
546 lines
9.6 KiB

// ==============================================================
// This file is part of Glest Shared Library (
// Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Martio Figueroa
// You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version
// ==============================================================
#include "math_wrapper.h"
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include "leak_dumper.h"
namespace Shared{ namespace Graphics{
template<typename T> class Vec2;
template<typename T> class Vec3;
template<typename T> class Vec4;
// =====================================================
// class Vec2
// =====================================================
template<typename T>
class Vec2{
T x;
T y;
explicit Vec2(T *p){
this->x= p[0];
this->y= p[1];
explicit Vec2(T xy){
this->x= xy;
this->y= xy;
template<typename S>
explicit Vec2(const Vec2<S> &v){
this->x= v.x;
this->y= v.y;
template<typename S>
explicit Vec2(Vec2<S> &v){
this->x= v.x;
this->y= v.y;
Vec2(T x, T y){
this->x= x;
this->y= y;
T *ptr(){
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(this);
const T *ptr() const{
return reinterpret_cast<const T*>(this);
Vec2<T> & operator=(const Vec2<T> &v) {
this->x= v.x;
this->y= v.y;
return *this;
bool operator ==(const Vec2<T> &v) const{
return x==v.x && y==v.y;
bool operator !=(const Vec2<T> &v) const{
return x!=v.x || y!=v.y;
Vec2<T> operator +(const Vec2<T> &v) const{
return Vec2(x+v.x, y+v.y);
Vec2<T> operator -(const Vec2<T> &v) const{
return Vec2(x-v.x, y-v.y);
Vec2<T> operator -() const{
return Vec2(-x, -y);
Vec2<T> operator *(const Vec2<T> &v) const{
return Vec2(x*v.x, y*v.y);
Vec2<T> operator *(T s) const{
return Vec2(x*s, y*s);
Vec2<T> operator /(const Vec2<T> &v) const{
return Vec2(x/v.x, y/v.y);
Vec2<T> operator /(T s) const{
return Vec2(x/s, y/s);
Vec2<T> operator +=(const Vec2<T> &v){
return *this;
Vec2<T> operator -=(const Vec2<T> &v){
return *this;
Vec2<T> lerp(T t, const Vec2<T> &v) const{
return *this + (v - *this)*t;
T dot(const Vec2<T> &v) const{
return x*v.x+y*v.y;
float dist(const Vec2<T> &v) const{
return Vec2<T>(v-*this).length();
// strict week ordering, so Vec2<T> can be used as key for set<> or map<>
bool operator<(const Vec2<T> &v) const {
return x < v.x || (x == v.x && y < v.y);
float length() const{
return static_cast<float>(streflop::sqrt(static_cast<float>(x*x + y*y)));
return static_cast<float>(sqrt(static_cast<float>(x*x + y*y)));
void normalize(){
T m= length();
x/= m;
y/= m;
std::string getString() const {
std::ostringstream streamOut;
streamOut << "x [" << x;
streamOut << "] y [" << y << "]";
std::string result = streamOut.str();
return result;
template <typename T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const Vec2<T> &vec) {
return stream << "(" << vec.x << ", " << vec.y << ")";
typedef Vec2<int> Vec2i;
typedef Vec2<bool> Vec2b;
typedef Vec2<char> Vec2c;
typedef Vec2<float> Vec2f;
typedef Vec2<double> Vec2d;
// =====================================================
// class Vec3
// =====================================================
template<typename T>
class Vec3{
T x;
T y;
T z;
explicit Vec3(T *p){
this->x= p[0];
this->y= p[1];
this->z= p[2];
explicit Vec3(T xyz){
this->x= xyz;
this->y= xyz;
this->z= xyz;
template<typename S>
explicit Vec3(const Vec3<S> &v){
this->x= v.x;
this->y= v.y;
this->z= v.z;
template<typename S>
explicit Vec3(Vec3<S> &v){
this->x= v.x;
this->y= v.y;
this->z= v.z;
Vec3(T x, T y, T z){
this->x= x;
this->y= y;
this->z= z;
explicit Vec3(Vec4<T> v){
this->x= v.x;
this->y= v.y;
this->z= v.z;
T *ptr(){
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(this);
const T *ptr() const{
return reinterpret_cast<const T*>(this);
Vec3<T> & operator=(const Vec3<T> &v) {
this->x= v.x;
this->y= v.y;
this->z= v.z;
return *this;
bool operator ==(const Vec3<T> &v) const{
return x==v.x && y==v.y && z==v.z;
bool operator !=(const Vec3<T> &v) const{
return x!=v.x || y!=v.y || z!=v.z;
Vec3<T> operator +(const Vec3<T> &v) const{
return Vec3(x+v.x, y+v.y, z+v.z);
Vec3<T> operator -(const Vec3<T> &v) const{
return Vec3(x-v.x, y-v.y, z-v.z);
Vec3<T> operator -() const{
return Vec3(-x, -y, -z);
Vec3<T> operator *(const Vec3<T> &v) const{
return Vec3(x*v.x, y*v.y, z*v.z);
