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Contributing to matchbot

Thank you for your interest in improving matchbot! Here are some guidelines that will be useful to keep in mind through the process of submitting changes.

  1. Make a personal fork of this repository on the LibreGaming Git server to push changes to (ask for an account on the Git server if you don't already have one).

  2. Write meaningful Git commit messages - here is a good guide for that.

  3. After pushing your changes to your personal fork, make a pull request with the web interface or with the tea command-line client. Make sure to wait a few days to let others comment on your changes.

  4. If there are no objections and you've resolved any issues that might have been brought up, rebase the commits onto the master branch. If there are many commits, consider 'squashing' them into one with a single meaningful message when rebasing.

matchbot is open source software, allowing anyone to use it without restriction. In order to maintain this, please take the time to ensure that your contributions are properly licensed.

Developer Certificate of Origin

Please include a 'Signed-off-by:' line in the message of each commit to show that you have agreed to the Developer Certificate of Origin, version 1.1. You can add this automatically by using the --signoff flag when running git commit.

REUSE headers

matchbot follows the REUSE specification to make it easy for people to find out its licensing and copyright.

As such, all files should start with a comment of the file's licence:

;; SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

When you modify a file, add a copyright header comment to it with the year when you first modified the file, your name and finally your email address. For example:

;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Joe Bloggs <>

If the copyright to your contributions is held by your employer, put your employer's name in brackets after your own name.