sizes and values generated from sass mq profile

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spongycake 2022-01-26 01:11:52 +00:00
parent 6dac5b5fa5
commit 1b35e763fe
1 changed files with 344 additions and 0 deletions

src/scss/vendor/_sass-mq.scss vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
// sass-mq/sass-mq
/// Base font size on the `<body>` element
/// @type Number (unit)
$mq-base-font-size: $font-size-base !default;
/// Responsive mode
/// Set to `false` to enable support for browsers that do not support @media queries,
/// (IE <= 8, Firefox <= 3, Opera <= 9)
/// You could create a stylesheet served exclusively to older browsers,
/// where @media queries are rasterized
/// @example scss
/// // old-ie.scss
/// $mq-responsive: false;
/// @import 'main'; // @media queries in this file will be rasterized up to $mq-static-breakpoint
/// // larger breakpoints will be ignored
/// @type Boolean
/// @link Disabled responsive mode documentation
$mq-responsive: true !default;
/// Breakpoint list
/// Name your breakpoints in a way that creates a ubiquitous language
/// across team members. It will improve communication between
/// stakeholders, designers, developers, and testers.
/// @type Map
/// @link Full documentation and examples
$mq-breakpoints: (
mobile: 320px,
tablet: 740px,
desktop: 980px,
wide: 1300px
) !default;
/// Static breakpoint (for fixed-width layouts)
/// Define the breakpoint from $mq-breakpoints that should
/// be used as the target width for the fixed-width layout
/// (i.e. when $mq-responsive is set to 'false') in a old-ie.scss
/// @example scss
/// // tablet-only.scss
/// //
/// // Ignore all styles above tablet breakpoint,
/// // and fix the styles (e.g. layout) at tablet width
/// $mq-responsive: false;
/// $mq-static-breakpoint: tablet;
/// @import 'main'; // @media queries in this file will be rasterized up to tablet
/// // larger breakpoints will be ignored
/// @type String
/// @link Full documentation and examples
$mq-static-breakpoint: desktop !default;
/// Show breakpoints in the top right corner
/// If you want to display the currently active breakpoint in the top
/// right corner of your site during development, add the breakpoints
/// to this list, ordered by width, e.g. (mobile, tablet, desktop).
/// @type map
$mq-show-breakpoints: () !default;
/// Customize the media type (e.g. `@media screen` or `@media print`)
/// By default sass-mq uses an "all" media type (`@media all and `)
/// @type String
/// @link Full documentation and examples
$mq-media-type: all !default;
/// Convert pixels to ems
/// @param {Number} $px - value to convert
/// @param {Number} $base-font-size ($mq-base-font-size) - `<body>` font size
/// @example scss
/// $font-size-in-ems: mq-px2em(16px);
/// p { font-size: mq-px2em(16px); }
/// @requires $mq-base-font-size
/// @returns {Number}
@function mq-px2em($px, $base-font-size: $mq-base-font-size) {
@if unitless($px) {
@warn "Assuming #{$px} to be in pixels, attempting to convert it into pixels.";
@return mq-px2em($px * 1px, $base-font-size);
} @else if unit($px) == em {
@return $px;
@return ($px / $base-font-size) * 1em;
/// Get a breakpoint's width
/// @param {String} $name - Name of the breakpoint. One of $mq-breakpoints
/// @example scss
/// $tablet-width: mq-get-breakpoint-width(tablet);
/// @media (min-width: mq-get-breakpoint-width(desktop)) {}
/// @requires {Variable} $mq-breakpoints
/// @returns {Number} Value in pixels
@function mq-get-breakpoint-width($name, $breakpoints: $mq-breakpoints) {
@if map-has-key($breakpoints, $name) {
@return map-get($breakpoints, $name);
} @else {
@warn "Breakpoint #{$name} wasn't found in $breakpoints.";
/// Media Query mixin
/// @param {String | Boolean} $from (false) - One of $mq-breakpoints
/// @param {String | Boolean} $until (false) - One of $mq-breakpoints
/// @param {String | Boolean} $and (false) - Additional media query parameters
/// @param {String} $media-type ($mq-media-type) - Media type: screen, print
/// @ignore Undocumented API, for advanced use only:
/// @ignore @param {Map} $breakpoints ($mq-breakpoints)
/// @ignore @param {String} $static-breakpoint ($mq-static-breakpoint)
/// @content styling rules, wrapped into a @media query when $responsive is true
/// @requires {Variable} $mq-media-type
/// @requires {Variable} $mq-breakpoints
/// @requires {Variable} $mq-static-breakpoint
/// @requires {function} mq-px2em
/// @requires {function} mq-get-breakpoint-width
/// @link Full documentation and examples
/// @example scss
/// .element {
/// @include mq($from: mobile) {
/// color: red;
/// }
/// @include mq($until: tablet) {
/// color: blue;
/// }
/// @include mq(mobile, tablet) {
/// color: green;
/// }
/// @include mq($from: tablet, $and: '(orientation: landscape)') {
/// color: teal;
/// }
/// @include mq(950px) {
/// color: hotpink;
/// }
/// @include mq(tablet, $media-type: screen) {
/// color: hotpink;
/// }
/// // Advanced use:
/// $my-breakpoints: (L: 900px, XL: 1200px);
/// @include mq(L, $breakpoints: $my-breakpoints, $static-breakpoint: L) {
/// color: hotpink;
/// }
/// }
@mixin mq(
$from: false,
$until: false,
$and: false,
$media-type: $mq-media-type,
$breakpoints: $mq-breakpoints,
$responsive: $mq-responsive,
$static-breakpoint: $mq-static-breakpoint
) {
$min-width: 0;
$max-width: 0;
$media-query: '';
// From: this breakpoint (inclusive)
@if $from {
@if type-of($from) == number {
$min-width: mq-px2em($from);
} @else {
$min-width: mq-px2em(mq-get-breakpoint-width($from, $breakpoints));
// Until: that breakpoint (exclusive)
@if $until {
@if type-of($until) == number {
$max-width: mq-px2em($until);
} @else {
$max-width: mq-px2em(mq-get-breakpoint-width($until, $breakpoints)) - .01em;
// Responsive support is disabled, rasterize the output outside @media blocks
// The browser will rely on the cascade itself.
