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Our next event will be coming very soon on Saturday 17 February 2024, 12:00 UTC and the host this time is hribhrib.

This time we have something new, the "Community Pick"! YOU can choose a game that will be played on the next event, just visit our survey and choose the games you like.

We also have a new game in the scene: Wasted, where the main developer Franzo will be talking about the game in the live stream.

There is also a tournament this time. The game is Armagetron Advanced and we'll have a Free For All tournament where the winner get to pick a FOSS game-related project that we will donate €25 (EUR) to! So get yourself ready and just show up on time to participate!

Of course, we have some seen before classics as well. The full game list is:

The schedule can be found on the schedule page and some of the event will be live streamed.

Hope to see you soon!

Flyer for the event at 2024-02-17{:class="img-fluid p-5"}

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