Phil Morrell 1e32a037eb
import meeting #2 minutes from pad
* collaborative anonymous editing, unknown contributors
* need .md extension to automate rendering in gitea
2022-02-02 22:20:36 +00:00

80 lines
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# Libre Gaming meeting minutes #1
## Attending
hribhrib, TtotheORY, emorrp1, Rampoina, infrared, seabass, f-a, poVoq, freem, Felix, Myrrdin, pkill9, franzo2, ericxdu, tofu
## Agenda
Get to know people and their background
This meetings should be for: Setting a deadline for decisions; talking about the topics that came up; setting future goals.
I think for opensource-focused communities like this it would be great to have like a "council" of people who WANT to take responsablities and make decisions BASED on the discussion of the community.
What are the goals? What problems are we solving? What is Libre Gaming not about? What do we want to do differently this time around?
Mechanism to send money around to share small one-off or ongoing costs. Currency?
Writing content
Improving the matchmaking bot - iterate on the current one, or write into a bot framework?
LibreGames launcher?
### What is Libre Gaming about
Multiplayer games?
Discussing singleplayer games?
Bringing together developers and play-testers
Highlighting Libre games to play with
Making it easier to people to play the games (Launcher / auto-updater)?
GameDev/GameTest, PlayTogether, Communities, Games, Projects
### Matrix, XMPP
New user familiarity (emorrp1: IRC and XMPP hard for new users, povoq; disagreed)
Large public rooms
Guest access
Matrix has benefit of nested spaces, bridging and rich content
recommend if you have no account yet
hribhrib would delete, poVoq noticed people use IRC
TBD Get rid of this horrible Matrix stuff :p
### Working Groups / Projects
* not so much setting up and organizing projects, but providing infra as needed and raising awareness
* things like libre overlays, launcher, lobby, libraries/general code sharing, achievements etc
* drive adoption of projects across games
### Domain Name
* - emorrp1
* post list of people and email addresses to create git accounts for
* domain points to various services hosted by various people
## Any Other Business
Game server hosting?
Tutorials for easy game server hosting from home or a VPS?
Matchmaking, organized tournaments?
Host a reddit alternative? ? (only a frotend for reddit)
Project room to highlight gaming projects by members inside libregaming. Project owners could benefit from call-for-help announcements, where advertising for volunteers/job positions is possible. For example, Derby Game by Open source_gaming is looking for an environment designer.
## Actions
- Snatch «»
- Buyer shares IBAN/paypal to get some of it back (accounting?)
- Website repo at
## Comments
- naming: will do
- emorrp1: we need to decide what we want to be. There are some internet spots for linux gaming, but *not* for libregaming (making people aware of librgamenight etc.).
- poVoq: libregamenight and friends seems multiplayer focused. freegamedev idea was: bring devs and tester together, *but* mostly *single player* oriented in praxis. Another org could focus on multi.
- infrared: LGN is not just multiplayer, there was SP discussion too (strategies, etc. see Mindustry). What has a legacy of LGN: some doocracy. the line between dev and player nowadays is blurred a lot. Disctinctions less important at the end.
- rampoina: basic idea. We like libregames and we would like more people to play it. PEople to find it and play it in a neat way. evangelizing is not great - inform people of advantages of libre and let them decide for themselves (infrred: laid-back advocacy)
- emorrp1: a curated list (good games! not just every game under the sun) is paramount, game ratings, reviews
- Chris L: resources for hosting/setting up (libregamenight once had pages that detailed version to be played, how to compile, how much tutorial is needed to play etc)
- infrred: not auto-update but version matching between people wanting to play together
- Libre tabletop/card/board games very welcome!
- Clear licensing upfront for web-content (CC-0, CC-by, CC-by-SA)
- southerntofu: noting strong dislike for domain name registrars