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Contact hribhrib

Admin: Christopher Hribar

You can write me an email or XMPP-message to chris @ this domain.

For encryption use my public pgp key here.


If you want to support my services you can help by donating! All services are paid by my own company hribar.IT, all informations are public available and the most convenient way to send money is via bank transfer. (Other methods may be available in the future)

Owner:Christopher Hribar
IBAN:AT25 3928 8000 0072 0763


Sourcecode of my sites and other projects can be found here.

Legal notices

I did not, do not and will not collect any data of the visitors of my website on purpose. There is no JavaScript or cookies in use. If you do not want my web-server to see your IP-address, use TOR.

I take no responsibilities for links going outside of my server.