--- layout: default nav_pill: home ---

About onFOSS

onFOSS is an online, "Free (as Freedom) and Open Source" LAN-Party. The goal is to get people together, enjoying the art of computer games and having a great time in these days. The FOSS community is a place of being open minded and acceptance to all different kinds of people with the focus of fully transparent systems and protecting individuals. So it does not matter if you are on Windows, Mac or Linux and it is also NOT necessary to have a PC MASTERRACE setup to run those games.

This concept was originally started at hribhrib.at

Next event

{% assign sitetime = site.time | date: "%FT%T" %} {% assign upcoming = site.data.events | where_exp: "item", "item.date >= sitetime" | last %} {% if upcoming %}

{{ upcoming.date | date: "%A %e %B %Y, %R" }} UTC

See schedule for more information.

{% else %}

No next event has been scheduled yet.

{% endif %}


We use Mumble voice chat on mumble://hribhrib.at. It is the main mode of cummunication during the event.

We also have regular text chat for any time use. You can choose the protocol you like and the program you like, they all point to the same thing in the end

See the help page for more information on how to connect to these services.

Finally, we are also on various social media


There are a few game servers running. To connect, simply start the game and connect to this domain. See also the Help section for more information.

{% assign sorted_games = site.data.games | sort: "title" %} {% for game in sorted_games %} {% endfor %}
Tiny screenshot of {{ game.title }} {{ game.title }} {{ game.description }} {% if game.warning %}
Warning: {{ game.warning }} {% endif %}
More info
