
720 lines
24 KiB

// ==============================================================
// This file is part of Glest (
// Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Martiño Figueroa
// You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version
// ==============================================================
#ifdef WIN32
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#include "vec.h"
#include "math_util.h"
#include "model.h"
#include "particle.h"
#include "pixmap.h"
#include "font.h"
#include "matrix.h"
#include "selection.h"
#include "components.h"
#include "texture.h"
#include "model_manager.h"
#include "graphics_factory_gl.h"
#include "font_manager.h"
#include "camera.h"
#include <vector>
#include "model_renderer.h"
#include "model.h"
#include "graphics_interface.h"
#include "base_renderer.h"
#include "simple_threads.h"
#include "video_player.h"
# define IF_DEBUG_EDITION(x) x
# include "debug_renderer.h"
# define IF_DEBUG_EDITION(x)
#include "leak_dumper.h"
enum DebugUILevelType {
debugui_fps = 0x01,
debugui_unit_titles = 0x02
namespace Glest{ namespace Game{
using namespace ::Shared::Graphics;
using namespace ::Shared::PlatformCommon;
//non shared classes
class Config;
class Game;
class GameCamera;
class MainMenu;
class Console;
class MenuBackground;
class ChatManager;
class Object;
class ConsoleLineInfo;
class SurfaceCell;
class Program;
// =====================================================
// class MeshCallbackTeamColor
// =====================================================
class MeshCallbackTeamColor: public MeshCallback {
const Texture *teamTexture;
MeshCallbackTeamColor() : MeshCallback() {
teamTexture = NULL;
void setTeamTexture(const Texture *teamTexture) {this->teamTexture= teamTexture;}
virtual void execute(const Mesh *mesh);
static bool noTeamColors;
// ===========================================================
// class Renderer
/// OpenGL renderer, uses the shared library
// ===========================================================
class VisibleQuadContainerCache {
inline void CopyAll(const VisibleQuadContainerCache &obj) {
cacheFrame = obj.cacheFrame;
visibleObjectList = obj.visibleObjectList;
visibleUnitList = obj.visibleUnitList;
visibleQuadUnitList = obj.visibleQuadUnitList;
visibleQuadUnitBuildList = obj.visibleQuadUnitBuildList;
visibleScaledCellList = obj.visibleScaledCellList;
visibleScaledCellToScreenPosList = obj.visibleScaledCellToScreenPosList;
lastVisibleQuad = obj.lastVisibleQuad;
frustumData = obj.frustumData;
proj = obj.proj;
modl = obj.modl;
frustumDataCache = obj.frustumDataCache;
inline VisibleQuadContainerCache() {
cacheFrame = 0;
inline VisibleQuadContainerCache(const VisibleQuadContainerCache &obj) {
inline VisibleQuadContainerCache & operator=(const VisibleQuadContainerCache &obj) {
return *this;
inline void clearCacheData() {
inline void clearVolatileCacheData() {
inline void clearNonVolatileCacheData() {
inline void clearFrustumData() {
frustumData = vector<vector<float> >(6,vector<float>(4,0));
proj = vector<float>(16,0);
modl = vector<float>(16,0);
int cacheFrame;
Quad2i lastVisibleQuad;
std::vector<Object *> visibleObjectList;
std::vector<Unit *> visibleQuadUnitList;
std::vector<UnitBuildInfo> visibleQuadUnitBuildList;
std::vector<Unit *> visibleUnitList;
std::vector<Vec2i> visibleScaledCellList;
std::map<Vec2i,Vec3f> visibleScaledCellToScreenPosList;
static bool enableFrustumCalcs;
vector<vector<float> > frustumData;
vector<float> proj;
vector<float> modl;
map<pair<vector<float>,vector<float> >, vector<vector<float> > > frustumDataCache;
class VisibleQuadContainerVBOCache {
// Vertex Buffer Object Names
bool hasBuiltVBOs;