@if $responsive == false {
$static-breakpoint-width: mq-get-breakpoint-width($static-breakpoint, $breakpoints);
$target-width: mq-px2em($static-breakpoint-width);
// Output only rules that start at or span our target width
@if (
$and == false
and $min-width <= $target-width
and (
$until == false or $max-width >= $target-width
and $media-type != 'print'
) {
// Responsive support is enabled, output rules inside @media queries
@else {
@if $min-width != 0 { $media-query: '#{$media-query} and (min-width: #{$min-width})'; }
@if $max-width != 0 { $media-query: '#{$media-query} and (max-width: #{$max-width})'; }
@if $and { $media-query: '#{$media-query} and #{$and}'; }
// Remove unnecessary media query prefix 'all and '
@if ($media-type == 'all' and $media-query != '') {
$media-type: '';
$media-query: str-slice(unquote($media-query), 6);
@media #{$media-type + $media-query} {
/// Quick sort
/// @author Sam Richards
/// @access private
/// @param {List} $list - List to sort
/// @returns {List} Sorted List
@function _mq-quick-sort($list) {
$less: ();
$equal: ();
$large: ();
@if length($list) > 1 {
$seed: nth($list, ceil(length($list) / 2));
@each $item in $list {
@if ($item == $seed) {
$equal: append($equal, $item);
} @else if ($item < $seed) {
$less: append($less, $item);
} @else if ($item > $seed) {
$large: append($large, $item);
@return join(join(_mq-quick-sort($less), $equal), _mq-quick-sort($large));
@return $list;
/// Sort a map by values (works with numbers only)
/// @access private
/// @param {Map} $map - Map to sort
/// @returns {Map} Map sorted by value
@function _mq-map-sort-by-value($map) {
$map-sorted: ();
$map-keys: map-keys($map);
$map-values: map-values($map);
$map-values-sorted: _mq-quick-sort($map-values);
// Reorder key/value pairs based on key values
@each $value in $map-values-sorted {
$index: index($map-values, $value);
$key: nth($map-keys, $index);
$map-sorted: map-merge($map-sorted, ($key: $value));
// Unset the value in $map-values to prevent the loop
// from finding the same index twice
$map-values: set-nth($map-values, $index, 0);
@return $map-sorted;
/// Add a breakpoint
/// @param {String} $name - Name of the breakpoint
/// @param {Number} $width - Width of the breakpoint
/// @requires {Variable} $mq-breakpoints
/// @example scss
/// @include mq-add-breakpoint(tvscreen, 1920px);
/// @include mq(tvscreen) {}
@mixin mq-add-breakpoint($name, $width) {
$new-breakpoint: ($name: $width);
$mq-breakpoints: map-merge($mq-breakpoints, $new-breakpoint) !global;
$mq-breakpoints: _mq-map-sort-by-value($mq-breakpoints) !global;
/// Show the active breakpoint in the top right corner of the viewport
/// @link
/// @param {List} $show-breakpoints ($mq-show-breakpoints) - List of breakpoints to show in the top right corner
/// @param {Map} $breakpoints ($mq-breakpoints) - Breakpoint names and sizes
/// @requires {Variable} $mq-breakpoints
/// @requires {Variable} $mq-show-breakpoints
/// @example scss
/// // Show breakpoints using global settings
/// @include mq-show-breakpoints;
/// // Show breakpoints using custom settings
/// @include mq-show-breakpoints((L, XL), (S: 300px, L: 800px, XL: 1200px));
@mixin mq-show-breakpoints($show-breakpoints: $mq-show-breakpoints, $breakpoints: $mq-breakpoints) {
body:before {
background-color: #FCF8E3;
border-bottom: 1px solid #FBEED5;
border-left: 1px solid #FBEED5;
color: #C09853;
font: small-caption;
padding: 3px 6px;
pointer-events: none;
position: fixed;
right: 0;
top: 0;
z-index: 100;
// Loop through the breakpoints that should be shown
@each $show-breakpoint in $show-breakpoints {
$width: mq-get-breakpoint-width($show-breakpoint, $breakpoints);
@include mq($show-breakpoint, $breakpoints: $breakpoints) {
content: "#{$show-breakpoint}#{$width} (#{mq-px2em($width)})";
@if length($mq-show-breakpoints) > 0 {
@include mq-show-breakpoints;