Vec3<T> operator *(T s) const{
return Vec3(x*s, y*s, z*s);
Vec3<T> operator /(const Vec3<T> &v) const{
return Vec3(x/v.x, y/v.y, z/v.z);
Vec3<T> operator /(T s) const{
return Vec3(x/s, y/s, z/s);
Vec3<T> operator +=(const Vec3<T> &v){
return *this;
Vec3<T> operator -=(const Vec3<T> &v){
return *this;
bool operator <(const Vec3<T> &v) const {
return x < v.x || (x == v.x && y < v.y) || (x == v.x && y == v.y && z < v.z);
Vec3<T> lerp(T t, const Vec3<T> &v) const{
return *this + (v - *this) * t;
T dot(const Vec3<T> &v) const{
return x*v.x + y*v.y + z*v.z;
float dist(const Vec3<T> &v) const{
return Vec3<T>(v-*this).length();
float length() const{
return static_cast<float>(streflop::sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z));
return static_cast<float>(sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z));
void normalize(){
T m= length();
x/= m;
y/= m;
z/= m;
Vec3<T> getNormalized() const{
T m= length();
return Vec3<T>(x/m, y/m, z/m);
Vec3<T> cross(const Vec3<T> &v) const{
return Vec3<T>(
Vec3<T> normal(const Vec3<T> &p1, const Vec3<T> &p2) const{
Vec3<T> rv;
rv= (p2-*this).cross(p1-*this);
return rv;
Vec3<T> normal(const Vec3<T> &p1, const Vec3<T> &p2, const Vec3<T> &p3, const Vec3<T> &p4) const{
Vec3<T> rv;
rv= this->normal(p1, p2);
rv= rv + this->normal(p2, p3);
rv= rv + this->normal(p3, p4);
rv= rv + this->normal(p4, p1);
return rv;
std::string getString() const {
std::ostringstream streamOut;
streamOut << "x [" << x;
streamOut << "] y [" << y;
streamOut << "] z [" << z << "]";
std::string result = streamOut.str();
return result;
typedef Vec3<int> Vec3i;
typedef Vec3<bool> Vec3b;
typedef Vec3<char> Vec3c;
typedef Vec3<float> Vec3f;
typedef Vec3<double> Vec3d;
// =====================================================
// class Vec4
// =====================================================
template<typename T>
class Vec4{
T x;
T y;
T z;
T w;
explicit Vec4(T *p){
this->x= p[0];
this->y= p[1];
this->z= p[2];
this->w= p[3];
explicit Vec4(T xyzw){
this->x= xyzw;
this->y= xyzw;
this->z= xyzw;
this->w= xyzw;
template<typename S>
explicit Vec4(const Vec4<S> &v){
this->x= v.x;
this->y= v.y;
this->z= v.z;
this->w= v.w;
template<typename S>
explicit Vec4(Vec4<S> &v){
this->x= v.x;
this->y= v.y;
this->z= v.z;
this->w= v.w;
Vec4(T x, T y, T z, T w){
this->x= x;
this->y= y;
this->z= z;
this->w= w;
Vec4(Vec3<T> v, T w){
this->x= v.x;
this->y= v.y;
this->z= v.z;
this->w= w;
explicit Vec4(Vec3<T> v){
this->x= v.x;
this->y= v.y;
this->z= v.z;
this->w= 1;
T *ptr(){
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(this);
const T *ptr() const{
return reinterpret_cast<const T*>(this);
Vec4<T> & operator=(const Vec4<T> &v) {
this->x= v.x;
this->y= v.y;
this->z= v.z;
this->w= v.w;
return *this;
bool operator ==(const Vec4<T> &v) const{
return x==v.x && y==v.y && z==v.z && w==v.w;
bool operator !=(const Vec4<T> &v) const{
return x!=v.x || y!=v.y || z!=v.z || w!=v.w;
Vec4<T> operator +(const Vec4<T> &v) const{
return Vec4(x+v.x, y+v.y, z+v.z, w+v.w);
Vec4<T> operator -(const Vec4<T> &v) const{
return Vec4(x-v.x, y-v.y, z-v.z, w-v.w);
Vec4<T> operator -() const{
return Vec4(-x, -y, -z, -w);
Vec4<T> operator *(const Vec4<T> &v) const{
return Vec4(x*v.x, y*v.y, z*v.z, w*v.w);
Vec4<T> operator *(T s) const{
return Vec4(x*s, y*s, z*s, w*s);
Vec4<T> operator /(const Vec4<T> &v) const{
return Vec4(x/v.x, y/v.y, z/v.z, w/v.w);
Vec4<T> operator /(T s) const{
return Vec4(x/s, y/s, z/s, w/s);
Vec4<T> operator +=(const Vec4<T> &v){
return *this;
Vec4<T> operator -=(const Vec4<T> &v){
return *this;
bool operator <(const Vec4<T> &v) const {
return x < v.x || (x == v.x && y < v.y) || (x == v.x && y == v.y && z < v.z) || (x == v.x && y == v.y && z == v.z && w < v.w);
Vec4<T> lerp(T t, const Vec4<T> &v) const{
return *this + (v - *this) *t;
T dot(const Vec4<T> &v) const{
return x*v.x + y*v.y + z*v.z + w*v.w;
std::string getString() const {
std::ostringstream streamOut;
streamOut << "x [" << x;
streamOut << "] y [" << y;
streamOut << "] z [" << z;
streamOut << "] w [" << w << "]";
std::string result = streamOut.str();
return result;
typedef Vec4<int> Vec4i;
typedef Vec4<bool> Vec4b;
typedef Vec4<char> Vec4c;
typedef Vec4<float> Vec4f;
typedef Vec4<double> Vec4d;
}} //enmd namespace