uint32 m_nVBOVertices; // Vertex VBO Name
uint32 m_nVBOFowTexCoords; // Texture Coordinate VBO Name for fog of war texture coords
uint32 m_nVBOSurfaceTexCoords; // Texture Coordinate VBO Name for surface texture coords
uint32 m_nVBONormals; // Normal VBO Name
//uint32 m_nVBOIndexes; // Indexes VBO Name
enum ConsoleMode {
class Renderer : public RendererInterface,
public BaseRenderer,
// This is for screen saver thread
public SimpleTaskCallbackInterface,
public VideoLoadingCallbackInterface {
//progress bar
static const int maxProgressBar;
static const Vec4f progressBarBack1;
static const Vec4f progressBarBack2;
static const Vec4f progressBarFront1;
static const Vec4f progressBarFront2;
//sun and moon
static const float sunDist;
static const float moonDist;
static const float lightAmbFactor;
static const int maxMouse2dAnim;
//texture units
static const GLenum baseTexUnit;
static const GLenum fowTexUnit;
static const GLenum shadowTexUnit;
static const float selectionCircleRadius;
static const float magicCircleRadius;
//perspective values
static const float perspFov;
static const float perspNearPlane;
static float perspFarPlane;
//default values
static const float ambFactor;
static const Vec4f defSpecularColor;
static const Vec4f defDiffuseColor;
static const Vec4f defAmbientColor;
static const Vec4f defColor;
static const Vec4f fowColor;
static const float maxLightDist;
static bool renderText3DEnabled;
enum Shadows {
int maxLights;
bool photoMode;
int shadowTextureSize;
int shadowFrameSkip;
float shadowIntensity;
bool focusArrows;
bool textures3D;
Shadows shadows;
int maxConsoleLines;
const Game *game;
GameCamera *gameCamera;
const MainMenu *menu;
Program *program;
int triangleCount;
int pointCount;
Quad2i visibleQuad;
Quad2i visibleQuadFromCamera;
Vec4f nearestLightPos;
VisibleQuadContainerCache quadCache;
VisibleQuadContainerCache quadCacheSelection;
ModelRenderer *modelRenderer;
TextRenderer2D *textRenderer;
TextRenderer3D *textRenderer3D;
ParticleRenderer *particleRenderer;
//texture managers
ModelManager *modelManager[rsCount];
TextureManager *textureManager[rsCount];
FontManager *fontManager[rsCount];
ParticleManager *particleManager[rsCount];
//state lists
//GLuint list3d;
//bool list3dValid;
//GLuint list2d;
//bool list2dValid;
//GLuint list3dMenu;
//bool list3dMenuValid;
//GLuint *customlist3dMenu;
//const MainMenu *mm3d;
const MainMenu *custom_mm3d;
GLuint shadowMapHandle;
bool shadowMapHandleValid;
Matrix4f shadowMapMatrix;
int shadowMapFrame;
float waterAnim;
bool allowRenderUnitTitles;
//std::vector<std::pair<Unit *,Vec3f> > renderUnitTitleList;
std::vector<Unit *> visibleFrameUnitList;
string visibleFrameUnitListCameraKey;
bool no2DMouseRendering;
bool showDebugUI;
int showDebugUILevel;
int lastRenderFps;
float smoothedRenderFps;
bool shadowsOffDueToMinRender;
std::vector<std::pair<ParticleSystem *, ResourceScope> > deferredParticleSystems;
SimpleTaskThread *saveScreenShotThread;
Mutex *saveScreenShotThreadAccessor;
std::list<std::pair<string,Pixmap2D *> > saveScreenQueue;
std::map<Vec3f,Vec3f> worldToScreenPosCache;
//bool masterserverMode;
std::map<uint32,VisibleQuadContainerVBOCache > mapSurfaceVBOCache;
class SurfaceData {
inline SurfaceData() {
static uint32 nextUniqueId;
uint32 uniqueId;
int bufferCount;
int textureHandle;
vector<Vec2f> texCoords;
vector<Vec2f> texCoordsSurface;
vector<Vec3f> vertices;
vector<Vec3f> normals;
VisibleQuadContainerVBOCache * GetSurfaceVBOs(SurfaceData *cellData);
void ReleaseSurfaceVBOs();
std::map<string,std::pair<Chrono, std::vector<SurfaceData> > > mapSurfaceData;
static bool rendererEnded;
class MapRenderer {
inline MapRenderer(): map(NULL) {}
