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;; SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Sebastian Crane <>
(ns bot
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
(defn lower-case-game [game]
(when (string? game)
(str/lower-case game)))
(defn sort-case-insensitive [coll]
(sort #(apply compare (map str/lower-case %&)) coll))
(defn match-string [& {:keys [state game player]}]
(as-> (lower-case-game game) x
(game/get-players-of-game state x)
(disj x player)
(sort-case-insensitive x)
(str/join " " x)
(str "Anyone ready for " game "? " x)))
(defn list-players-string [& {:keys [state game]}]
(as-> (lower-case-game game) x
(game/get-players-of-game state x)
(sort-case-insensitive x)
(map #(str " _" % "_") x)
(apply str "Players of " game ":" x)))
(defn add-player-string [& {:keys [game player]}]
(str "Added "
" to the list of players for "
(defn remove-player-string [& {:keys [game player]}]
(str "Removed "
" from the list of players for "
(defn list-games-string [& {:keys [state]}]
(str "Games with a list of players: "
", "
(sort-case-insensitive (game/get-games state)))))
(defn help-string [& {:keys []}]
" !list - show all the games that have a list of players
!match game - announce a match of game to all of its players
!players game - show all the players of game
!add game - add yourself to the list of players for game
!remove game - remove yourself from the list of players for game")
(defn split-message [message]
(let [message-parts (str/split message #"\s")
command (if-let [x (first message-parts)] (str/lower-case x) "")
game (second message-parts)
game-keyword (lower-case-game game)]
{:command command
:game game
:game-keyword game-keyword}))
(defn dispatch-command [state sender message]
(let [{command :command
game :game
game-keyword :game-keyword} (split-message message)]
(if game
(condp = command
(match-string :state @state :game game :player sender)
(do (swap! state game/add-player-of-game game-keyword sender)
(add-player-string :game game :player sender))
(list-players-string :state @state :game game)
(do (swap! state game/remove-player-of-game game-keyword sender)
(remove-player-string :game game :player sender))
(condp = command
(list-games-string :state @state)