;; SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 ;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Sebastian Crane (ns build (:require [clojure.tools.build.api :as b] [tools-pom.tasks :as pom])) (def application 'org.libregaming/matchbot) (def version "1.1.0-SNAPSHOT") (def src-dirs ["src"]) (def target-dir "target") (def class-dir (format "%s/%s" target-dir "classes")) (def basis (b/create-basis {:project "deps.edn"})) (def pom-file (format "%s/pom.xml" target-dir)) (def jar-file (format "%s/%s-%s.jar" target-dir (name application) version)) (def uber-file (format "%s/%s-%s-standalone.jar" target-dir (name application) version)) (defn clean [_] (b/delete {:path target-dir})) (defn uber [_] (b/delete {:path class-dir}) (b/copy-dir {:src-dirs src-dirs :target-dir class-dir}) (b/compile-clj {:basis basis :src-dirs src-dirs :class-dir class-dir}) (b/uber {:class-dir class-dir :uber-file uber-file :basis basis :main 'system})) (defn jar [_] (b/delete {:path class-dir}) (b/copy-dir {:src-dirs src-dirs :target-dir class-dir}) (b/jar {:class-dir class-dir :jar-file jar-file})) (defn pom [_] (pom/pom {:lib application :version version :write-pom true :validate-pom true :pom {:description "A chatbot for announcing upcoming matches and finding fellow players, written for the LibreGaming community" :url "https://git.libregaming.org/LibreGaming/matchbot" :licenses [:license {:name "Apache-2.0" :url "https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html"}] :developers [:developer {:id "seabass" :name "Sebastian Crane" :email "seabass-labrax@gmx.com" :organization "LibreGaming" :organization-url "https://libregaming.org" :roles [:role "Maintainer"] :timezone "Europe/London"}] :scm {:url "https://git.libregaming.org/LibreGaming/matchbot" :connection "scm:git:https://git.libregaming.org/LibreGaming/matchbot.git" :developer-connection "scm:git:ssh://git@git.libregaming.org/LibreGaming/matchbot.git"} :issue-management {:system "Gitea" :url "https://git.libregaming.org/LibreGaming/matchbot/issues"}}}) (b/copy-file {:src "pom.xml" :target pom-file}) (b/delete {:path "pom.xml"})) (defn all [_] (jar nil) (uber nil) (pom nil))