inline ~MapRenderer() { destroy(); }
void render(const Map* map,float coordStep,VisibleQuadContainerCache &qCache);
void renderVisibleLayers(const Map* map,float coordStep,VisibleQuadContainerCache &qCache);
void destroy();
void load(float coordStep);
void loadVisibleLayers(float coordStep,VisibleQuadContainerCache &qCache);
const Map* map;
struct Layer {
inline Layer(int th):
vbo_vertices(0), vbo_normals(0),
vbo_fowTexCoords(0), vbo_surfTexCoords(0),
vbo_indices(0), indexCount(0),
textureHandle(th),textureCRC(0) {}
inline Layer & operator=(Layer &obj) {
this->vertices = obj.vertices;
this->normals = obj.normals;
this->fowTexCoords = obj.fowTexCoords;
this->surfTexCoords = obj.surfTexCoords;
this->indices = obj.indices;
this->cellToIndicesMap = obj.cellToIndicesMap;
this->rowsToRenderCache = obj.rowsToRenderCache;
this->vbo_vertices = obj.vbo_vertices;
this->vbo_normals = obj.vbo_normals;
this->vbo_fowTexCoords = obj.vbo_fowTexCoords;
this->vbo_surfTexCoords = obj.vbo_surfTexCoords;
this->vbo_indices = obj.vbo_indices;
this->indexCount = obj.indexCount;
this->textureHandle = obj.textureHandle;
this->texturePath = obj.texturePath;
this->textureCRC = obj.textureCRC;
return *this;
void load_vbos(bool vboEnabled);
void render(VisibleQuadContainerCache &qCache);
void renderVisibleLayer();
std::vector<Vec3f> vertices, normals;
std::vector<Vec2f> fowTexCoords, surfTexCoords;
std::vector<GLuint> indices;
std::map<Vec2i, int> cellToIndicesMap;
std::map<Quad2i, vector<pair<int,int> > > rowsToRenderCache;
GLuint vbo_vertices, vbo_normals,
vbo_fowTexCoords, vbo_surfTexCoords,
int indexCount;
int textureHandle;
string texturePath;
uint32 textureCRC;
typedef std::vector<Layer*> Layers;
Layers layers;
Quad2i lastVisibleQuad;
} mapRenderer;
bool ExtractFrustum(VisibleQuadContainerCache &quadCacheItem);
bool PointInFrustum(vector<vector<float> > &frustum, float x, float y, float z );
bool SphereInFrustum(vector<vector<float> > &frustum, float x, float y, float z, float radius);
bool CubeInFrustum(vector<vector<float> > &frustum, float x, float y, float z, float size );
static Renderer &getInstance();
static bool isEnded();
//bool isMasterserverMode() const { return masterserverMode; }
void addToDeferredParticleSystemList(std::pair<ParticleSystem *, ResourceScope> deferredParticleSystem);
void manageDeferredParticleSystems();
void reinitAll();
void init();
void initGame(const Game *game, GameCamera *gameCamera);
void initMenu(const MainMenu *mm);
void reset3d();
void reset2d();
void reset3dMenu();
void end();
void endScenario();
void endMenu();
void endGame(bool isFinalEnd);
inline int getTriangleCount() const {return triangleCount;}
inline int getPointCount() const {return pointCount;}
void reloadResources();
//engine interface
void initTexture(ResourceScope rs, Texture *texture);
void endTexture(ResourceScope rs, Texture *texture,bool mustExistInList=false);
void endLastTexture(ResourceScope rs, bool mustExistInList=false);
Model *newModel(ResourceScope rs,const string &path,bool deletePixMapAfterLoad=false,std::map<string,vector<pair<string, string> > > *loadedFileList=NULL, string *sourceLoader=NULL);
void endModel(ResourceScope rs, Model *model, bool mustExistInList=false);
void endLastModel(ResourceScope rs, bool mustExistInList=false);
Texture2D *newTexture2D(ResourceScope rs);
Texture3D *newTexture3D(ResourceScope rs);
Font2D *newFont(ResourceScope rs);
Font3D *newFont3D(ResourceScope rs);
void endFont(::Shared::Graphics::Font *font, ResourceScope rs, bool mustExistInList=false);
void resetFontManager(ResourceScope rs);
inline TextRenderer2D *getTextRenderer() const {return textRenderer;}
