Merge branch 'develop' of github-softcoder-megaglest:MegaGlest/megaglest-source into develop

This commit is contained in:
SoftCoder 2017-03-20 17:06:46 -07:00
commit cf884261bf

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
"appid" "611990"
"desc" "MegaGlest Editor" // description for this build
"buildoutput" "..\output\" // build output folder for .log, .csm & .csd files, relative to location of this file
"contentroot" "..\content\" // root content folder, relative to location of this file
"setlive" "" // branch to set live after successful build, non if empty
"preview" "0" // to enable preview builds
"local" "" // set to file path of local content server
"578871" "linux_x64_build_578871.vdf"