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2023-05-26 17:34:37 +02:00
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2023-05-29 16:22:18 +02:00
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2023-06-13 13:19:28 +02:00
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2023-05-26 17:34:37 +02:00
<h2>Game server</h2>
2023-05-29 16:22:18 +02:00
During an event we have one single server hosting all of the <a href="#games">games
2023-05-26 17:34:37 +02:00
listed</a>. Even games that are not in the schedule will have servers running to
facilitate free play. System requirements are very low. You'll only need 2GB of memory, 2 CPU cores, and 30 GB of disk space.
Code for setting up this game server is available at
2023-06-08 16:13:07 +02:00
<a target="_blank" href="https://git.libregaming.org/onFOSS/Gameserver">git.libregaming.org</a>
2023-05-26 17:34:37 +02:00
and is licensed under the AGPLv3 or later, meaning you are free to use and modify
the code as long as you make the modifications available.
The deploy script is intended to run on a clean Debian virtual machine. Further
2023-05-26 17:34:37 +02:00
instructions are available on the git page but feel free to ask questions of course!
<h2>Become a host</h2>
If you wish to host an event then that is great! We encourage anyone to do so. Please get in contact with us to get your event listed in the schedule and we can advertise.
If you want to run games that are not already in the list, make sure that they are open source so to stay in the spirit on onFOSS.
2023-05-29 16:22:18 +02:00
2023-06-08 16:13:07 +02:00
There is a <a target="_blank" href="https://git.libregaming.org/onFOSS/HowToHost/src/branch/main/HowToHost.md">HowToHost</a> document with detailed description how to host a event available.
2023-05-29 16:22:18 +02:00
<h2 id="games">Games</h2>
2023-06-08 16:13:07 +02:00
<p>Here is a list of Games that are tested and also in the <a target="_blank" href="https://git.libregaming.org/onFOSS/Gameserver">gameserver script</a>. To include a game to onFOSS it has to be hostable as a dedicated server and should include binaries for Linux, Windows and MacOS. See also the <a href="help.html">Help</a> section for more information about the games.</p>
2023-05-29 16:22:18 +02:00
<table class="table">
<td><a href="help_armagetron.html"><img src="assets/img/armagetron.png" height="64" alt="Tiny screenshot of Armagetron Advanced"></a></td>
<td>Armagetron Advanced</td>
Drive your lightcycle and leave a lightwall behind you. Survive as long as you can and try to make other run into walls.
2023-07-16 01:29:26 +02:00
<td><a href="help_armagetron.html" class="link-secondary">More info</a></td>
2023-05-29 16:22:18 +02:00
<td><a href="help_bzflag.html"><img src="assets/img/bzflag.png" height="64" alt="Tiny screenshot of Bzflag"></a></td>
Drive around in a tank that can jump, trying to shoot your opponents while dodging their bullets.
2023-07-16 01:29:26 +02:00
<td><a href="help_bzflag.html" class="link-secondary">More info</a></td>
2023-05-29 16:22:18 +02:00
2023-08-18 21:25:24 +02:00
<td><a href="help_fteqw.html"><img src="assets/img/fteqw.png" height="64" alt="Tiny screenshot of FTEQW"></a></td>
Source engine for Quake combined with the LibreQuake assets.
<td><a href="help_fteqw.html" class="link-secondary">More info</a></td>
2023-05-29 16:22:18 +02:00
<td><a href="help_hedgewars.html"><img src="assets/img/hedgewars.png" height="64" alt="Tiny screenshot of Hedgewars"></a></td>
Worms-like game where your team of hedgehogs needs to destroy the other teams using the ludicrous arsenal at their disposal.
2023-07-16 01:29:26 +02:00
<td><a href="help_hedgewars.html" class="link-secondary">More info</a></td>
<td><a href="help_hypersomnia.html"><img src="assets/img/hypersomnia.png" height="64" alt="Tiny screenshot of Hypersomnia"></a></td>
2023-08-27 17:16:27 +02:00
Hypersomnia is a fast-paced top-down arena shooter.