inline TextRenderer3D *getTextRenderer3D() const {return textRenderer3D;}
void manageParticleSystem(ParticleSystem *particleSystem, ResourceScope rs);
void cleanupParticleSystems(vector<ParticleSystem *> &particleSystems,ResourceScope rs);
void cleanupUnitParticleSystems(vector<UnitParticleSystem *> &particleSystems,ResourceScope rs);
bool validateParticleSystemStillExists(ParticleSystem * particleSystem,ResourceScope rs) const;
void removeParticleSystemsForParticleOwner(ParticleOwner * particleOwner,ResourceScope rs);
void updateParticleManager(ResourceScope rs,int renderFps=-1);
void renderParticleManager(ResourceScope rs);
void swapBuffers();
//lights and camera
void setupLighting();
void setupLightingForRotatedModel();
void loadGameCameraMatrix();
void loadCameraMatrix(const Camera *camera);
void computeVisibleQuad();
//basic rendering
void renderMouse2d(int mouseX, int mouseY, int anim, float fade= 0.f);
void renderMouse3d();
void renderGhostModel(const UnitType *building, const Vec2i pos,CardinalDir facing,Vec4f *forceColor=NULL);
void renderBackground(const Texture2D *texture);
void renderTextureQuad(int x, int y, int w, int h, const Texture2D *texture, float alpha=1.f,const Vec3f *color=NULL);
void renderConsole(const Console *console, ConsoleMode mode=consoleNormal, int overrideMaxConsoleLines=-1);
void renderConsoleLine3D(int lineIndex, int xPosition, int yPosition, int lineHeight, Font3D* font, string stringToHightlight, const ConsoleLineInfo *lineInfo);
void renderConsoleLine(int lineIndex, int xPosition, int yPosition, int lineHeight, Font2D* font, string stringToHightlight, const ConsoleLineInfo *lineInfo);
void renderChatManager(const ChatManager *chatManager);
void renderClock();
void renderPerformanceStats();
void renderResourceStatus();
void renderSelectionQuad();
void renderText(const string &text, Font2D *font, float alpha, int x, int y, bool centered= false);
void renderText(const string &text, Font2D *font, const Vec3f &color, int x, int y, bool centered= false);
void renderText(const string &text, Font2D *font, const Vec4f &color, int x, int y, bool centered=false);
void renderTextShadow(const string &text, Font2D *font,const Vec4f &color, int x, int y, bool centered= false);
void renderText3D(const string &text, Font3D *font, float alpha, int x, int y, bool centered);
void renderText3D(const string &text, Font3D *font, const Vec3f &color, int x, int y, bool centered);
void renderText3D(const string &text, Font3D *font, const Vec4f &color, int x, int y, bool centered);
void renderTextShadow3D(const string &text, Font3D *font,const Vec4f &color, int x, int y, bool centered=false);
void renderProgressBar3D(int size, int x, int y, Font3D *font, int customWidth=-1, string prefixLabel="", bool centeredText=true,int customHeight=-1);
Vec2f getCentered3DPos(const string &text, Font3D *font, Vec2f &pos, int w, int h, bool centeredW, bool centeredH);
void renderTextBoundingBox3D(const string &text, Font3D *font, const Vec4f &color, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool centeredW, bool centeredH, bool editModeEnabled, int maxEditWidth, int maxEditRenderWidth);
void renderTextBoundingBox3D(const string &text, Font3D *font, const Vec3f &color, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool centeredW, bool centeredH, bool editModeEnabled,int maxEditWidth, int maxEditRenderWidth);
void renderTextBoundingBox3D(const string &text, Font3D *font, float alpha, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool centeredW, bool centeredH, bool editModeEnabled,int maxEditWidth, int maxEditRenderWidth);
