/assets/img/" download></a></li>
<li>onFOSS-Square: <a href="/assets/img/" download></a></li>
<h3 id="flyer">Flyer</h3>
<li>2023-09-23: <a href="/assets/img/flyer/flyer-20230923.svg" download>flyer-20230923.svg</a></li>
<h3 id="font">Font</h3>
<p>We use the <a target="_blank" href="">"Ubuntu Monospace"</a>-font for everything. If you want to work with our SVG-resources you have to install it on your system.</p>
<h3 id="music">Music</h3>
<p>There is <a target="_blank" href="">music</a> to use all around onFOSS by hribhrib.</p>
<h2 id="history">History</h2>
You can just look into the posts for newer events, there is also an effort to accumulate every events <a href="/schedule.html">here</a>.

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@ -64,7 +64,69 @@
<p>No upcoming events scheduled</p>
<h4 class="eventdate" data-event-datetime="2023-09-23T12:00:00UTC">Saturday 23 September 2023, 12:00 UTC</h4>
<p>onFOSS-LAN hosted by DeathByDenim</p>
<li class="eventtime" data-event-date="2023-9-23">12:00UTC Get and chill together</li>
<li class="eventtime" data-event-date="2023-9-23">13:00UTC FTEQW</li>
<li class="eventtime" data-event-date="2023-9-23">14:30UTC Hypersomnia</li>
<li class="eventtime" data-event-date="2023-9-23">15:30UTC Break</li>
<li class="eventtime" data-event-date="2023-9-23">16:00UTC SuperTuxKart <a href="tournament.html" class="game-tournament">Tournament</a></li>
<li class="eventtime" data-event-date="2023-9-23">17:00UTC Break</li>
<li class="eventtime" data-event-date="2023-9-23">17:30UTC Bzflag</li>
<li class="eventtime" data-event-date="2023-9-23">18:30UTC Lix</li>
<li class="eventtime" data-event-date="2023-9-23">19:30UTC Free Play!</li>

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@ -63,7 +63,15 @@
<p>No tournaments have been planned for the next event.</p>
<p>There will be a tournament for the next event on Sat, Sep 23, 2023</p>
<li class="eventtime" data-event-date="2023-9-23">16:00UTC SuperTuxKart</li>
<p>By joining the tournament you accept following rules:</p>