2023-07-16 01:29:26 +02:00
<td><a href="help_hypersomnia.html" class="link-secondary">More info</a></td>
2023-05-29 16:22:18 +02:00
<td><a href="help_lix.html"><img src="assets/img/lix.png" height="64" alt="Tiny screenshot of Lix"></a></td>
Lemmings-like game where you need to guide your little people to safety despite their best efforts of wandering into things that will kill them.
2023-07-16 01:29:26 +02:00
<td><a href="help_lix.html" class="link-secondary">More info</a></td>
2023-05-29 16:22:18 +02:00
<td><a href="help_mindustry.html"><img src="assets/img/mindustry.png" height="64" alt="Tiny screenshot of Mindustry"></a></td>
A building and tower defence game where you build up an industry and defences against ever larger waves of enemies.
2023-07-16 01:29:26 +02:00
<td><a href="help_mindustry.html" class="link-secondary">More info</a></td>
2023-05-29 16:22:18 +02:00
<td><a href="help_minetest.html"><img src="assets/img/minetest.png" height="64" alt="Tiny screenshot of Minetest (Blockbomber)"></a></td>
<td>Minetest (Blockbomber)</td>
The classic Bomberman game in 3D as a mod for Minetest
2023-07-16 01:29:26 +02:00
<td><a href="help_minetest.html" class="link-secondary">More info</a></td>
2023-05-29 16:22:18 +02:00
<td><a href="help_odamex.html"><img src="assets/img/odamex.png" height="64" alt="Tiny screenshot of Odamex"></a></td>
Multiplayer-focused DOOM engine that allows deathmatch, coop, and capture the flag mode. Here we are using the Freedom assets so you don't need a copy of the original game to play.
2023-07-16 01:29:26 +02:00
<td><a href="help_odamex.html" class="link-secondary">More info</a></td>
2023-05-29 16:22:18 +02:00
<td><a href="help_openhv.html"><img src="assets/img/openhv.png" height="64" alt="Tiny screenshot of OpenHV"></a></td>
Real-time strategy game where you mine resources and build units to attack and defend.
2023-07-16 01:29:26 +02:00
<td><a href="help_openhv.html" class="link-secondary">More info</a></td>
2023-05-29 16:22:18 +02:00
<td><a href="help_opensoldat.html"><img src="assets/img/opensoldat.png" height="64" alt="Tiny screenshot of OpenSoldat"></a></td>
Fast-paced 2D side-scrolling shooter game where you have a big gun and a jetpack.
2023-07-16 01:29:26 +02:00
<td><a href="help_opensoldat.html" class="link-secondary">More info</a></td>
2023-05-29 16:22:18 +02:00
<td><a href="help_openspades.html"><img src="assets/img/openspades.png" height="64" alt="Tiny screenshot of OpenSpades"></a></td>
Mix between a first person shooter and Minecraft. Build defence structures, dig many tunnels or go on the offensive.
<br><mark>Warning:</mark> uses potentially non-open assets. Fix is <a href="help_openspades.html#nonfreeassets"> here</a>.
2023-07-16 01:29:26 +02:00
<td><a href="help_openspades.html" class="link-secondary">More info</a></td>
2023-05-29 16:22:18 +02:00
<td><a href="help_shatteredparadise.html"><img src="assets/img/shatteredparadise.png" height="64" alt="Tiny screenshot of Shattered Paradise"></a></td>
<td>Shattered Paradise</td>
Real-time strategy game where you mine resources and build units to attack and defend.
2023-07-16 01:29:26 +02:00
<td><a href="help_shatteredparadise.html" class="link-secondary">More info</a></td>
2023-05-29 16:22:18 +02:00
<td><a href="help_supertuxparty.html"><img src="assets/img/supertuxparty.png" height="64" alt="Tiny screenshot of Super Tux Party"></a></td>
<td>Super Tux Party</td>
Turn-based party game where you challenge other player in real-time mini games.