void renderTextSurroundingBox(int x, int y, int w, int h,int maxEditWidth, int maxEditRenderWidth);
void beginRenderToTexture(Texture2D **renderToTexture);
void endRenderToTexture(Texture2D **renderToTexture);
void renderFPSWhenEnabled(int lastFps);
void renderLabel(GraphicLabel *label);
void renderLabel(GraphicLabel *label,const Vec3f *color);
void renderLabel(GraphicLabel *label,const Vec4f *color);
void renderButton(GraphicButton *button,const Vec4f *fontColorOverride=NULL,bool *lightedOverride=NULL);
void renderCheckBox(const GraphicCheckBox *box);
void renderLine(const GraphicLine *line);
void renderScrollBar(const GraphicScrollBar *sb);
void renderListBox(GraphicListBox *listBox);
void renderMessageBox(GraphicMessageBox *listBox);
void renderPopupMenu(PopupMenu *menu);
//complex rendering
void renderSurface(const int renderFps);
void renderObjects(const int renderFps);
void renderWater();
void renderUnits(bool airUnits, const int renderFps);
void renderUnitsToBuild(const int renderFps);
void renderSelectionEffects(int healthbarMode);
void renderHealthBars(int healthbarMode);
void renderWaterEffects();
void renderHud();
void renderMinimap();
void renderDisplay();
void renderMenuBackground(const MenuBackground *menuBackground);
void renderMapPreview(const MapPreview *map, bool renderAll, int screenX, int screenY,Texture2D **renderToTexture=NULL);
void renderMenuBackground(Camera *camera, float fade, Model *mainModel, vector<Model *> characterModels,const Vec3f characterPosition, float anim);
bool ccomputePosition(const Vec2i &screenPos, Vec2i &worldPos,bool exactCoords=false);
void computeSelected(Selection::UnitContainer &units, const Object *&obj, const bool withObjectSelection, const Vec2i &posDown, const Vec2i &posUp);
void selectUsingColorPicking(Selection::UnitContainer &units, const Object *&obj,const bool withObjectSelection,const Vec2i &posDown, const Vec2i &posUp);
void selectUsingSelectionBuffer(Selection::UnitContainer &units,const Object *&obj, const bool withObjectSelection,const Vec2i &posDown, const Vec2i &posUp);
void selectUsingFrustumSelection(Selection::UnitContainer &units,const Object *&obj, const bool withObjectSelection,const Vec2i &posDown, const Vec2i &posUp);
//gl wrap
string getGlInfo();
string getGlMoreInfo();
void autoConfig();
void clearBuffers();
void clearZBuffer();
void renderShadowsToTexture(const int renderFps);
void loadConfig();
void saveScreen(const string &path,int w=0, int h=0);
inline Quad2i getVisibleQuad() const {return visibleQuad;}
inline Quad2i getVisibleQuadFromCamera() const {return visibleQuadFromCamera;}
void renderTeamColorPlane();
void renderSpecialHighlightUnits(std::map<int,HighlightSpecialUnitInfo> unitHighlightList);
void renderTeamColorCircle();
void renderMorphEffects();
static Shadows strToShadows(const string &s);
static string shadowsToStr(Shadows shadows);
inline const Game * getGame() { return game; }
void setAllowRenderUnitTitles(bool value);
inline bool getAllowRenderUnitTitles() { return allowRenderUnitTitles; }
void renderUnitTitles(Font2D *font, Vec3f color);
void renderUnitTitles3D(Font3D *font, Vec3f color);
Vec3f computeScreenPosition(const Vec3f &worldPos);
void setPhotoMode(bool value) { photoMode = value; }
inline bool getNo2DMouseRendering() const { return no2DMouseRendering; }
void setNo2DMouseRendering(bool value) { no2DMouseRendering = value; }
inline bool getShowDebugUI() const { return showDebugUI; }
void setShowDebugUI(bool value) { showDebugUI = value; }
inline int getShowDebugUILevel() const { return showDebugUILevel; }
void setShowDebugUILevel(int value) { showDebugUILevel=value; }
void cycleShowDebugUILevel();
void setLastRenderFps(int value);
inline int getLastRenderFps() const { return lastRenderFps;}
VisibleQuadContainerCache & getQuadCache(bool updateOnDirtyFrame=true,bool forceNew=false);
std::pair<bool,Vec3f> posInCellQuadCache(Vec2i pos);
Vec3f getMarkedCellScreenPosQuadCache(Vec2i pos);
void updateMarkedCellScreenPosQuadCache(Vec2i pos);
void forceQuadCacheUpdate();
void renderVisibleMarkedCells(bool renderTextHint=false,int x=-1, int y=-1);
void renderMarkedCellsOnMinimap();
void renderHighlightedCellsOnMinimap();
void removeObjectFromQuadCache(const Object *o);
void removeUnitFromQuadCache(const Unit *unit);
std::size_t getCurrentPixelByteCount(ResourceScope rs=rsGame) const;
unsigned int getSaveScreenQueueSize();
Texture2D *saveScreenToTexture(int x, int y, int width, int height);
void renderProgressBar(int size, int x, int y, Font2D *font,int customWidth=-1, string prefixLabel="", bool centeredText=true);
static Texture2D * findTexture(string logoFilename);
static Texture2D * preloadTexture(string logoFilename);
inline int getCachedSurfaceDataSize() const { return (int)mapSurfaceData.size(); }
//void setCustom3dMenuList(GLuint *customlist3dMenu) { this->customlist3dMenu = customlist3dMenu; }
//inline GLuint * getCustom3dMenuList() const { return this->customlist3dMenu; }
void setCustom3dMenu(const MainMenu *mm) { this->custom_mm3d = mm; }
const MainMenu * getCustom3dMenu() { return this->custom_mm3d; }
void init3dListMenu(const MainMenu *mm);
void setProgram(Program *program) { this->program = program; }
void setupRenderForVideo();
virtual void renderVideoLoading(int progressPercent);
//private misc
float computeSunAngle(float time);
float computeMoonAngle(float time);
Vec4f computeSunPos(float time);
Vec4f computeMoonPos(float time);
inline Vec4f computeWaterColor(float waterLevel, float cellHeight) {
const float waterFactor= 1.5f;
return Vec4f(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, clamp((waterLevel-cellHeight) * waterFactor, 0.f, 1.f));
void checkExtension(const string &extension, const string &msg);
//selection render
vector<Object *> renderObjectsFast(bool renderingShadows = false, bool resourceOnly = false, bool colorPickingSelection = false);
vector<Unit *> renderUnitsFast(bool renderingShadows = false, bool colorPickingSelection = false);
//gl requirements
void checkGlCaps();
void checkGlOptionalCaps();
//gl init
void init3dList();
void init2dList();
void loadProjectionMatrix();
void enableProjectiveTexturing();
//private aux drawing
void renderSelectionCircle(Vec3f v, int size, float radius, float thickness=0.2f);
bool isHealthBarVisible(const Unit *unit,int healthbarMode);
void renderHealthBar(Vec3f v, Unit *unit, float height, bool lineBorder, const Texture2D *texture=NULL, const Texture2D *backgroundTexture=NULL);
void internalRenderHp(int numberOfBars, int barNumber, float hp, Vec3f posVector, float width, float singleHPheight, Vec3f rightVector, Vec3f upVector);
void renderTeamColorEffect(Vec3f &v, int heigth, int size, Vec3f color, const Texture2D *texture);
void renderArrow(const Vec3f &pos1, const Vec3f &pos2, const Vec3f &color, float width);
void renderTile(const Vec2i &pos);
void renderQuad(int x, int y, int w, int h, const Texture2D *texture);
void simpleTask(BaseThread *callingThread,void *userdata);
static Texture2D::Filter strToTextureFilter(const string &s);
void cleanupScreenshotThread();
void render2dMenuSetup();
void render3dSetup();
void render3dMenuSetup(const MainMenu *mm);
int renderResource(const Faction *factionForResourceView,
bool localFactionResourcesOnly,bool twoResourceLines, const ResourceType *rt,
int startRow, int &resourceCountRendered);
}} //end namespace