2023-07-16 01:29:26 +02:00
<td><a href="help_supertuxparty.html" class="link-secondary">More info</a></td>
2023-05-29 16:22:18 +02:00
<td><a href="help_supertuxkart.html"><img src="assets/img/supertuxkart.png" height="64" alt="Tiny screenshot of SuperTuxKart"></a></td>
Kart racing game where you can use the various power-ups to give yourself a boost of hinder your opponents.
2023-07-16 01:29:26 +02:00
<td><a href="help_supertuxkart.html" class="link-secondary">More info</a></td>
2023-05-29 16:22:18 +02:00
<td><a href="help_teeworlds.html"><img src="assets/img/teeworlds.png" height="64" alt="Tiny screenshot of Teeworlds"></a></td>
Fast-paced 2D side-scrolling shooter game where you have a big gun and a grappling hook.
2023-07-16 01:29:26 +02:00
<td><a href="help_teeworlds.html" class="link-secondary">More info</a></td>
2023-05-29 16:22:18 +02:00
<td><a href="help_ufoai.html"><img src="assets/img/ufoai.png" height="64" alt="Tiny screenshot of UFO: Alien Invasion"></a></td>
<td>UFO: Alien Invasion</td>
Squad-based turn-based tactical strategy game in the tradition of the old X-COM PC games
2023-07-16 01:29:26 +02:00
<td><a href="help_ufoai.html" class="link-secondary">More info</a></td>
2023-05-29 16:22:18 +02:00
<td><a href="help_unvanquished.html"><img src="assets/img/unvanquished.png" height="64" alt="Tiny screenshot of Unvanquished"></a></td>
First-person shooter of aliens vs humans. There are several classes and it's possible to build structures.
2023-07-16 01:29:26 +02:00
<td><a href="help_unvanquished.html" class="link-secondary">More info</a></td>
2023-05-29 16:22:18 +02:00
<td><a href="help_xonotic.html"><img src="assets/img/xonotic.png" height="64" alt="Tiny screenshot of Xonotic"></a></td>
First-person shooter where players compete in a 3D world. It features Battle Royale mode.
2023-07-16 01:29:26 +02:00
<td><a href="help_xonotic.html" class="link-secondary">More info</a></td>
2023-05-29 16:22:18 +02:00
2023-06-11 16:49:24 +02:00
<h2 id="media">Media</h2>
2023-08-27 17:16:27 +02:00
<p>All assets we made for onFOSS and the game server are freely available under a CC0 (public domain) license</p>
<h3 id="logos">Logos</h3>
<li>Catable-Icon: <a href="/assets/img/catable-icon.zip" download>catable-icon.zip</a></li>
<li>onFOSS-Banner: <a href="/assets/img/onfoss-banner.zip" download>onfoss-banner.zip</a></li>
<li>onFOSS-Square: <a href="/assets/img/onfoss-logo-square.zip" download>onfoss-logo-square.zip</a></li>
<h3 id="flyer">Flyer</h3>
<li>2023-09-23: <a href="/assets/img/flyer/flyer-20230923.svg" download>flyer-20230923.svg</a></li>
<h3 id="font">Font</h3>
<p>We use the <a target="_blank" href="https://design.ubuntu.com/font">"Ubuntu Monospace"</a>-font for everything. If you want to work with our SVG-resources you have to install it on your system.</p>
<h3 id="music">Music</h3>
<p>There is <a target="_blank" href="https://cloud.hribhrib.at/index.php/s/Zoa2H3sHPsbYydm">music</a> to use all around onFOSS by hribhrib.</p>
2023-06-11 16:49:24 +02:00
<h2 id="history">History</h2>
2023-05-29 16:22:18 +02:00
2023-05-29 16:38:40 +02:00
You can just look into the posts for newer events, there is also an effort to accumulate every events <a href="/schedule.html">here</a>.
2023-05-29 16:22:18 +02:00
2023-06-11 16:49:24 +02:00
<h2 id="finances">Finances</h2>
You can find a list of running costs, outgoing and incoming donations <a href="/finances.html">here</a>.
2023-05-26 17:34:37 +02:00
2023-06-12 02:09:51 +02:00
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